Dear DPS mains, give me your best shot

No, expecting an entire role to be buffed to make it more enticing to players when the role is already strong enough is wrong.

People not wanting to play Support isn’t because the role is too weak, if it was made any stronger then it’d break the game.

On the oppossite, high ranked teams just rammed dive double barrier and was gg, people overstimate double barrier in ow1.

That’s kinda the point with Dive Tanks, and just Dive heroes in general.

Jumping into the enemy backline shouldn’t be a free kill on Supports if their team doesn’t peel for them.

And DiveTank mobility cooldowns are very low. That’s lower than the vast majority of the Support survival cooldowns.

But I could see increasing the movement speed on Rein when his barrier isn’t up.

I would still love to hear the original posters recommendation for buffs to literally any healer. As all the replies from him are just negtive feedback to other comments without a single idea of what he would change.

I’d probably go with something like this.

Support Passive:
I’d make it 18%, so it goes from 5.5m/s to 6.5m/s.

I’d rather they just increase the base damage on her Rifle. Possibly by giving it a poison status effect so it doesn’t affect her barrier damage. Could also just allow her to Headshot.

Rather they just give him more base damage on his rifle, the recoil is already pretty rough.
Although if you need something fancy. Make it so that landing all 3 shots on the same enemy hero does additional damage. Or more headshot damage. Oh and for survival stuff, they could just make it so exoboot jumps have more horizontal movement speed.

His issue isn’t really damage. It’s that he has very little way to run away from Dive Tanks.
If anything just do that Support passive. And then maybe cut his Ult charge cost by 10%.

Landing all 3 shots on an enemy target does additional damage. Or more headshot damage. Also make his punch damage stronger during amped speedboost.

Guardian Runes

  • The more GA Meter you gain, it would give a proportional little burst heal when you arrive at the GA’d player.
  • The catch is that this is a ground based heal. That shows a magic circle below the healed teammate. (i.e. Can’t be used on flying teammates)
  • The burst heal ranges from 5-40hp instant heals, depending on range.

Primary Fire

  • Indirect damage does 20dps
  • Direct damage does 60dps
  • Headshot damage does 80dps


  • Nothing for now. Figure out what that 18% extra move speed does.

I thought about that but I honestly can’t remember the last time I have got Zen kicked.

Honestly, how often do supports actually melee you? I think Lucio is the only one that does it somewhat frequently. Most heroes can also can kill supports from a distance, never need to get that close.

I am a sniper main. I would hate my own suggestion. However, I do take the health of the game as a higher priority over my own personal enjoyment. Most people hate snipers anyway. Also opens a bit of design space if snipers weren’t so polarising in their balance.

Support balanace in contrast to other non-support heroes is incredibly hard to quantify. Statistically they are always going to look balanced because games must have 2 supports and one side is always going to win, while the other loses.

So yes I think supports would be “OP” but in context, the game would go on regardless.

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You know he is going to respond with a “this is bad” counter to this right, somehow.

Well, cheers everyone. Hopefully January is bountiful for supports and not another disappointment.


ahaha, you are funny.

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I mean, the way I see it, if people can’t be specific about their complaint beyond “This design is bad, because it’s bad design”.

It’s…kinda sad.

And swapping out whatever synonym they want for “bad design” doesn’t improve their argument.

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Quick question but how bad do you think the support role is missing players at the moment?

Badly, but i also chalk a good 30 percent of that up to the fact that people want to murder, not heal, in game a lot

Well, ideally you’d have 40% Support players, and I think it’s in the range of 10-20% Support players.

So…a lot.

Granted you don’t need to get all the way to that 40% ideal, to be “good enough”.

But that’s a lot.

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It is more sad that the devs will never except feedback like this and will continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Will the support category as a whole ever receive sweeping changes like this to make them more enjoyable? I would bet money, no.

Most you can hope for is some reworks for the supports that are least viable and some buffs in other area.

Fundamental game design problems in Overwatch. Never. Get. Addressed.

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You forgot the “moth Mercy” triumph card and

“You must be low rank”

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I don’t entirely think that’s the reason. In old games I was able to atleast lay down suppressing fire. Now it seems like line of sight from most angles is potentially an instant death. I just to walk in the same space as my time and be the most likely to die unless I’m playing Lucio/Mercy.

Let’s see what an entire month of content creators screaming bloody murder about Matchmaker Quality does before the Mid-January patch.

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They’ve been reasonably reading the posts here I’d suppose since the last patches have addressed complaints made here. The problems people have is that these same issues are addressed in detail and the balance team does something wacky to fix it when suggestions made were far less crazy.

My bet.

The cycle will begin. Again.

Sweeping support buffs. Everyone is happy for a couple of months.

Players realise supports have been overbuffed and start to get fed up of nothing dying.

Supports receive sweeping nerfs. Except Ana.

Ana remains the most picked support in the game for another 3yrs.

Sorry, I am cynical

This is a gamebreaking change. A 10% movement speed boost to DPS heroes in the first beta made them too hard to pin down or even hit shots on when they strafed, even the low mobility ones.

An 18% passive movement speed increase for any character, let alone the entire Support role is ludicrous.

75 is enough. It was fine at 70 and you should be happy with the 75dmg charity change Blizzard threw into the last patch.

He already has higher burst & sustain DPS than a number of actual DPS heroes, ontop of his unreal sustain. I cannot believe someone is suggesting more damage for him.

Lucio had the highest usage rate of all heroes in OWL.

Before Kiriko was added to ranked the Support meta was extremely diverse with Ana, Baptiste, Zenyatta and Lucio all being high tier picks. The only reason the role lacks diversity now is because Kiriko is too strong, not because the other supports are too weak.

Support does not need buffs right now. There’s a reason no professional Support players are complaining that the role is unimpactful or weak.