D.Va should not be so immune to boops




238 posts


And not coming back until he’s properly nerfed.

Gotta get in that last jab at D.va before quitting. Doesn’t matter if Orisa has the same bug, right?


I am pretty sure I remember it even fixed at some point, but it was somehow reverted back.

I see some people bring this up and say the devs just forgot… but when I read this it seemed obvious to me that they were talking about the Rocket Punch vs DVA/Orisa interaction. The one that the original OP clearly brought up…

That itself sounds like a bug. Orisa being punched out of Fortify and DVA in general should be knocked back like every other hero.

That doesn’t make me believe that every boop in this game should knock them back. Doomfist’s RP is different.

Having said that, I don’t see the issue really with Orisa and DVA having cc resistance while firing. The idea clearly seems to be that unlike every other hero Orisa and DVA lose the ability to strafe, jump and move quickly as they enter their fire mode. They get debuffed with slowdown but also hold their ground a bit better (In Orisa’s case, she throws out an almost endless supply of bullets and DVA has an infinite clip size). Sounds like a clear balance decision.

As Wrecking Ball and Lucio, I have few issues with that. Booping Reinhardt makes a ton of sense but using it on DVA doesn’t sound perfect unless you out play her and catch her after she boosts and while she uses her DM. For her, I would instead look to my beam heroes to wreck her defenses rather than expect something out of my knock back heroes.

People hate mobility. People hate CC. I am really curious what people want from future heroes outside of those two things, especially considering that we’ve created nearly all the FPS trope weapons already.

Another Barrier hero? Another Sniper? Another Soldier? Another burst healer?

I am pretty sure that most of those future 6 heroes will have either…

  • CC
  • Mobility

Because in the end, as long as every Tank/Support/Damage contributes different levels of Defense/Heal/DPS, we will always need utility skills to help balance them out.

  • Mei does less DPS but she has great self heal, CC and wall utility.
  • Hammond doesn’t block damage but he has excellent disruption skills and CC
  • Genji doesn’t self heal but he has excellent mobility.

I am genuinely curious about what other routes we could take outside of just remaking the game. :slight_smile:

Zarya’s 2 second barrier aside, it seems like she is the only off-tank that is resistant to “pit maps” so I don’t see the issue. If anything, it just sounds like her being a common hero comes down to us having only 3 Off-tanks and Roadhog being far from meta. We need more off and main tanks. Even if the META is against her, it isn’t like there are a ton of other options for people to choose.

Hog only gets 1 main tank that he melds with (Orisa) and the both of them are out of META – until we have more options, DVA will remain, nerfs and all.

She was balanced in the previous patch, the stats completely backed that up.

No, she wasn’t

She is still sitting at 80% pickrate in pro-play. And her ladder stats were mediocre or mediocre-good - IN A META THAT’S SUPPOSED TO BE BAD FOR HER. A meta where all heroes that are played go through DM. Zarya, Rein, Brig, etc. And yet, D.Va still sees decent usage and in pro-play, she’s picked to counter Zarya and not the other way around.

the stats do not lie or have feelings on the matter

Interpretation of stats lies.

Nerfing her and buffing Zarya (who was already a better pick)

This meta is the best possible meta for Zarya. There will probably never be a better meta for Zarya and a worse meta for D.Va. And yet, D.Va is not performing as poorly as you would expect in ladder. And in pro-play, it’s basically the other way around, d.va is played more.

Once this meta passes, Zarya goes back to being a mediocre pick, that’s entirely dependant on Rein for being played and still vulnerable to high ground and Discord. But D.Va doesn’t suffer from anything of that. Even with the nerfs, D.Va will remain overall a better hero.

The are not intended to have a knock back reduction from all abilities.

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Difficult to boop and bugged physics are two entirely different beasts.

I agree, but D.Va and Orisa both have a bug where they’re nearly immovable when firing their primary and that’s a problem.

Was gonna post the link but Bloggerman already beat me to it.

Edit: I’ll do it anyway for effect.

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Which is why I’m suggesting CC resistance build up. Add as much CC as you want then, you won’t get stunlocked and tossed around like a sock in a washing machine.

Also, utility there isn’t CC exists. Bio nade, speed boost, damage boost, res, reflect, sonar arrow all are utility and don’t CC at all. I’m sure there’s many others that we could create. More anti-heal is surely needed for one.

