Crossplay update soft region locked everyone

Yep, this ruined the game for me. I have logged out and only played a few times since for 2-3 matches before I give up.

Been playing since launch… and… you killed it. I live elsewhere in the world and game just died since I have nothing but hackers, bots and non-communicative people anymore. Bye…

RIP Overwatch… was limping along before, but you done just put a stake in it Blizz…


Does anyone know if there have been anymore updates about this?? I’m still stuck to asian servers, and like I know there’s a fair share of toxics on na servers where I usually play, but people on the asian servers instant leave every game if they lose one team fight. And the ones that can speak some English are toxic af… This is ruining the game for me :frowning:


Just adding my voice to the debate.

I really don’t like this change. I moved from the UK to Japan for work, and am now very used to playing on servers with high ping when I play with friends back home. The problem is when they now play with me, it’s putting us into Asian servers, so not only do they now have high ping, I’m so used to playing with it, in some ways a standard ping is just as difficult for me.

Please give us the choice back. It’s making the game very unfun to play, not to mention creating language barriers that weren’t there before.


They are literally forcing us to play like this, First, my endorsement goes from 3 to 1 from quitting lots of matches (I can’t play with these new accounts) now I am getting penalties because of it. Most of the time either they quit in the middle or run everywhere while having no clue what to do or as you said speaking their own language and refuses to even listen. I am so done with this now.


You WILL play +300ms ping games to accommodate for queue times of players on the other side of the globe and you WILL learn to enjoy it!
-sincerely, the OW dev team

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Another to add to the long list of players who want this changed.


but the average of all players is gold-plat so you ruin it for most people just to accommodate a few ???

what are you talking about, this affects mostly Bronze, Master and GM players

Ye, which is 30% of all players maybe? So they ruined the game for all other 70% …
Makes no sense, just give us the option to choose and people with queue issue can choose to fix their own problems

It is much MUCH much less than 30% and I say THOSE are the players affected. If you queue for a game at ether end of the SR spectrum you are likely to be put on random 300ping servers to make up for (other players) queue times. If you play in Gold or Plat it should be unlikely you are put outside your region

Sorry but it’s less likely for someone in an average rank to be put onto an off-region server unless you’re playing at a really weird time, lets say 3-4am

Because the average ranks have a lot of players, where as Bronze, master and GM have a lot less players so queue times can be much longer for them depending on how many people are playing then you have the problems of smaller regions such as OCE and SEA, where the queue times can be insanely long for those 3 ranks, therefore this new region thing puts them somewhere random

My friend is from SEA and once we did a duo support queue together and it took a very long time, and this was prior to this region update, and we got put into a match on SEA still but we had all different ranks on the team.

Here is some matchmaking during my placements prior to 2-2-2 SEA servers.

I think i was 3.7k Moira here just doing my placements, sadly I accidentally cropped my friend out and the other player when I took this ages ago, anyway I think me and my friend were the highest people in the lobby, and this match took us a long time to queue for… with the 22nd patch we would have been piled onto another server after x amount of time with little consideration for the ping lol, and we’d be forced to play heroes like Mercy or we’d lose.

On this match it had platinum, diamond and masters… I think most people would rather take this match than unwillingly be put on a server where they have 300 ping, think this match above took 30 mins to queue for.

IDK what your trying to say, 500-1000 SR difference has been normal for years now… especially when grouping off hours.

And maybe don’t reply to me, you had it wrong last time too and failed to admit / ignored that when someone explained it to you after (about the VPN).
so maybe have your discussions with other people cause to me you still make no sense.

Err, a master player is impossible to queue with someone from platinum though

I liked his post lol

Huh? so what he can still be in your game

Masters can only group with someone 500 SR below for competitive, and 250 SR lower if GM…

oh well I missed that but good to know.

ok but a plat can still show up in your game if he is grouping with high diamond / solo even

he shouldn’t be though, I’ve even had gold SR in master sea games before… thats how bad it used ot be sometimes, but still better than being sent off to 300 ping server

If I can’t queue with them they they shouldn’t be allowed on my team

There is also a good reason why GM players cannot queue with people 250+ SR lower than them, same why master cannot queue with someone 500+ SR Lower

More and more people every day coming forward about it, please acknowledge all of us!


it’s just disappointing. I don’t hate people on the server. It’s just sad that i get blamed for not doing my job, people screaming in the team chat because i was doing a bad job healing.

The problem is i dont understand their language. I can tell people were frustrated at me from their tone in team chat.

I just want to have fun playing. I don’t care about ping or long queue time.
Just remove the region lock thing. There’s absolutely no point giving people the option to choose server if we’re gonna end up in a server we don’t choose.
Honestly, i restart my game so many times, clicked on NA server repeatedly, hoping i get matched to NA server teams, but NO