Crossplay update soft region locked everyone

Unreadable chat, totally different players (unwanted "region). This sucks. They should just give closure. Are they going to undo it or not? Haven’t played for a while after the change. So they removed “regions” or the selection of it. I’m sure they know that players exist who do not want to play on their own “region”. But they made a business decision and say “f those players, we need more console players”. Bye bye OW, OW2, D2R, D4. No money for you.


It’s been almost a week since you introduced the region lock along with cross play feature. I’ve spent couple of hours with the game and it looks like I am totally unable to effectively communicate with other players because the servers I am now forced to join are all Asia servers where literally nobody speaks English. I hope you understand this ruins my game experiences. This is very much the worst blow I’ve ever had in terms of playing Overwatch.

I’d had a lot of things that I disapproved in regards of Overwatch and its developers’ behavior but I’d tried my best to stay patient. To be honest, I didn’t like you forcing me to backfill in the last 10 seconds of the match and giving me an instant defeat. I didn’t approve your tolerances of some players’ sexual harassments, racial slurs, abusive words and other toxicity often seen in the chat window. I didn’t like leavers, throwers and smurfs that you basically allow especially in Quick Play. I didn’t like infinite nerfs on almost all heroes that you inflict. I didn’t even approve 5v5 composition you are planning to bring in Overwatch 2. And I didn’t like cross play feature either. But I had tried my best to bear with all those things.

But this region lock. This is beyond my perseverance. Overwatch relies on communication heavily but I am forced to join servers where nobody speaks English and I cannot communicate with other players. I just would like you to bring back the region selection feature that had been around for more than 5 years since day one. If queue time and ping are your most anticipated concerns then at least let players choose one from say Global Servers (best possible ping and queue time), Americas, Europe and Asia or something like this.


Just revoke this, the game is already dying and u guys are doing the most to push the leftovers away, if you had done this in the start of your game, people who dont have home servers and play on deranged servers like a person from india playing on SG server for the past 3 years has frirends from their and would like to play with them but now because of this idiotic update they cant play anymore with peace. Imagine you guys are so persistent on ruining this game for everyone even the addicts who buy lootboxes like seriously stop toying with whats left of it in the name of making it better you guys are just making the matter worse jesus christ


Anybody link me the way to the tutorial on how to block everything EU to get on NA servers, please?

Blizzard is ridiculous uwu"

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Um he did address it in the previous post:

They acknowledged it, but what they will do remains to be seen.

so why don’t I ever get put on useast when I live in MA? I get put on ord1 which I believe is Chicago about 95% of the time. and then randomly I get put on brazil or lax servers. is it just not used in OW anymore? I think the last time I got put on it was almost 2 years ago


Player base is dying so they don’t use it anymore.

You are right last time it was used was in 2018

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He basically said, “We are tracking feedback which says that you want to be able to switch regions, so we’re going to improve the CURRENT SYSTEM THAT DOESN’T LET YOU DO THAT to make it better.”

Saying “yes, we know you think you need this, but trust me, after we improve it more, you won’t feel like that” isn’t listening to feedback imho.


Really? So, the best match for me as Gold portrait guy is with new accounts with 10-15 level and zero skill? EIther you guys are very smart or just very dumb lol. Half of the time people I matched up with don’t even know how to play a hero or to chat etc and you are saying this is best for me?


This gets even more fun when you reached diamond border.

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Thank you for your comment, I also thought that is what it meant too, glad that I’m not the only one <3!


Here’s my two cents.

There’s a social component to choosing the region you want to play in. I play from Europe, for example, but I have a much better time on NA servers — not because I’m looking for players with greater skill, and definitely not because of ping or queue times, but because I have more fun interacting with people there.

There’s a shared sense of humor that most European countries aren’t familiar with, and the vast majority don’t even speak the same language. Not to mention I live in a small country where Overwatch is not nearly as popular as other FPS games.

So placing these barriers in a team-based game has a greater impact than ping. Yes, there are voice lines, but even those can only take you so far.

