Does anyone else think it's weird that Mercy's healing is low?

Mercy’s healing really isn’t terribly low.

It’s more a challenge of “how long can you stay alive as Mercy?”

I can personally confirm that I had a game recently where my healing was well above 10,000 just because I so rarely died.

Hey do me a favor I get youre a Megatroll, so pls remember my name and just ignore me and dont reply to me anymore.
Ive seen plenty of your hops and changing of stories to what ever fits your current argument and when ever I see you on any thread you seem to just be there to argue against everyone.
Idk what you get off it, but I wont be replying to you anymore, so pls dont even spam me.
If you wanna troll people put in at least the minimum effort of not contradicting yourself in 2 consecutive comments ok?
Thanks. Bye.


In my games it’s how long my teammates can stay alive with such low healing.

Funny thing is that being more resilient or faster is always useful. Even if teammates are clueless. Value of extra armor or extra speed increases with competent teammates, but it’s never 0.

However, rez is pointless, if teammate doesn’t make any difference, and damage boost is useless, if teammate misses their shots.

Right right, The Brig armor and Lucio speed boost bit. Ok, Brig providing armor against a team that has a lot of burst and cleave has minimal value.

She is amazing when your armoring against soldiers, Orisa, Hogs, pellet damage stuff but if your enemy is JR, Doomfist, Rein, Zarya, Moira, Zen or something like that that bonus armor doesn’t mean much. Not to mention Brawling becomes almost lethal.

Also say you got Lucio. Sure his speed boost is almost always great for tanks but not so much if your trying to speed up a WB/Orisa and some snipers. They don’t really need speed boost.

There is almost always some value in damage boosting a dps or at very least their ultimate. Everyone can benefit from more damage so it tends to be more useful in more situations.

Mercy boost is similar to Zen’s discord in that they are some of the most universal utilities in the game.

Rez is certainly very situational and risky but it has immense value only outdone by maybe Immortality field.

Plsu Mercy is the most mobile reliable healer. The only other healer who can even match that reliability is Zen.

Moira has a resource bar and very close range requirements, Ana/Baptist have ammo/aim, and Brig has to be brawling and only (currently) has one repair pack

Mercy is auto-lock beam that allows her to focus on other things while active.


1. I am not a troll, nor have I acted the part of one in this thread

2. Disagreement is not trolling

3. I do not change my "story" (to use the term you used). My point of view has remained unaltered for all of my time here on these forums

4. I have not contradicted myself, whether over consecutive or nonconsecutive posts

5. When one posts on a public forum like this one, one implicitly invites response from the public. ie, everyone with a forum account.


This statement implies by use of present tense that the person stating it is playing OW…is that the case at this time?

If all of this is pointless (and I am not saying it is) then wouldnt playing the game at all be pointless?

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Mercy’s Boost is actually not universal in the slightest.

Discord Orb is because he can use it himself and it isn’t the only thing Zenyatta is doing. So even if his teammates completely ignore the thing, it’s still useful.

Boost on the other hand… is 100% of Mercy’s output while it is active… and it is capped at 30% of what somebody else is already doing. There’s a massive deficit there. That deficit can only be made up through 1 of 3 things.

  1. Abusing breakpoints… which she can’t do for most of the cast. Ashe and Pharah are probably the best examples of this actually working, but like I said, most heroes don’t hit important breakpoints with +30% damage.
  2. Boosting a burst damage ability/combo. This got stupidly difficult for no reason when they changed her boost to boost things as they were fired instead of as they landed. So… good luck reading your teammate’s minds I guess.
  3. Piggy backing on something with insane DPS… which is pretty much Sentry Bastion, some ultimates, and maybe Reaper.

If Mercy can’t manage to abuse those 3 things to close the deficit of 100% of her output is 30% of someone else’s… then it’s pretty worthless. I would argue that Damage Boost is almost more situational than Resurrect. Your teammates are almost certainly going to die at some point… but you might go the whole game with zero teammates who love damage boost.

Mercy’s healing beam is reliable, yes. However what happens when Mercy’s healing beam isn’t enough to keep her teammates alive? How exactly is she supposed to overcome or work around that weakness?

As you so helpfully pointed out, most other healers have weaknesses that you can work around and at least partially overcome if you are good enough. “Low raw output” isn’t something you personally can work around. Your team can… but you can’t.

She can look at them… sure, but she is 100% devoid of the ability to multitask, so unless she can stop whatever she’s currently doing, that is not helpful.


Disagreement itself is not, however Ive seen enough of you on these forums to convince me of your disagreement for arguing sake, and that is trolling. Im not interested in it.

yes you did. :slight_smile:

Ok heres a clear and declarative instead of implicit:
I am politely uninviting you from responding to my posts. Thank you. And if you forget it, I assure you this is the last response youre getting from me that implies youre a reasonable human being.

