D.Va should not be so immune to boops

It depends of the payload, whether payload is floating high enough or if it’s on a slope that allows line of sight below the payload. Like the infamous christmas kings row sled that has room below it.

CC is not fine. The amount of CC added is out of wazoo, Overwatch got CC-creeped, even after DF and Bash changes, still too much.

Well there is a huge flaw in the cc to counter mobility aspect, that being that outside of tracer and genji, soldier, every single tank, dps and healer have the same movement speeds. You would have to actually begin thinking about tanks not being as fast as everyone else to start with, then also how much lucio speed boost affect them as well, this is largely a huge issue with goat comps as well is, that they can actually move that “Fat comp” so fast with boost etc.

It’s not booping only

It goes for all kinds of displacements

Even a well aimed helix rocket can boop someone to death. Or a whip shot.

But not the case with D.Va since it gets drastically reduced.

Still not 100% immune to boop. =)

I never said that it was 100%

But it’s sufficient to make her a meta pick on maps where she likely wouldn’t be meta otherwise

Just go watch OWL and try to see how aggressive D.Va can play on maps such as Ilios Well because she is unlikely to get booped and even if she does, she can simply fly out.

No reason for that braindead hero to be so extremely effective at everything

Even in a meta that’s supposed to be strong against her with everything piercing DM, she is still massively picked on most maps.

I’m fine with the concept by default, I just think there’s too much of it and non-mobile heroes are suffering the most.

Other mobility counters also exist, like AoE damage and soft locks attacks, I rather have those.

Lucio booping everyone without ammo, instant, all angles and on a 4 second cooldown compared to say, orisa’s halt at 8 seconds and then we wonder why lucio is played so darn much lol.

Being able to wallride above players so they never notice you and boop them off the map even when their trajectory should only make them slide on the ground is too much of a leeway tbh.

the difference is, it’s riskless for Orisa whereas it isn’t riskless for Lucio

how strongly someone is booped depends on how close the person was to lucio once the boop occured

those being closest are booped hardest

so to actually get in a good boop position he has to commit

If your referring to GOATS, then buffing lúcio by letting him boop tanks isn’t the solution as he enables GOATS.

… not really.

You have doom, ana , sombra , Ashe and orisa brig with cc. That does not make a good comp.

Where cc is, and how it applies matters. And each cc has range and limits that affect heroes uniquely. Freeze is not as scary to orisa as it is to hog. Hack is not as scary to widow as it is to tracer. Etc.

Cc is also given to mitigate the specialist nature of many heroes . Soldier, mercy and rein aren’t cc based because of this. If this was an equal game, sure. Fortnite with cc could be a pain. But overwatch has pros and cons for each hero. It’s fine imo

both are really bad skill design wise, it is never a good idea to do those things to the extremes, you would need to be very carefull.

speed boost enables goats, not boop

and it’s not only lucio that can boop someone

ashe, doomfist, junkrat, pharah, soldier, brigitte can also boop people

7 out of 8 new heroes added CC. Plus various existing CC got considerably buffed, only DF and Brig got nerfed.

It’s a power creep case 101, except with CC.

lmao, why would you be trying to boop the hero THAT CAN FLY every 6 seconds? Complete waste of a CD.

Y’all are realy struggling to find anything left to nerf in D.Va’s gutted kit now.


because maybe just maybe she used that CD to engage you or chase you

Y’all are realy struggling to find anything left to nerf in D.Va’s gutted kit now.

nothing about her is gutted

it’s just that she is finally approaching actually being balanced

but since d.va mains are used to having their hero foverer overtuned, balanced suddenly feels like underpowered

It’s also a game adaptation. Burst heros are being used better, mobility is finally valued etc.

The game is faster now even with cc despite only doom and sombra being the only mobile heroes added.

T-T Leave D.va ALONE! T-T

Honestly with the over-abundance of knockbacks and CC in the game, seeing a character or two that players are able to keep control of is not unwelcome. Losing control of your character has nothing to do with player skill on either side of a match.

I think that’s neither here nor there to the fact that there’s too much CC.

She was balanced in the previous patch, the stats completely backed that up.

Nerfing her and buffing Zarya (who was already a better pick) has trashed D.Va’s win rate. I couldn’t care less about your opinion on the matter or anybody elses, the stats do not lie or have feelings on the matter. The nerf was an idiotic attempt to nerf Goats and it hasn’t worked, it’s just made her a throw pick against Rein/Zarya 2-2-2 comps on ladder.


I think it does.
Too much implies that you have no way of mitigating it. But with burst and mobility, you do.




238 posts


And not coming back until he’s properly nerfed.

Gotta get in that last jab at D.va before quitting. Doesn’t matter if Orisa has the same bug, right?