Does anyone else think it's weird that Mercy's healing is low?

Sure, and fire is similar in effect to the sun.
More pointless spam.


I’ve been seeing many different forms of this argument. In my opinion it doesn’t hold water for two reasons.

  1. You can make arguments of this sort for any healer, eg: If you want Ana to have the total healing power of other healers then she shouldn’t have infinite range, several types of burst heals, enable burst damage, have anti heals, and CC.

  2. Even if you buy the argument, it doesn’t address the question at hand - what number should Mercy’s hps be set to? If you think she needs to pay a tax for mobility/consistency then does that mean she should have 50 hps? 55? What about 45? Or 40? I don’t see how to go from a qualitative argument of this form to a numerical value.

As I see it, there is one arbiter of where Mercy’s hps should be and that’s how things play out in the game. Theoretical arguments don’t really matter at all here in my opinion, it’s all a matter of numbers.

The support class is balanced when high level play sees multiple similarly viable support pairings, preferably of the main healer/off healer variety.

That’s not what we’re seeing now. First and foremost, Ana’s pick rates on the ladder are way too high, and have been for way too long. She’s dominating the ladder and overshadowing all the other supports. Ana probably needs some kind of nerf.

Second, we’re seeing Mercy mostly being run alongside a second main healer. The viable comps that she appears in mostly include Ana or Baptiste (whereas both Ana and Baptiste are often run alongside off healers, as is Moira). This is a clear indication that her healing is low for a main healer. The problem will only get worse with the global ult nerf, as it affects her healing much more than it does Ana or Baptiste.

Mercy is designed to be a main healer. The devs have stated that this is their intent for her numerous times. She’s functioned as a main healer during multiple periods in the game’s history. There’s no reason why she shouldn’t continue to reliably fulfill her intended role.

She’s really not that far from it now. She doesn’t need Moira level healing, or Ana level burst. She doesn’t need a new ability, or the return of an old ability, or a rework of any sort. She has her own identity, her own strengths, and her own weaknesses, which is fine. All she needs is a numerical adjustment so that the comps that play out in the game reflect her intended role.

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Both of them have a less reliable way of healing. Moira Ana and Bap can miss as well as Bap has an incredibly difficult time healing flying targets. Mercy just kinda holds LMB and it happens. high healing and the most reliable heal would kinda be broke. IDK what kind of higher healing you might be talking about though.

It’s not truly her output that is the issue, but that she has no real option to burst heal besides her ult that makes her weak vs each other main healer, besides maybe Baptiste, technically, but he has his magical field of no-die, so, i guess that counts?



Please let’s not give her burst heal. That will only make snipers stronger and every other dps irrelevant. You can’t burst heal dead, but you can burst heal everything else. Y’know what, she already kinda does burst heal dead lol.

Then this entire discussion is pointless cause that’s the whole point of it, Mercy’s healing sucks, compared to every other main support, if people want that to change she either needs a much more useful utility or a healing output increase/burst healing ability or trigger, like a passive. Otherwise, she’ll just remain that niche sniper pocket and occasional dive healer, and the partner in crime to the healing duo of bunker’s greatest enabling evil, Baptiste.


I feel like Mercy’s healing only “sucks” when her teammates are feeding and not playing well. But I also feel like that applies to almost all healers.


She’s preferred pick for pocketing, go look at a stats website and you’ll find out Ana is picked by leaps and bounds more.


Ana overperforming = Mercy is bad.

A hero is bad compared to their contemporaries.

Well on ladder the standard comp was 2-2-2 even before role lock and Ana was still the most picked healer. Moira will fall off because this hurts her more, Ana has much more useability than Moira does in 2-2-2-.

Mercy will see a decline because her base kit will still be weaker than Ana, not to mention in masters+ where I play the only situation where you want a Mercy is when you have 3 DPS, which is no longer possible.

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She had useful mid-fight utility, but it was nerfed to the point, when it’s generally bad idea to use one mid-fight.

i dunno why u mercy mains complain about your hero when she good

i prefer mercy as my main healer on my team except when im genji then i prefer ana for nano

for everything else i prefer mercy in my team

big heals are not that good if u can miss it (ana) or u forgot to use it while trying dpsing enemies (moira)

Just because ana is overperforming that doesn’t mean mercy is bad.

Also I am calling it now: mercy will need a nerf sometime soon. With the 222 ana will be less of an use if there are no 3 tanks to heal.

Except those can be fixed by players. Low healing output stays low, regardless from player using it.

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i dunno from my experience i feel safer if i had mercy main healer and less death compared to ana / moira or any other healer

also most mercy player response time are quicker from other healer

it takes 1-2 sec at most before mercy comes and heals me when im half health while it takes longer like 2-5 sec before any other healer trying to heal me

or maybe its just because mercy can heal in a place where no other healer can reach

or maybe because mercy player usually a player that really like to support her team very much, compared to other healer that only picked because they want to also try to dps / kill enemies

but then again i gladly take any mercy buff if there any, i want mercy to be meta again, she is kinda great to have as team, and great to play against

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Mercy is encouraged to constantly look around at the whole battle field. She’s designed to appeal to healer focused players, and they’re used to doing this. Ana is designed to zoom in on a particular part of the battlefield, which is something dps players are used to.

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All healing and no utility

Has to aim (yes it is easy but not as easy as attaching a beam and looking away), ammo management, amazing utility that can be hard to hit.

Long cooldowns, healing is much harder, ammo management. Good utility but can be misplaced/ baited.

And now Mercy

Weak yet consistent and easy heals, 30% damage boost, Rez (one if the best if not the best standard ability in the game) and great mobility.

No seams pretty balanced to me.

I dont see anything about my statement as pointless

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Was once one of the best abilities. Now with its long cast time and subsequent high risk I wouldn’t call it best. It won’t save anyone’s day.

If you control the ground where your team mate died then it’s good. If you don’t then you better leave him there and have him walk back. Anything in between you better be as wary as a rabbit with foxes around when you cast it.

It’s an over hyped ability now — mainly from players who simply object it solely on principle.


By nature, it’s ability, that should be usable in dire situation, when team is already in 5v6. But it’s limitations don’t really fit such situation.