As the title says, what do you think is going to be talked about or revealed for the next Dev update?
- What do you think this new system will be?
- Do you think they’ll reveal a new hero?
- Announce an OW2 beta?
What are your thoughts?
As the title says, what do you think is going to be talked about or revealed for the next Dev update?
What are your thoughts?
New system will be something that changes gameplay aspect for overwatch
80% sure of that
new hero
Ehh idk seems kinda off but could be possible
OW2 beta
Maybe who knows
I feel like that would be early doe
My thoughts
a new system
a new community guideline sort of thing
and maybe jusy maybe a new hero sure there wont be one doe?
an update for the game.
Sorry. Someone had to say it.
I mean thats what they are basically XDDD
Can’t argue with that logic.
I think he gona say how they are excited for the game, how good it is they made last changes to shake meta, then say something about OWL, and say that they have one secret thing to do later.
They’re doing another ARG for a new character.
Jeff will talk about faster patching and acknowledge powercreep. That’s it.
All they said is that the dev update is going to be about something that addresses the issue of stale metas. So it’s going to be something about faster balancing maybe?
But apparently some streamers have been told about it and seem pretty hype about it. xQc was made to sign an NDA, and he seemed very excited about it, and he’s somewhat disillusioned with the game atm, so it would have to be very good to get him this excited.
Mate you’re hillarious. They already said on the forums they are convinced the game doesn’t have powercreep.
I don’t think they will reveal a new hero as there really hasn’t been any hints or hype about a new hero. And it’s only the start of the year. We have like a whole year to wait for at least a couple more heroes. So maybe mid-year I assume we get a new hero. I would like to be wrong though.
The new system? Beats me I wouldn’t have a clue to be honest.
And they got appropriately ridiculed by the community for it. And a couple of days later is when the Developer Update was recorded.
The timing makes sense.
acknowledge powercreep
Just to add what I said before
I think in general being wary of extreme “power creep” is a valid and healthy concern if it’s causing gameplay to become too wildly distorted from the core experience. I don’t feel that we’re currently anywhere close to that with the live game.
They already said on the forums they are convinced the game doesn’t have powercreep.
Actually they didn’t. They said the opposite.
read what I just posted. They didn’t say the opposite at all.
read what I just posted.
What you posted does not confirm your original statement.
They didn’t say the opposite at all.
They did.
I’m aware there are distinct increases in power across several aspects of the game such as raw healing output, the introduction of new heroes and mechanics, or things like Wrecking Ball’s extreme mobility.
I think it might be something to do building off of the grouping up feature tbh. This might be their run meaning they’re going all out with this. Which is why emongg winks
I think people are letting themselves get overly hyped by youtubers. This will be about game balance and that’s about it - Jeff was pretty clear in his post that this was balance-related (but not hero bans).
Keep your expectations low and you won’t be disappointed.
What are your thoughts?
My wish list for immediate fixes (PS4).
I really, really hope they address the sound issues, FFA is unplayable because of all the missing footsteps.
An option to mute all but critical voice lines from specific players as a way to combat non stop voice line spam.
Decreased menu sensitivity / increased dead zones, dead zone adjustment slider and general improvements to menu performance. At the moment the menus are horrible.
A fix to the missing avoided players list bug
Usable Replay UI
Shorter PTR times and faster balancing.
That’s probably it.
O, maybe even the new gamemode that was shown during Blizzcon.