Did they just make moira...easier?

insert jaw drop meme here…


Can now be activated during Coalescence

that better mean she can cancel out of ult and not that the beam you just avoided/hid from (because its the only thing you do against it) is now over there instead…

plus the lingering heal lasts longer…

just dumbfounded at this point…


So you are complaining that they are buffing (with compensation nerf too) the worst Support in the game?? Especially now after Brigs rework!? Be serious please. Her lingering healing was nerfed years ago for no absolute reason.


Are patch notes out or is this just gleaned from watching the streamers on the new patch?

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no im complaining that they keep lowering the skill requirement on the hero that already has the lowest floor and ceiling in the game…

by all means BUFF the hero…but can we do it in a way that actually makes you work for it?

theres patch notes up


While still absolutely UNDERPERFORMING. You forgot that part too.


Thing is,Moira won’t be a good support in high ranks until she has utility,I feel like buffing her like this only makes her more frustrating for low rank players while not doing much in high rank.


Nah, this barely changes anything about her, no matter the rank. If you use Fade during Ult you lose the heal/damage and put Fade on cooldown. Making yourself easier to kill after Ult. Lingering healing revert is amazing and what she NEEDED.


yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss queeeeeeen

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actual clown patch notes


i just said im fine with them buffing her…its the matter in which they do so that bothers me


well heh thats cool since i play moira. now i can fade out of coal when im in a sticky situation… before it was like oh crap im dead

still as moira the thing that kills me most in coal is rein shatter. i swear that dude always saves that for me when im moira :wink:


They’re not out out yet, but they did put them up on the announcements page as a preview:


Eh, I believe she is the worst, but this buff in particular seems pretty lame. Especially after the red light, green light orb control.


I know I’m a biased Tracer main, but the first thing I thought of when reading this was: “Lol Great, another Pulse Bomb escape card.”

That was the best time to PB a Moira, and now… ;_;


She’s going from 50% to 40% movement speed buff during coal though

Lingering heal was increased though from 2 - 3 seconds

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what dam well i guess there has to be a trade-off

Its not that they are buffing her, its the way they are doing it

Moira is already easy and shallow enough


It was a balanced trade though. While coaling she’ll be easier to shoot. Plus, you’ll be able to threaten her out of her ult… which is… not as good as killing her but yknow can still stop coal

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meh…itll be up again by the time coal finishes…

meh…youll cover more ground than you ever did now with the fade

anyway…just to be clear…i dont care if they buff her…its just how they do it…theres a bajillion other ways they could buff her…how they approach that hero has always bothered me…


Yes, yes they did. smh she honestly needs to be removed until she gets reworked