Dear DPS mains, give me your best shot

I don’t think you get it.

Let’s imagine Overwatch has roughly 9 million active users.

You’re stressing about losing 180,000 to 450,000 players.
I’m stressing about losing 1,800,000 to 4,500,000 players.

The difference between those is

  • “Probably get more overall players in the longrun, to cancel out the loss”
  • “Bobby Kotick personally firing the entire development team”
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Ppl didn’t like the changes. Also lots of players are alt accts and most real ppl that wanted ow1 probably bought it already. So i don’t feel going ftp attracted that many ppl.

Just no. I don’t get how the forums keep throwing his idea around. Did none of you experience the first beta where a 10% speedboost was broken for the entire DPS role, not just the mobile ones?

Which shatters the ridiculous breakpoint of being able to kill a 200hp hero with 2 headshots, undiscorded.

The one weakness of his passive is that air control in Overwatch is heavily limited, even for flying heroes like Echo & Pharah.

Baptiste already has higher sustain damage than most DPS heroes and he was very strong before Kiriko got added.

127 DPS is already higher than a majority of DPS heroes, 150 DPS is absurd.

Because competitive games need to be balanced for the highest levels of play. Overwatch is doomed to fail for as long as it falls into this trap of trying to balance for the casuals.

Casuals are unhappy regardless of whether the game is balanced for them or not, evidenced by Overwatch 1’s entire lifespan and recent OW2 patches.

It’s no coincidence that the moment Blizzard started trying to balance OW2 for the casuals, the game started plummeting into a far worse spot than it was when they designing and balancing it for the highest level.

They need a casual player base though, or you don’t have a game.

You can’t break low ranks for balance at high ranks, or you don’t have a game for long.

You need new players to join, and want to stay, and you need them for all roles.

There is a world of dead hero shooters which didn’t learn this in time.


You keep saying that like “Buff All Supports” would make it so Support players don’t have a selection of viable options. If Supports are balanced vs Supports. Then they are balanced.

Or like it’s possible for DPS heroes or Tank heroes to swap over to Support heroes midgame. Because otherwise you’re saying DPS and Tanks have optimal hero choices, that they do not have.

This is why Moira is what’s wrong with support. This game would be so much more interesting without such a low skill / high value hero that DPS mains compare all other supports to.

Maybe 1 out of every 20 (yes seriously) of Moira I see are actually GOOD players, showing situational awareness, being in the right place, keeping the right teammates alive and scoring kills at the appropriate times. She’s what’s wrong with this game.

Balancing the game top down does not kill the casual playerbase.

This take is just mindboggling. What you’ve basically just said is “it doesn’t matter if one role is better than the others, because role queue exists”

It’s just a common occurrence for forum Support players to expect every other Support buffed to the level of a clearly overperforming outlier such as Moth Mercy, release Brigitte and current Kiriko.

It’s ridiculous. Imagine if every DPS was buffed to compete with Sojourn last season or every Tank was buffed to compete with Doomfist last patch.

Support isn’t some magical exception that won’t break the game if the entire role is buffed to the level of another broken character.

Support players DID have a selection of viable options before Kiriko got added. If Kiriko was nerfed to be brought in line with the other support heroes, you’d once again have a selection of viable options. Buffing everything to Kiriko’s level is the completely wrong way to go about it.


Because “overpowered” is based on what choices you have, versus other choices.

I can’t believe you cannot comprehend the idea that it’s not possible for DPS players or Tank players to have the choice to switch to Support heroes midgame.

That’s not possible, that is not a choice they can make.
And you can’t compare choices a player can make, versus choices they cannot make.

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Tell lawbreakers that.
Tell quake champions that.

Oh you can’t, because it killed them.

If you make the low and mid ranks bad, then you have cut off your new players, and most of the people who will be spending money.

How does that NOT kill your game?


Okay, so with this logic every DPS needs to be buffed to the level of 6dmg Tracer & oneshot Sojourn.

Every tank needs to be buffed to the level of 2.5s bubble Zarya and start of S2 Doomfist.

Do you see how stupid this logic is?

The game is a competitive game, the highest levels of play being good is the most essential gameplay experience.

Meta clearly does not matter to casual players because Reinhardt & Ana have been the most picked heroes in every rank below Diamond for the last 6 years.

Balance changes do not affect the middle ranks nearly as much as they affect the high ranks, so the changes made should be made with the most affected group of players in mind.

no it isn’t. Having players is.

You can have the most beautiful high ranked game play you like, but if you don’t have players, you don’t have a game.

Well yeah, because there’s no reason to do that. And you would lose a substantial amount of players, without maintaining a larger amount of players.

Additionally, the specifics of why buffing Supports would be a problem is

  1. Compositions become too durable
  2. Compositions aren’t durable enough

And it’s very easy to balance around those issues.

Where as it would be very difficult to balance DPS like that without being incapable of avoiding one of these consequences.

  1. Compositions become too durable
  2. Compositions aren’t durable enough

The state of heroes does not affect the playerbase.

Like I said, Ana has been the most played hero in the game at every rank below Diamond for years, even when she’s objectively one of the worst picks.

Reinhardt has been the most played tank in the game at all ranks below Diamond for 6 years even when he’s bad.

Mercy has been insanely popular no matter how good or bad she is.

The balance of the game has an incredibly minor effect on the gameplay experience for lower ranks, but at high ranks it literally dictates what you can and cannot play in any given situation.

So you’re saying buffing Supports would lose 0 players?


That’s the point.

Dps usually have dmg dealing abilities too. Bap just had his gun.

It mostly felt good for mobile dps. The rest it was nice but not broken imo.

It might not necessarily, but it’d make the entire game worse because Support is already a strong role.

If you think Support is any worse of a role than DPS or Tank, it’s because you are bad at the game.

Why should balance changes be made to solve your own skill issue?

If someone said they wanted the entire DPS role to be buffed because it feels unimpactful, they’d be laughed at. Support should be no different.

Like I’ve been telling you, all 3 roles are relatively balanced in terms of impact right now, with select few heroes needing to be toned down, not an entire role needing to be buffed to contend with the overperforming hero.

Well the reason they were so hard focused on high tier to exclusion of everything else.
Is they were basically keeping the lights on with OWL money from the Youtube exclusivity deal.

Well, that deal is gone, OWL hasn’t pay any dues in about 3 years and probably won’t in the future, OWL has almost no sponsors, and almost all the future dollars coming to Overwatch come from ladder players.

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OG_Brig_V2 will answer that for you, since OG Brig v1 obviously never taught you a thing.

Don’t worry, that is where we are heading so, you will learn something soon enough.

I click on DPS, and suddenly it isn’t a problem. That means it is a role issue, not a skill one.

They wouldn’t be laughed at by me if they were having trouble keeping DPS playing.

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The only time in OW’s history that Blizzard was balancing specifically for high level play was earlier this year when they balanced OW2 based on OWL.

If you think the game hasn’t been balanced for casuals more often than not and that’s what has constantly lead it into a bad spot, you’re delusional.

It’s clearly a skill issue when it doesn’t apply to the best supports in the world, even when said supports are matched against the best DPS in the world.

I think Blizzard cares more about profit than maintaining a relatively small amount of their playerbase.

You seem to think Blizzard cares more about a relatively small amount of players than they do making a profit.