Does bastion really need crit damage back?

I never said up his damage. Your mind just goes there. I play bastain as Recon Bastian a lot and his gun has some major kick.

I want him to have some utility in his Recon mode to balance out how situational his sentry mode is.

As it stands his huge hitbox makes recon hard to use, even with the self heal since you have to duck and cover. A little bit of utility would go a long way

I’m just going to leave this here:

Even old Bastion wasn’t as damaging as the Real Thing.

Also… Please tell me how walking in front of one of these, without defenses, should EVER Leave you alive?


I know, i was talking to other people xD

No one wants an absolutely effortless and skill-less hero being so infuriatingly annoying to take down and having so much damage. Solo Queue has low communicayion and synergy so Bastion is hated for a good reason. It’s the exact same issue with Brigitte, and she’s undergoing her third nerf, and her being viable makes her warp the meta and has a toxic winrate on ladder. He has good reason for being useless.

my bad, misunderstood



Aren’t you one of those Aim=Skill people?
Or does that go out the window when talking about Bastion?

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so… He’s useless and you want him to stay that way, because low elo can’t fight a good player playing him?!

That argument could be made against ANY Hero… And it’s not even a good argument either.

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Bastion requires no aim, really. He has a huge spread so there is no reason to be precise. Just aim in the direction of the enemy and adjust to movement of the enemy and if they are mid range or lower they will be melted.

He requires forgiving tracking, more comparable to Moira than to Tracer.

The problem is that there is no such thing as a good Bastion player in his barely viable options. Deleting people sitting on the payload being babied by Orisa and Mercy is not skillful, and anyone can do it.

Which is the EXACT REASON We Want lowered spread, and headshots.

can someone explain to this guy? Please?


Then i’ll be glad to see a video of you climbing to top500 with only Bastion soon.


Bastion is useless 95% of the time.


And there’s the point i’m trying to make.

We want him Not Useless.
And more independent.

I will no longer be responding to you after this.


But him being stronger would enable cheese comps even more. Is it difficult to realize this? No one wants to fight against Pirate Ship. He needs a different design.

Having less spread and headshots would make him RNG and remain useless. He was before when he had headshots.

The removal of Ironclad would specifically make that harder… And If the Bastion CAN Aim that well, the same thing could be achieved with a Widow on the payload.

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I’m still not convinced. Even with a revert he would remain useless due to root problems in his design.

So… One thing: It would make him the opposite of RNG.
That’s the point of it.

And second thing:
He was what now?
If you believe this, than understand… We want THAT BACK.

Ok. Finally. No more responding to uninformed replies.

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what ? let me laugh. hahahhahaha
wait ! let me laugh harder . HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA

do you realise what you just said ?
meaning i could kill you by AIMING a t the sky !?

omg , what are your delussion in this game ?


Increasing his damage won’t make him more independent. It will just further justify the need to pump resources in him so he can kill the enemy team before they kill him. A mechanic that incentivizes him to swap between Recon/Sentry more frequently is probably the direction Blizzard will want to go.

Moira requires super intensive aim such as Widowmaker, because i have to make sure my crosshair is near my target?

You are laughable.

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