Pro play is triple tank, or course she’s being played. Who else are they going to run? There’s only one other off tank.

But you know that, you’re just being you again. Crying for tank nerfs in a game you claim you don’t play anymore.


It’s not a bug. It’s intended. The way boop physics work is that it affects heroes differently based on their momentum and direction of movement.

Orisa and D.Va move much slower while firing and therefore aren’t moved as much when knocked back. If they are also moving forward, any backwards knockback is reduced.

Healing needs a big nerf.

Once more for the people in the back.

But for real you probably started responding before I quoted the post so I apologize.

Sorry to say tho, it’s been a confirmed bug since March ‘18.


Pro play is triple tank, or course she’s being played. Who else are they going to run? There’s only one other off tank.

she is being played inside that

in a meta that’s supposed to be unfavourable vs her

and yet, she is played a decent amount. that doesn’t happen for a hero that’s overnerfed or underpowered or even balanced, lul

But you know that, you’re just being you again. Crying for tank nerfs in a game you claim you don’t play anymore.

tanks being too strong (rein in this case) is the main reason why I stopped playing and will not play until tanks receive necessary adjustments

I’m sure the game is greatly missing someone toxic enough in game to have a 0 endorsement rating, something I have literally never seen before.

i play mei

playing mei often gets you suspended by toxic stacks when in reality they are the problem

the moment you receive the suspension even if it’s for gameplay sabotage, you lose it

if the suspension was for abusive chat, i wouldn’t be able to post on the forums

but either way, all of that is just ad hominem and a deflection from my arguments on why your hero was overtuned since forever

I’ve seen plenty of 1 tricks of off meta heroes and I’ve literally never seen a 0 endorsement on anyone. I don’t believe you, especially given your attitude here.

There’s no point in talking to you about tank heroes or anything really, all you do is spam the forums with nonsense about nerfing tanks and ignore evidence that refutes your paper thin points. People like you are the reason we get almost no feedback here from the devs.

Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean that it isn’t true

The moment you receive a gameplay suspension, you lose your endorsement. If you keep playing, you get it back eventually.

I mean, try it out for yourself

There’s no point in talking to you about tank heroes or anything really, all you do is spam the forums with nonsense about nerfing tanks and ignore evidence that refutes your paper thin points. People like you are the reason we get almost no feedback here from the devs.

No, I pretty much debunked all of your data. But hey, no point in arguing with what is essentially a DVA OTP. Used to having your hero forever overtuned.

Pretty sure that a forum full of support and tank players who keep asking for buffs to supports and tanks in a meta where 0 dps is meta while asking for nerfs to dps heroes is the reason why we don’t get feedback from the devs

Considering that the devs left it that way and that it only affects those two heroes, both with similar “self slow” mechanics, it seems to make more sense that they are talking about applicable abilities rather than all knockback.

Halt and Rocket Punch are both considered hard cc that doesn’t take into consideration DVA/Orisa’s fire state. I believe Pile Driver does this too.

Was it part of the dev’s design to have Lucio boop Orisa across the map with a skill that is highly dependent on the enemy’s directional movement and speed or that she be moved the same fixed distance as every other hero by hard cc?


It seems better to introduce a hero that can emit an aoe that grants defense + stability for the team. The way this game works, hero countering and reading cooldowns plays a bigger role so putting in innate buffs like that kind of defeats the purpose.

I feel like we will get a hero soon that can do something like that and if we do then I think that would fit this fast pace game much better than just reducing the net-worth of a whole class of abilities.

Huh. Weird how they want to fix an intended feature, isn’t?

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If you make CC resistance build up, not resistance across the board, the value of individual CCs would barely be affected. Only sub sequential CCs would get diminished value.

To “quote” Bloggerman

But to go a step further:

If we look at other tanks with channeling/autofire capabilities, we can turn to Roadhog who gets tossed around like a rag doll from any knockback ability, not just Brig, not just Doomfist, but Pharah, Rein, Lucio and even a D.Va when ulting. This is the way Orisa and D.Va should be reacting, but aren’t.

And while the Dev’s comments leave a lot to be interpreted, in airing on the side of a more liberal application of fixes rather than a restrictive one.

Yes it was, hence the: