Does bastion really need crit damage back?

cough cough

6 player focus on 1 imobile hero

cough cough

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But even very light spread would make headshotting mid-range really random.

I Never Said to increase his damage.
I would literally remove 100 ammo along with Anything done to Sentry.

Yea, just like with Widow.
I “Randomly” Aimed at the guys head… And “Randomly” Fired at him.


increasing his accuracy or giving him headshots would increase his damage output

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lol what? Widowmaker fires a laser beam hitscan with her rifle. She has no spread!
That’s why she can headshot consistently. If she had spread, bullets would fly off to her target’s neck or miss them. Headshots is RNG when RNG spread is involved.

He needs his cone of fire reduced to what it was before or close to it. Everyone likes to quote “dps” numbers but fail to acknowledge actual applied damage. At the moment, the cone of fire is so big that small-hitboxed characters take about half dps even when they’re point blank and standing still.

The other problems he has are largely team-based. As people keep repeating, yes he has to be protected. But that’s not the problem. The problem is usually that most teammates are happy to ignore him and let him die. A Bastion on your team means the rules of the game have changed. Bastion is ALWAYS going to be the primary target for the enemy. I don’t care if the mercy is standing still in front of the team they are still going to shoot at the Bastion. He will get solo-ulted again and again and chased around the map even if it means losing the point or losing the game. 100% every time.

In many ways that we have no way of measuring, Bastion becomes the main tank regardless of your team comp simply due to the guaranteed psychological effect he has on the enemy. So, with that knowledge in hand, your teammates need to adjust the way they play ever so slightly, especially from the healers. Healers need to be ON TOP of Bastion healing him as he is taking damage, not waiting till everyone else gets topped off, because if is Bastion is visible, he is going to get shot at. Not them.

The issue is his clip is 300 rounds in Sentry. That’s 300 chances to land a headshot on a weapon that is click and hold.

His weapon is a tracking one which is why crit is a bad idea. In this case Moira, Symm, Mei and Zarya should also do crit dmg right?

Even worse, with spread involved headshots aren’t skillful. Bullets would miss when the crosshair at the head most of the time. Headshots would occur randomly when firing at chest.

So anyone without pinpoint accuracy should have their headshots taken away?

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Those heroes are not comparable.

I Literally said i would rather he had a 200 (Or lower) Magazine.

My point was that Bastion having headshots wouldn’t make him more skillful at all.

Or maybe people could get over it and we need to stop freaking nerfing him? He’s bad, so buff him without nerfing him because that hasn’t worked so far.

Because they won’t listen to us. They are making no in between. We only wanted the recon and healing changes before (Bastion mains) and that would have made him perfect because he maintains his damage in sentry but still gets oneshot by stuff like pulse bomb and harder to pocket because it won’t be as efficient without ironclad.

I think we need to accept Blizzard screwed up with the sentry rework. Sentry was fine before. It was a meme at its worst but that was it. Once people had a brain and realized they could also not walk unprotected right into him it becomes harder to kill them as Bastion.

Guess what happens in short sightlines vs tanks? Rein charges you or Roadhog hooks you. Bam, tanks are countering him where you want him to counter them.

Except when people ask you to “adapt” off Bastion before the round starts or after your first death.

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That’s the issue, he has to have a barrier or you say it’s fine tanks are countering him.

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Imagine if it took an entire comp just to kill him solo, it’s the same situation. I could claim all I want “it’s a team game” and it’s the same argument.