Did they just make moira...easier?

She’s literally slower during coal now though too by 10% so :man_shrugging:

This is literally not the worst in the world.

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Good, Moira was considered the worst support


Moira suffers because she has no utility, period. Her heals, damage, and survivability are already good and already easy to pick up. Improving that will do absolutely nothing to actually help her until she hits a breaking point of being considered OP, and then they consequently nerf her into the ground and she’s still bad. This is not a win for Moira mains who want to see her jump up in use at higher ranks.


it wasnt because shes too hard to play…hell thats a big part of why shes weak…they keep her numbers low because of how easy it is to actually obtain them relative to everyone else…

instead of changing that dynamic they just keep going deeper in that direction…(moira community being adverse to actual change doesnt help either)

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Who cares if there are easy heroes? you aren’t a pro player and never will be. It’s just a game.


They nerfed her mobility so they sort of made it easier for you to hit her during her ultimate. But at least now she can self cleanse and reposition to better places.

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Oh well, making her a little better is fine with me.

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Is the speed reduction only during coal or generally for all fades? I had thought it was a general change, but would be happy to be wrong.

Edit: Derp. Never mind. I see that the speed buff for Coal is what is reduced. I thought it was the speed buff you get in Fade generally that was being reduced.

The made it slower. But I wonder if it stacks with fade. Maybe she can jump further with the 40% movement speed boost in fade for more jump techs? (At the cost of losing ticks of healing/damage).

Good question. That would be kinda cool. Their mention was this gives Moira “play making” capabilities, but unless this is the case I’m not entirely sure how.

They can’t touch Moira anymore. Remember in the second beta? Devs gave her a utility. People hated that… Although that 75% damage reduction was a nice one.

Pretty much that ability is coming to the next support. And Moira will continue to be boring because this community doesn’t want changes.


I am a Moira main and I can see that they buffed her, lowering her skill floor.

To be honest, I do not know how to buff her without making her easier to play.


The ult isn’t canceled. It’s paused. Moira ults, fades, and when she re-appears the ult is still going like Hogs ult when you sleep him. KarQ has a new video up on you-tube showing every hero change for S4. The only nerf is she is slower in Coal going from 50% to 40% speed boost.

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Pay to win confirmed


I don’t get these changes.

How is that going to fix dps moiras if all you do is giving her buffs?

not to mention her ult was already annoying to deal with as it is.


Opps. Fixed. 20 chars

Moira is one of my mains and i think the healing buff is unnecesary

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Good changes, people complaining are telling on themselves


She wasn’t doing well in unmirrored win rates.

That is basically the beginning and end of it.