Dear DPS mains, give me your best shot

Which is especially ironic for me…

🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

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I think brig getting some range and speed, mercy getitng a way to multiheal normally, zen getitng some survivability are on the right track. Moira getting, idk, a button saying she isnt a dps, maybe have her orb do both so ppl dont need to choose between them

From what i have seen now, lucio kiriko and ana are up up up atm

The devs can easily afford to have every single player quit who doesn’t want them to take the steps needed to fix Matchmaker issues.

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It’s not just about a single player quitting though.

Buffing Support would absolutely decimate the balance of the game at high ranks where Support is already a strong enough role.

Again, prior to Kiriko’s release, Support was a more diverse role than even tank, with less heroes available. That says alot about the strength of the heroes in said role.

Zenyatta, Baptiste, Ana, Lucio and Brigitte were all viable picks. It’s crazy to me that Support players defend Kiriko so vehemently when she’s so centralizing that you cannot justify picking any other Support over her in 90% of situations.

Well regardless, i don’t have much hope for changes in the right direction. I hope the pve comes soon becuase then we can all have fun since the ai can’t make forum posts asking for nerfs.

I wish you supports the best, imma go back to petting my cat and playing dmc5

Right, I’m saying they could easily have 2-5% of the playerbase quit forever, if that’s what it takes to fix Matchmaker issues.

Which is at least a few hundred thousand players.

Would barely matter at all compared to not fixing Matchmaker issues.

How are you gonna ask for people’s opinions and then have an attitude with everyone and disagree outright?

You can’t though.

A game being bad for the top 1% is more problematic than the game being bad for the most populated 45-55%

Good competitive games are balanced from the top down, you shouldn’t look to solve Support being unpopular by making it the strongest role in the game.

You perceiving Support to be a weak role is because of your own lack of skill.

Like you said yourself, either adapt or quit.

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He has been doing this the whole time bro, best to leave it be. Im somewhat conviced the OP is a troll tbh

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buff utility and damage, less heals for all supps. makes them hold their own

Except the game right now even for the top 500 themselves are arguably struggling to stick around or playing to survive more than other roles just in order to stay at rank. Atleast the support mains in the competitive scene who are still around.
Their numbers are also shrinking.

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Yes, but that’s because the game as a whole is in a bad place.

Nothing to do with how strong Support as a role is.

Confusing. So are supports strong or is the game as a whole being in a bad place making them weak (Not the desired role wanting to be played) ?
What does that even mean?

Isn’t everyone leaving? I used to play this game for hours most days, i often skip it for several days now becuase other stuff exists with more love in it.

I also dropped comp becuase i can’t handle that much sodium anymore.

Everyone is in a bad place becuase of the identity crisis its in. Some dps are too strong. Some too weak, supports feel unloved and tanks are too strong but are now fighting way harder for the 1 spot they get on each team.
Supports are in a bad place but that’s a lot because they are hounded on by their team and hunted by the enemy. Some of them are fun, i think

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All 3 roles are in a relatively healthy spot. Support isn’t a major outlier with far less impact than the other 2 roles like the forums would have you believe.

The entire game is suffering because the last few patches have been some of the worst in OW’s history, which is funny because they’re the first OW2 patches that Blizzard has targeted at low ranks/casuals.


I’d have to sit on that thought for a minute because I wasn’t entirely sure, but I was sitting on this for the last couple of days. I wish I could share it but looking at monthly/daily players shows a slow decrease in general.

If the numbers are true it only looks like the total playerbase has decreased as OW 2 launched. Mainly in both monthly and daily average player count. I wish I had more reliable stats but these seems pretty accurate where the player numbers drop in all categories by month.

Tbf its never going to be as big as ow1 launch. All games lose players. Blizzards current reputation doesn’t help.
I remember hearing that certain…artwork was keeping of the game relevant around 2020ish.

New Support Passive: Base movement speed increased by 15%.


Slept targets receive 25% more damage from Ana

This should allow her to solo kill anyone she sleeps


New Passive: Hover boots. Holding jump in the air allows small vertical movement for 2 seconds.

Biotic Launcher rate of fire increased by 15%.

This increased his dps from 127 to 150.


Caduceus Staff now has lingering heal of 15hps for 2 seconds after beam detaches.

Considering how often Mercy switches beam targets this should boost her heals/game by quite a bit. Also encourage a more mobile playstyle.


Primary fire damage increased from 48 to 50.

Zen is mostly balanced as a glass cannon. Maybe it’s best to give him more cannon instead of less glass

Snap Kick: Damage increased from 45 to 50

Intended for more burst dmg in close range. For example headshot + kick will one shot a Tracer

Yeah but if statistics are correct, Overwatch 1 in the last month had more monthly/daily players than Overwatch 2’s launch month which doesn’t make sense for a F2P at launch of similar title.