Does bastion really need crit damage back?

Bastion has a very bad design. He needs a complete rework or will remain this cheesy worthless hero that is infuriating to play against and infuriating to have one on the team. In his current design it’s important for him to be borderline useless for the health of the game, he needs some serious overhaul. His stationary turret extreme DPS design simply doesn’t fit into the game.

What? Bastion does 375 DPS. Tracer does 213 DPS with perfect headshots AND has worse spread than bastion with half the effective falloff range. Those numbers aren’t even close.

The only character that has higher DPS than Bastion is Reaper, and he has six times the spread and worse falloff than both of them (because, you know, shotguns).


Did you play the original version?

Do you play Bastion?

Do you actually want the hero to be playable, or Just fun to shoot at, and play against.?


When he is so dependent that he can’t function without a specific team comp he is broken.

Few hero’s have it this bad and not even as specifically depended as Bastain is.

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Both Bastion and Reaper miss most of their shots at any real range…

Your point?
I still can’t find it.

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He’s only “stationary” because he has such low effective DPS in Sentry mode and he has Ironclad, which encourages the player to not swap to Recon. Old Bastion had to reposition much more often because staying in Sentry mode too long was a death sentence, and that’s how it should be.

On attack, he should go to Sentry, damage someone, probably get a kill, go back to Recon, and repeat.

On defense, he should primarily use Sentry, changing positions at least every team-fight, usually more often as well. It’s meant for area denial when defending.


And Hanzo with Storm Arrows.

Yes, i want Bastion to be playable and fun to play against. He is a hero, after all. Deserving of being balanced and viable.

But unfortunately his current design is a pocket dump for cheese compositions. I love the fact that he is completely useless as of now, because it means i have to deal with cheese less.

This isn’t untrue, but i’m arguing that increasing his damage output is not the way to fix him. Nobody wants to die faster to Bastion, that won’t help the game at all.

I’m going to buy a billboard… AND PAINT THIS ON IT.

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As does Tracer.

My point is that YOUR point that Bastion doesn’t have obscene damage is objectively wrong. He has more effective DPS than all but one character in OW and can project that DPS much further than any character that comes remotely close to even half his output.

This is his niche, and it’s why he will never be flexible. Yet still, even after two years, we’ve got people that desperately want bastion to be more generally useful but refuse to give this niche up.

“People might die to it, so… That would be unfun”

I dare you to think about this from the Bastion players perspective, not just the outside players, attempting to fight one head on.

I actually like pre-rework Bastion more, because pocketing and cheese is less viable. But he still had several problems in his design, having so much potential DPS and such a low skill floor is bound to force the character to become useless for game health.


great argument =/.

You want sentry buffed is that it? The design of an immobile high damage gattling gun is not sustainable in this game.

He will either get wrecked like Torb turret or wreck anyone who dares peek at him.

Right know Sentry is still a threat at close to mid-range distances. Recon can fill the gap with some freaken utility

I don’t even understand what you are saying anymore, because of how contradictory it is…

I do think of it from the position of Bastion. The times i play Bastion (or ask my team for a Bastion) are when he will be effective, and i do very well. There are other ways to buff heroes while negatively impacting the game as little as possible.

It Was And no one complained about it…

But hey, what do i know…

I only have over 100 hours on the hero, guess i just need to play more, is that it?

How’s about 600 hours? Do i need more time than that on this game before i know what i’m talking about?

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Tell that to blizzard.

yes, he needs crits back,

becaus with his current spread, the damage output he has is comlplelty nullified with the spread

imagine mcree’s gun shooting backwards, not usfull is it

They will never accept this… As they do not want a challenge to fight against, nor a hero that counters being out of position, and running through the backline.