Does anyone else think it's weird that Mercy's healing is low?

I gravitate towards WB, Hog, Orisa but it’s really map dependent. Plenty of Rein/Zarya maps where I almost always pick them and Monkey/D.Va maps of course.

Part of tanking also depends on my supports. I’m not going to try to brute force a choke with a Mercy but I will try to brute force a choke with Moria, Ana, Baptist.

I understand this but I don’t see how that can be changed without reworking her completely. Giving her more healing doesn’t really give her more control. It just gives her more healing power. When you play with a Mercy correctly you don’t need more healing power.

Like I said the only thing that would give her some more consistent value is maybe removing Rez with a cleanse ability. It would add some interesting counter play and power to Mercy’s kit in a meaningful way.

Mercy’s healing may feel weak because of that “Can’t heal stupid” scenario you mentioned earlier. But despite that being out of Mercy’s hands I don’t see how balancing around that is the answer.

Her damage boost used to be same, since you could boost shots right before they hit. But it was taken away.

Small list of things taken out of Mercy’s control:

  • rez: you could decide how many teammates you bring back, and where you will position yourself in variety of spots to reach them. Gone and replaced with being within 5 m in LoS from one teammate, basically right next to them.
  • damage boost: could boost shots as they are about to hit target, instead of boosting before firing, allowing not to boost shots, that are going to miss/not fired. Gone and replaced with having to boost all shots, hits and misses, those that will be fired and those that won’t, for damage boost to have an effect;

Basically, only choices you got to make is to use or not to use those abilities at all.


Have you looked at Invigorate?

Tbh, I’d be 100% ok with giving her a rework. Also… there are options. There’s always options. Like…

GA could have a 2 or 2.5s CD instead of 1.5s.
Regen could take 2 or 3 seconds to start up instead of 1.
Valkyrie could be 10 or 12 seconds long instead of 15.
Valkyrie could lose the infinite ammo.
Valkyrie could lose the beam range buff.

I mean… there’s also precedence for having high mobility heroes have less max health than most. I don’t think Mercy should be sent down to Tracer levels of max HP, but trying 175 max health for healing buffs could be interesting. Might suck but I’d at least like to see if it works.

When your healing power is nearly the hero’s only source of power she directly controls… yeah it does give her more control. Most other healers I’d 100% agree with you… but not for Mercy.

That’s exactly the problem. Sure you as the tank can play in a way where 50 HPs is enough. I as the Mercy can’t make you play that way or respond to you not playing that way in a productive manner.

However if I’m on Moira and I have a super charge happy Reinhardt… I can work around that by diving in after him with fade and stacking heal ball and heal spray on him. 155 HPs is a lot of “I can heal stupid thank you very much” for the enemy team to chew through. In fact, at one point that was working so well that me and a buddy decided to do that on purpose.

Well… it comes down to what Overwatch is. That being a video game that humans play to entertain themselves. Feeling helpless and how your choices don’t matter and rarely change the outcome of the game isn’t rarely entertaining. That’s a pretty common thing to have happen when playing as Mercy. If part of Overwatch is failing at the one thing its supposed to do… maybe that means it needs to get looked at regardless of how “balanced” it is.

Or, to put it simply, true power of support is revealed, when things don’t go as planned.

In perfect world teammates dodge all enemy shots and hit all their shots, but humans aren’t perfect, so it comes to you, as support, to make up for that. To restore health, that was lost, when evading all enemy shots didn’t work. To boost damage, so those shots, that didn’t hit target, won’t have negative impact on damage per second of your teammate.

As a tank I can safely say I have never been upset with Mercys healing. She is also the only support I can bet on actually healing me.

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Hmm looks extremely difficult to balance and almost seems to make her a bit to bloated.

It does too much basically. It would give Mercy to much in compared what other healers can do.

She can rez, provide cc/cleanse, burst healing (for six sec? jesus)

I mean I’m no support main but this kind of change would make her a must pick, Need burst healing? Mercy can do it while also retaining all her current benefits plus she can also rez still!

I can’t pretend to begin to know how I’d rework Mercy but I do know I love her the way she is now and she always feels like a good addition to my team. It seems so unnecessary.

I’ll just leave it at that. I like Mercy and she always feels reliable.

Also the only support I’ve been playing atm is Baptist and Mercy is hands down my favorite partner to heal with. The Immortal squad is a force to wrecken with. Between the Rez and IF and their complimentary healing it feels like our team is Immortal. Not to mention in cases where we lose our frontline a Mercy pocketing a Baptist is pretty efen scary and can last for longer then you’d think between Baptist mobility+GA

nah, Invigorate lets those that dont like rez (for whatever reason) do burst healign and cleanse instead

not in addition to…instead of.

One or the other, not both

and since its on the same cooldown as res is, its fairly limited already…and of course the numbers can be adjusted up or down as desired. 6 second cleanse too much? make it 5. or 4. The concept is more important, I think…the numbers are fluid

No I get that but it also means Mercy has the answer to multiple situations rather then a specialization.

I get that if she uses her burst/cleanse/amped beam she can’t rez but it’s basically giving her a massive buff of having the ability to react to things other heros specialize in. Like Moira or Ana.

It’s not the same I get that but still. Mercy has very well defined strengths. Allowing her to creep into other supports roles just seems like power creep to me.

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Can we discuss this on the Invigorate thread further? There are some points I’d like to make…

Thanks for the offer but I’ve grown a little weary of the topic and it’s difficult to discuss something from the perspective of a tank.

Kinda have to qualify everything I say with “I don’t play Mercy” and “As a tank”

Kinda run out of stuff to say lol. Specific details about possible changes would be lost on me I’m afraid.

fair enough, np…

Let’s not forget that most rezzable deaths also happen to be deaths that could easily have been prevented using burst heals. Mercy does not have burst heals. Ana, Baptise and Moira all have burst heals on cooldowns less than half of what rez has, and of course, keeping teammates alive to begin with has the advantage of not being down two players for any amount of time while Mercy tries to rez.


i know of no valid data to support the claim of a majority here

I can claim this is valid, easily, after playing 750+ hours of Rein, you have to be aware of your healers, especially when they try to run Mercy Zen into any other healing comp, you need to play much more disciplined than usual. Burst healing often saves tanks from death a LOT, but most of it is also the team’s fault for not helping to peel for the tank, or the tank’s out of position. I’d say half the Anas that nade their Rein to help keep him from dying still fail to keep him alive cause they either don’t use sleep or their team just bots out and leaves their Rein/Main Tank to get mauled.

So yes, a lot of deaths are preventable, or at least delayable (Apparently that’s not a word but F it) by burst healing.


I think this used to be ‘‘balanced out’’ with her ult. Sure she had no way of keeping people up against dumb stuff, and her healing was always kinda low overall (I mean in the sense of keeping people and especially tanks up while they are taking fire), but she had mass rez to compensate.
Im not saying bring back mass rez, Im just sayin its why her lack of an ‘‘oh no’’ healing burst/denial ability wasnt as felt before because her rez compensated for it.

One can indeed claim it…one can claim anything


my statement was in regard to valid data supporting the claim of a majority, which remains in question following the response quoted above

Which is why pros usually didn’t use her, as besides her ult, Mercy had nothing for that grey area between “healing should be enough” and “everything is going downhill, time to use ult”.


Given that rez can bring a 600 hp tank from 0 to 600 hp, i see rez as having the effect of a very large burst heal, even though the game doesnt classify it as such.

Notably, this is only usable on a dead target, but the effect remains similar in this respect regardless

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True af…