Does bastion really need crit damage back?

He still does the highest DPS excluding ultimates in the game. Giving him crit shots back would just make bunker comp and pirate ship much worse for low ELO players.


He either needs crits, or more accuracy.


I’d argue that a small accuracy buff would be the way to go.

It’s agree with that.

Right now he has trouble hitting the broadside of a barn past 30m.

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Meh but maybe he’s just meant for more of a mid range hero, they’d probably have to tone down his DPS if they wanted to buff his accuracy.


Well he is one of the least played characters in the game.

So they could just buff him without a nerf.


Except they’re pretty much walking in eggshells with bastion, he’s either too strong or too weak there is no in between with him. It’s to the point where I believe that he needs a huge rework.


He’s never really been to string except for that one short term rework.

Her was just too strong for the lowest skilled players.

No He was OP with his “rework” for everyone, I feel like most Bastion mains need to except that he’s a niche hero and always will be.



Bast needs a rework IMO

I think all he needs is a way to escape savely when being focused.
My idea was to reduce his cast time, heal to full health during cast time and increase his passive to maybe 80% during the cast time.
This way he could always use his ult as an escape.
But I have not that many hours on him. Gotta play him more to get a better impression.

(Sighing intensifies.)

Bastion’s Main issues lie in the fact that Bastion needs protected…

Not because of his “Survivability” Or anything… but because he can’t properly defend himself, when alone.

I’m all for a near sentry revert.

Spread reduction, and headshots.
(And if we can remove Ironclad please? Thx)

The spread reduction + Headshots would in all reality, raise his skill floor and Skill ceiling at the same time…

Less Noob-stomper in low ranks, because he would become an aim intensive hero, And more Rewarding In higher ranks, and when played by higher skilled players.

The main thing is… As of current, someone like a Hanzo can corner peek a Bastion to death from literally 3 meters away, without dying…

The main “thing” about Bastion is supposed to be
“Get close while unprepared=die”

Not “Get close to better slaughter it”


I know you don’t have much time on him… But if you would like to hear my opinion as a Bastion main…

He doesn’t need any escape tools.
He’s supposed to be able to put out HUGE Amounts of damage, when in Direct LoS But, with his current lack of punishing damage when and where he needs it, People have learned to walk all over you.

He was originally meant as “area denial” But now, If you walk directly out in front of him, his aim doesn’t matter much, and he cannot headshot… Meaning that even a skilled player cannot defend themselves from a Direct attack.

That’s Bastion’s problem… Lacking the ability to “Out skill” And “Out play” His enemies.


Oh, and here’s the thing about Ironclad…

It only promotes pocketing.
The exact same effect could be (and was) achieved by adding literal Armor to his health. (Specifically and especially in Tank mode)

Most Bastion mains have concluded that we would love to see it go.

That, and his problem was never “Lack of protection” Which is why it still puzzles me that they added this passive…

It became lack of self defensive ability, after they reworked him…
He literally became More Dependent on his team, not less.
(as they claimed they intended.)

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Exactly. Bastion is a tank buster and excels in that role like none other. Not to mention that if you have even half-decent tracking capability, he can still shred squishies, even at a distance.

The problem is people want (and I can fully understand this) their hero to be playable in most team comps and situations, but that’s not how this game is meant to be played.

Bastion is supposed to be this niche, tank busting hero (as he is now), just like Mercy is supposed to be a consistent, mobile, single-target, team-dependent healer (which, due to Valkyrie, she isn’t, but that’s a different discussion)


Yes of course I always like to hear the ideas of the ones who main certain heroes. I know what you mean. I guess that’s true now that you mentioned I also notice it.

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No he doesn’t… Reaper and Hanzo have a higher DPS with 560.

Hanzo can get this with 4 headshots in storm arrows.
Reaper can get this with 2 headshots with his primary fire.

They haven’t tried an in-between… Before his rework, repair and Recon were weak, after his rework, Sentry was left weak… They’ve only tried balancing him once, it’s impossible to say if there’s a middle ground or not…

I’d be fine with that too if “small” was about 33 - 42% reduction… 33% puts him at 2°, which is what his maximum was before the rework. 45% puts him at about 1.75°, but since he no longer has bloom (meaning he doesn’t start off with a smaller accuracy), that should be fine…

Niche is fine, unplayable isn’t… His damage is far too inconsistent for his playstyle. That’s why the spread reduction is the most important thing.


Not really… He can break barriers pretty quick, but he sucks at taking down tanks and especially squishies…

Bastion's real damage output (kinda) Here’s a thread talking about his damage output… Since it was tested using a Training Bot, and they’re bigger than basically all squishies, and slightly smaller than most tanks, you can take it as a best case scenario vs squishy targets, and a “slightly less than average” case scenario for tanks…


I still firmly believe the only thing Bastion needs is faster transformation into and out of his tank form. 1.5 seconds is a long time to be vulnerable instead of pumping out the highest DPS in the game. It would also be nice if he could end his ultimate form by transforming into Sentry form if he chooses to, cutting out the extra time you have to spend in Recon mode.