Hope you’ll take this into consideration.



I am from UK, I’m Agoraphobic, very anti-social and since 2004 (when I got my own PC for the first time) I’ve been using American servers to play games. That being said as I’m on my Pc majority of the day, my timezones much better fit with US, SEA & Oceania players (though, playing with someone from Oceania or SEA gives me too high of a ping so I’m unable to play with my SEA or Oceania friends unless we do a PvE mode or playing a game that doesn’t require PvP

My parents are both Americans, I do not get on with most British people as my sense of humour is so much different to them, and also the way i talk cause i am hard of hearing has them mocking me often.

also not only this, but I experienced many hurtful situations on EUR servers such as being a female, voice and then I’ve witnessed more racism and homophobia on those servers than I ever have on NA servers. (this is one of the main reasons I use NA servers, I feel more confident to use the mic and feel more relaxed)

This video from a famous streamer even discusses some of the problems with EUR servers which I have experienced dozens of times myself. (it’s an old video from a few years ago, but it’s still valid today!)


I do not want to gamble whether I get an NA server or an EU server when I play with NA friends, I prefer to flex on NA servers and usually to dps on EU servers where I have lower ping, I can’t tell what I’m going to get in advance now, it’s a pure gamble, even when playing with multiple friends from NA they might occasionally get forced into EU with me, or vice versa if an NA friend joins my group in EU, it’s so bad that for a lack of better solution I now mostly play with EU friends (my region) since I don’t want to trouble my friends in NA, it’s genuinely ridiculous.
And all of this is without mentioning that even before this “global region” mess, my friends and I in EU (solo, groups and even full groups), none of which get lower ping to ME servers, occasionally get ME servers, 150+ ping while playing in our region, this “global region” raises concern for even worse situations where we might get Asia or OCE servers.

Let us choose datacenters when we queue, a checklist for the datacenters next to role selection.


Revert this change. Nobody asked for it. Nobody wants it. It’s destroying the game.

In my 5 years of playing overwatch there has never been a point where I felt the game was in such a state that I could not continue playing it. With this update I have grown to despise it. To be forced onto a server I have never played on and to play with players I cannot communicate with is outrageous. It is a kick in the face to loyal players who have supported and spent money on the game and OWL over the years.

If no improvements are made to the situation I will quit the game, and I will not be buying OW2.


OK let me get one more thing straight as a pole, MIDDLE EAST PLAYERS (most of them) DONT SPEAK ENGLISH, please consider the regions and their preferred language as well, EU is a diverse continent not everyone speaks English but they work it out, no shade to the middle east, if we had an Indian server we would speak Hindi as well but imagine a lad from Uk getting placed with Middle east players mans gonna get hot from all the comps


So, I’ve been playing with a new friend from OCE and usually prior to this update I would get put on OCE servers when playing on NA servers if I played with someone from NZ or Australia, now it puts us on EUR servers, so my friend will have 300 ping, how is this a fair match up and why doesn’t it put us on NA servers instead where I would usually play anyway instead of giving me lowest possible ping while forcing him to have the highest possible ping

Really annoying, please allow us to pick data centers, please. I don’t want to ruin someone else’s experience by giving them high ping because they had to queue into a server that not even I want to be in.

Not sure if he even had a good time playing with me due to that ping and I feel terrible for him having to play with me on that high of a ping anyway… especially when he is a tank/dps player and I am support, makes me feel even worse because IK that u can get away a little easier picking a support like Mercy etc on higher ping, but my friend won’t be able to play tank or DPS well on 300 ping…

Thread from another player, who also wants to connect back to the region they used to play on


Another thread I found about Region lock, I thought I’d put it here!

And another one <3!

If anyone sees a thread from someone being region locked please try to post it here too if possible, I want to make sure as many of us as possible can be seen, thanks :slight_smile:


I sincerly hope blizzard see sense and revert the global region lock. It’s making the game incredibly un fun and messing with people.