D.Va should not be so immune to boops

She is essentially unboopable

The reduced knockback that she receives due to either using primary or when boosting makes her essentially immune to booping unless the player utilizing her is very bad. I don’t really see a reason why she should have that. If it is a bug and not a feature, it should be bugfixed. She already has a boop counter (Boosters) and if she is caught out while it’s somehow on CD, she should receive full boop.


Even as someone who plays a ton of Lúcio, I don’t mind characters being difficult/impossible to Boop.

It’s honestly not that big of a deal, especially if they arr running other boopable characters.


All armored tanks should get that instead.


No, tanks don’t need buffs. They need nerfs.

It’s honestly not that big of a deal, especially if they arr running other boopable characters.

Yes it is

She already has means to counter it. If she is caught without it, she should just die. As do the remaining characters.


Do it. Just give me CC resistance.


Tanks don’t need CC resistance


CC needs toning down, I don’t care how one does it.


Just nerf the CC heroes

DeleteBrig for start

Doomfist was essentially deleted

And Earthshatter needs a range nerf because Rein himself is a massive source of CC

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Or fix the problem that is CC instead of trashing a bunch of heroes, some of which aren’t very good to begin with.


Orisa has the same issue, even when not fortified. Weapon slowdowns when firing should only apply to movement from the player’s inputs, NOT from anything else.

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Exactly, this. It’s the same effect

Unlike many other games, “tanks” in Overwatch can destroy you if you let them bully you. CC absolutely has to be a viable strategy against tanks. The problem is that there is too much CC in the game, and this goes for everyone. The difference between a tank getting CC’d multiple times and a support or dps getting multiple CC’s is that the supports/dps just die. They don’t live long enough to have it happen multiple times per fight.

Fix CC for everyone. If you just fix it for tanks they will become unstoppable killing machines and every team will have 4-6 tanks.


Nah, that’s not fair

No reason to subject squishies to CC that’s often lethal on them and at the same time have tanks be exempt from it

Either everyone gets CCed or no one does. Giving tanks CC resistance would instantly result in a tank + cc meta with 0 DPS. It would cement it.

Thats actually my logic for nerfing cc heroes instead of making other heroes resist it.

The reason is that CC is supposed to counter high mobility, there’s no reason low mobile heroes should suffer the most from it.

Then nerf the forking tanks and healers that keep them up. GOATS is already on its way out, I don’t see CC heavy comps being used as counter. Once GOATS isn’t meta anymore, tanks will still get stunlocked like pinballs.

We need CC build up resistance. After the first stun, you get stun resistance for 1 second or so.

And if we didn’t had so much CC maybe we wouldn’t need so many tanks.

Tone the forking CC down then.

Guys! GUYS! You’re losing focus here, now let’s get back on topic:


There’s an idea we can all get behind.

Mobility heroes were already balanced. They didn’t need further counters. Most of them are just countered by aiming. But with D.Va pushing out all mid-range hitscans out of meta, of course that mobility is going to have a field day. Introducing cheap CC just gives bad players a crutch. If a Tracer is outplaying your whole team, she should win the game. Simple as that.

Then nerf the forking tanks and healers that keep them up. GOATS is already on its way out, I don’t see CC heavy comps being used as counter. Once GOATS isn’t meta anymore, tanks will still get stunlocked like pinballs.

Yeah, I’m sure that 80% pickrate in OWL so far is on its way out.

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That’s a banner I can always get behind