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That’s a weakness everyone has, even Moria/Ana/Baptist and they need to blow every CD in their arsenal to keep that person breathing.

It’s a different design. If you want her to be a burst healer she will pretty much have to be remade into a new hero.

Mercy’s ability to jump from task to task from across the field while being hard to kill is what makes her amazing.

You want her to have the raw healing power of other supports but to do that she needs to have their weaknesses which means no mobility at the very least which really nerfs her ability to heal any teammate at any time. (withing limits of course)

Edit: Also her beam putting out too much healing hurts a ton of heros. If she could heal a huge amount on a no-miss reliable beam, her pocketing certain heros would be stupid broken.

Her design does not allow for burst healing.


I repeat: I am not a troll, nor have I acted the part of one on this thread. I have nothing further to add on this specific point at this time

I repeat: I have not changed by story, and I have not contradicted myself. I have nothing further to add on this point at this time.

Such a declaration does not change the rules of the forums

Nor does it change the rights of the individual forum member to reply to posts they wish to reply to


I think a burst could be worked in, actually…for example, in the manner suggested in Invigorate

If you play her well (with a partnered support) she doesn’t often need burst healing.

I’d hate to give up any of her current utility for something that plenty of other hero’s already offer.

The one thing I could say is due to Rez’s hit or miss impact I could see if being replaced with a cleanse ability. Maybe a couple of charges that would allow her to cure debuffs.

Maybe even dispel buffs on the enemy (but that might be a little OP)

Her mobility, healing, and even Ultimate seem more then fine to me. As a tank player I massively enjoy having a Mercy heal my team.

Ok… while it is true that every healer has a threshold for “I can’t heal stupid”… Ana, Moira, and Baptiste hit that level at literally over double where Mercy does. Literally all 3 of them are capable of reaching 100+ HPs and 2 of them can go on to blow past 150+ effective HPs. The one that can’t can straight up keep someone from dying, Period.

Mercy DOES NOT have a reliable way to temporarily increase her “I can’t heal stupid” level. Every other healer does. Why not? Honestly, this has literally been Mercy’s problem forever.

Passable. It makes her passable.

That’s not what I said ever.

You want to know what the main thing I’ve been asking for Mercy to get is? A 15-25 HP heal that gets applied to her GA target. That’s an effective HPS buff of a whopping 10-16.67 assuming she uses GA on cool down… and lets face it… she doesn’t do that like… ever. That combined with her 50 HPS beam is STILL a lower healing rate than any other main healer’s primary fire. Actually with the 25, she edges out Baptiste’s primary fire by 1.67 HPs… but still… JUST his primary fire and ignoring his AoE potential.

Edit: I… apparently can’t math right now. 50 + 16.67 = 66.67… Baptiste heals for 75 HPs.


Ya being able to res and cancel out a death is really underpowered and she needs like 80 dps a second to make her kit viable /s

I don’t know man. At that point why even bother? Maybe this is me as a tank speaking but I think people really undersell her mobility. I use every tank in the game and Mercy’s mobility is invaluable to me.

Her ability to be fluid allows me as a tank a ton of flexibility that I wouldn’t otherwise have with healers that have positioning requirements like ……all of them. Plus I can reliably push past shields, something I absolutely cannot do without heavy risk with other healers (not Zen but his orb is much weaker lol)

Mercy allows me to play far more aggressive and hit angles and take high ground on a whim in ways that I cant with other supports. If I cant convince you of that then I don’t know what more I can say man.

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Oh, I dont think she needs it, just saying it could be incorporated, since it was said earlier that her design doesnt allow for it

What’s weird is that despite her healing being “low” I still manage to keep my team alive and get gold healing almost every game I play as her.


hey no fair, thats what I said! :slight_smile:


I replied first without reading anything :open_mouth: But I’m not surprised!

Can’t help but speak my truth!


Oh her mobility is fantastic. Arguably the best in the game. No argument there.

The thing is that Mobility is a power multiplier. It is absolutely fantastic for making whatever else the hero can do a TON more effective. However if that “whatever else” isn’t enough, no amount of mobility is going to help.

May I ask which tanks you usually play? I’m asking because there are several tanks that can struggle quite a bit if they don’t have a Mercy because their play style makes them difficult to hit and Mercy can’t miss.

Unrelated note: this entire conversation so far has completely ignored that way too much of Mercy’s power is located in things that aren’t under her direct control. That’s why you see so many people asking for healing buffs. Her heal beam is the one thing she does have complete control over.