Does anyone else think it's weird that Mercy's healing is low?

Compared to Moira, Ana, and Baptiste, who all bring a lot more damage and utility to the table?


Moira has no utility.

Baptiste makes up for it with lucio/brigitte grade healing as a off healer.


Moira always (rightfully) outhealed Mercy, even when she had 60 hp/s


Not at all considering they dropped it from 60 to 50.

Its been low for a while


Mercy makes up for it with high mobility, never having to reload or recharge, unable to miss her heals, strong self healing, and one of the strongest E abilities in the game.


Mercy is also the only one who doesn’t have a resource, reload, and doesn’t have to do any sort of aiming, as well as being one of the very few healers who can heal through barriers with the highest survivability and mobility :man_shrugging:



I hate it and 60 --> 50 decrease made me not play her anymore.

But most people consider her balanced in her current state so I don’t know if there is sense to beach about it. :woman_shrugging:


I’d actually rather Moira, Ana, and Baptiste get a healing nerf tbh. There’s already a boatload of healing in the game, we don’t need to amp it up. Mercy’s healing is great. No resource meter, no reload…just steady, consistent heals.


This. Hated valkyrie, and hated the first 9 nerfs it caused, but could deal with it.

The healing one was crippling


Yes it’s too low imo, but not the biggest problem with her current kit


I actually liked valk. The first iteration of it was soo good. I think I’ve never had so much fun in my life in a game like I had with the first Valkyrie.

I beared every single nerf, but the healing decrease was my limit.
This ain’t it sis.

if u look at it like this, rez (ult ability) and power boost (ult ability) are normal abilities. i think u have to keep her healing kinda low.

lets not forget the super jump bug. i don’t mind her having it, just fix it. she literally becomes the faster person in overwatch (it seems) when she does it and she’s horizontal which is weird to look at, she should be vertical like how normal people jump.

It was easy to tell the nerfs were coming, though.

Ill admit, it was really more a matter of wounded pride at the time. A friend began taking her from me every game when the update went live, immediately and completely seriously declared himself better, and even began claiming I had been a hide and seek type of player.

Edit: And to be clear, I had, and he knew this, a playtime within the top percent of Mercies on overbuff at the time

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Literally bringing someone from the dead… Why does everyone forget this exists?


Mercy heals for less because she has some of the highest utility of all the healers plus the extreme safety of her mobility and self-sustain.


a few of the standard reasons:

  • It stops you from healing, possibly dooming someone else

  • It stops you from moving for the most part, possibly dooming yourself

  • If used in valkyrie, the other points are actually amplified rather than reduced, as youre wasting time from the ult, and valkyrie makes you a larger, now glowing target

  • It will be most often used on a dps, as a dead tank tends to be inaccessible, and there was usually (and now will always) only be one other support. This means that all the previous risks are for someone who will have a much higher chance of having no meaningful impact on the situation


No freaking way, lol. Baptiste heals way, way, way, more than Brigitte/Lucio. I’m not kidding, I out-heal some Moira’s when I play him because of the fact that he never runs out of heals in long-fights.


Moira has the best damage, Ana has two of the strongest utility abilities in the game, and Baptiste has okay-ish damage and one top-rate utility trick.

Mercy has damage boost and the extremely strong Revive, but she heals pretty slow out of combat for my tastes.

I get about 10k with lucio in the average competitive match, i assume baptiste is about the same give or take a couple hundred, anyone can out heal anyone but whether it’s consistent or not is another matter.

I average about 16-18K in a normal game with Baptiste.