D.Va should not be so immune to boops

It is a big deal, because it’s inconsistent with other characters. It’s also a bug, and bugs need to be fixed.

Orisa and D.Va should not be immune to boops while shooting. It’s a double standard and needs to be changed.


Sis, it’s a bug.

Sis, it’s an immunity. There’s no reason why Boosters needs to have knockback.


No lie I hope they actually do just keep the bug in forever at this point. It gives Orisa and D.Va a unique perk to being slowed to a snail’s pace when they fire at things.

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Its not fair to Rein though who can be booped during charge.

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It’s a bug that they intend to fix, dva should not be immune to knockbacks. Report it in bug fixes to hopefully get their attention :smile:

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Why can Winston get booped while jumping?

Why can Rein get booped while charging?

Why can Pharah get booped while flying?

See, it doesn’t feel like it’s working as intended

Any boops done on her while she’s boosting feel as if they’re drastically diminished compared to booping characters I mentioned aboe

Yes. Someone pointed that out already. Thank you.

It’s because she overrides your boops with her own booster mobility. Just like how rein continues his charge even if you boop him around.

That is very much intended interaction btw. Even if the knockback reduction during firing cannons is not.

Winston and Rein would be broken if they had CC resistance. Tanks in Overwatch do a ridiculous amount of damage up close.

All the counterplay still there pretty much unchanged. All that changes is the absurd seconds long stunlocks.

Both these heroes have barriers. I was actually mostly talking about knockback immunity being OP, but actual stun immunity would be even worse.

There are only a handful of stuns that go through barriers, and one of them belongs to one of the worst heroes in the game (Doomfist).

I don’t want stun or CC immunity.

I’m mostly suggesting CC build up resistance. Build up is the key part. You get CCed, then next CC is X% less effective for certain period of time. Effect should stack.

Every single possible use o CC still the same.

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I already have made multiple threads about this in the bug report, so I guess 1 more can’t hurt.

I thought it was intended because it makes sense.
You have less reaction time to move out of the way of something.

Because it’s a launch–effectively just a megajump

Because it can oneshot, probably

See: Winston

Yeah it does. None of those are channeled abilities except technically Rein’s, but that has oneshot potential and is thus not purely the positioning tool Boosters basically is.

Because you’re not booping her at all, sis. She has knockback immunity during the channel.

Not to mention how jarring it’d be since it’s controlled constant forward momentum.

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Instead what we get is Reinhardt getting hit by a minor fraction of Lúcio’s boop and fly across the map.

It’s already confirmed that this isn’t intended for dva. Just keep posting in the bug fix section and hopefully they’ll fix it

During OWL this past weekend I saw a brig get shattered on the payload, ugh

And your true self is shown.

Rest of thread is void lol

How about we remove BOOP of the game? This ability is a Not skill cancerous thing similar to right click mccree, brig shield bash etc

Lol, you’re an absolute joke.