Dear DPS mains, give me your best shot

how would you balance supports?..

so that 99% of supports on forum didn’t go:

“oh yeah I’m trying to enjoy playing this videogame and then a DPS character teleports behind me and I turn to dust”

  1. Give Supports +18% increased base movement speed. 6.5m/s, up from 5.5m/s.
  2. Give everybody an out-of-combat regen passive, but Tanks/DPS also need to be near a Support for it to work. This frees up Supports to do more shooting, without slacking on the heals.
  3. Give every Support some sort of “skill shot mechanic”, like Kiriko’s Kunai.

“every game feels like dodgeball”

already have it

how does it free supports to do damage if the tank is bleeding on low hp?

you mean the Ana sleep that gets thrown into the arguments?

have you tried landing it effectively on a thin character?

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This is the same dude that insisted they just get more damage. As you can see he is already hating on the changes people are offering. I wouldn’t waste time giving advice.

oh no, this is the chance for YOU to give advice


Make them all moira :smirk:


More of a flex than a DPS main, but…

Lower healing. Across the board. Highest healing anyone should be able to do (i.e. Ana) should be like 50 HPS.

Then buff utility cooldowns. We’re talking 10s sleep dart, 18s immortality field, etc. 33% reduced cooldown is a good baseline, though obviously they should be adjusted on a case by case basis.

The idea here is that with more utility they’ll have more agency and playmaking potential (something that nearly every support player is desperately asking for) but with their drastically lower healing they won’t be the “kill the healer first and you win” win condition they currently are and have been for ages.

I know supports like being able to heal, but high healing is why you’re a DPS magnet and you’re never going to enjoy life with that kick-me-sign on your back.


Yup, tbh from my perspective, I see it as entirely ignorant that people are freaked out about losing some players over not adhering to an MMORPG ideal of Role design in a Class Based Shooter.

But those same people act like Matchmaker quality/speed issues lose zero players.

Like you’d legitimately prefer losing 20-50% of the playerbase over an aesthetics issue.

Rather than lose 2-5% of the playerbase over solving a core gameplay problem.

Moira = fun :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

wow, already removing their only usefulness, let’s see the rest

heck I heal less, but got damn does it feel funny when the enemy tank goes to sleep for 0,1seconds

“I slept the target” - Ana watching already woken up DPS

now, instead, they will just kill your team without you doing shiz

exactly, so your suggestion is to throw support in the garbage,

can’t heal, can’t do damage, but hey “I slept the target” oh they’re already awake again…

would you complain about long time matchmaking if the games were balanced, enjoyable, not onesided, etc.?

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Dude, do you agree with anything? What do you even want? Supports aren’t going to 1v1 dps, just like a dps shouldn’t be 1v1kng a tank. I don’t agree with the dps crying about that either.

Support need more support availability. Ana and kiriko are meta rn and good,its becuase of their utility and not their burst damage (in ana the case is for her team) give the other supports better cooldowns, more range for support abilites, more healing help.

Impossible task. They want unrealistic buffs for already very impactful role.


Possible options:

  1. Bring back 6v6 and revert the balancing it took to make the game possible for 5v5. (Unlikely)
  2. Rework the support heroes to have mobility/utility in their kits that offers both benefits to their teams and themselves to live. You keep their DPS low while their abilities are useful to themselves and others still which doesn’t kill their healing downtime.
  3. Increase their passive mobility for each individual to keep them balanced.
  4. Bring back CC.

Any of the options above could potentially solve the issues but possibly bring some other problems to the table. Luckily, the said problems wont be as bad as what we are dealing with now which is a lack of support players.

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I’m a ex support DPS main moved to DPS.

I’d reduce both damage and healing overall in the game. Raise the TTK, and give supports time to play.

I’d also rework Sombra, so she got more of her value from the supporting side of her kit.

Find a way so flanking isn’t always the right answer for the rest of the heroes. Currently circling around and attacking the supports is the most high value low risk thing you can do in the game.


If Matchmaker Quality and Matchmaker Speed were really good. Then no.

But we’re less than 12 hours away from Comp Matchmaker Quality going from “Abysmal” to “Catastrophic”.

Nerf Anti-Nade, Nerf Suzu, buff zen / brig, then healers are fine.

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have fun playing with trash supports and 30 minute queue then…

big shiny % of playrate, people still hate playing support bro…

lovely, healbots roll out

such “impactful role” when reaper says Hi and their “impact” gets removed as they wait 10 minutes for respawn

let’s give everyone immortality field, that will help…

so instead of 2 headshots you need 3/4, on everyone, honestly not a bad concept at least…

what are they changing?

yes, remove meta supports, so people realise faster how awful it is to play support,

good idea.

High TTK metas are always unpopular. Examples: Ana Triple Tank, GOATS, Double Shield.

They’re the lowest quality Overwatch experiences for most players.

This just isn’t true. Very rarely does flanking have enough of a payoff to justify the downtime to set it up and the risk that comes along with going on a flank.

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Ok dude, you’re tiring people out, you won’t agree on anything and this is. Like the 3rd thread on this. What do YOU want for changes?

Tell me right now. Give me the ana, the brig, the moira change you want. Since you hate everyone elses

Role distributions go from roughly a 3x gap between the ideal amount of Tank players, vs the ideal amount of Support players.

To about a 5x gap between the ideal amount of Tank players, vs the ideal amount of Support players.

With Ramattra getting added to Comp.

Yes, the option isn’t perfect. Whatever it’d be, they would probably cause the TTK to raise (A good thing) and change the methods of killing a team in a teamfight. (Also a good thing.)
But I didn’t say give everyone immortality field. Tons of DPS and Tanks have a lot of disengage and engage, why not give more support characters or MAKE support characters with some more disengage? We already have some.