Crossplay update soft region locked everyone

Errrrr I was a GM tank main lmaooo :sunglasses: :nail_care:t2: stay mad troll

Me: say something
them: lol they play moira so they must be bad at the game

Who cares what rank you were on what role 20 seasons ago. Looks like you spend more time insulting people on the forum than in comp.

where did I insult anyone? plus why do you care so much about who I play? and how does the hero have any effect on my intelligence?

And sure, I didn’t main tank in like 10 seasons cause I am support main now, but I still played comp as my main game, until this xmas when I took a break, and like a week ago I returned to the game lol.

Still doesn’t change the fact that I know how to play the game and had very good experience with one of the most stressful roles. :sunglasses:

“but you main Moira now so you’re bad”

doesn’t work like that bruh… also I still play a bunch of tank etc, I just don’t use this ALT for most of it anymore as I mainly use this one for the forum now. but yes, I admit I now enjoy playing the “easiest hero in the game” instead of playing Wrecking Ball and Zarya with a bit of D.Va. Ball gets you more abuse than I’ve ever had playing Moira lol.

You literally go into every thread to argue and insult for no reason.
Also you start foaming at the mouth when someone outs you as a Moira player and type paragraphs 'splaining. Also we both know Moira has a 40cm skill ceiling. Shoulda mained Zen and now you would be part of the cool gang. Instead even Bronze Mercy mains are looking down on you.

I didn’t argue, he was the one who got aggressive, and also had posts removed lol.

Also, I do play Zenyatta… a lot actually… LOL so what is your point here?

The only support hero I do not play is Baptiste because I think his gameplay is very boring.

They can look down on me all they want, if I cared what people think I would not have called myself “Moira” I would not use the icon, nor would I keep my profiles open when playing the game.

How are they “outing me” when my username is literally “MOIRA” LOL

Anyway lets changed this back to what it’s about

22nd June, we were forced out of the regions we want to be in without warnings to “decrease queue times”

We’re now forced into changing firewall settings or spend money on a VPN which costs approximately £60 a year, where the game only costs £12.99. And we shouldn’t need to pay for a VPN when the game had a data center selector for 5 years.

This option should never been taken away from us, it’s quite clear thousands of people were effected by this update. And they have been given no news or information on whether or not we will see a Data Center selector in game in the near future. They have only focussed on people being put into incorrect games.

It’s been over a week now and nobody has told us anything, we’ve been left in the dark, forced to use other methods (which many don’t want to do) to get back to where we want to go.


I don’t remember a single instance where the dev team admitted something was a mistake or reverted something. For example if a buff made a hero too OP, they would nerf something else to balance it. I think this is one of their company philosophies.
Stuff like significant Brig nerfs for example took almost a year and left huge scars in the playerbase.
Also the change in how matchmaker chooses a server based on MMR first and ping second, is the same as “skill based match making” in C0D Warz0ne and this is only my conspiracy theory: but I would guess they are trying to align how all the Activisi0n games servers work to make them more similar and maybe reduce cost or something

Even popular streamers had quit EUR server for NA for good reasons and now you forced us all back

Someone help us get back without paying for VPN or editing firewall


La seule solution que je vois est de bloquer les serveurs NA quand nous sommes en EU, comme nous pouvons et faisons déjà depuis des années pour bloquer les serveurs en Moyen-Orient et ne plus tomber dessus !

They do not care about us y’all

A person I found on another thread said it was implimented on another Activision game and it was never changed, so its probably here to stay and they won’t even acknowledge us.

No wonder they’ve been ignoring us, there is no intentions of ever letting us pick our data center. And the only responses being about people who keep being put onto incorrect regions when they queue.

Has there been any news on the Nintendo Switch gyro settings bug in the PC pool? There’s been quite a few bug reports on it.


make sense why its a 5 euro game

but the game is 15 euro ?

So choosing a region is gone forever?

yes, unless you use an alternative method… which shouldn’t even be needed in the first place.

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That really sucks for me as i was playing on NA ever since I bought the game, i couldn’t deal with EU and all of it’s languages and English only being used to flame others, the game is nearly unplayable rn, and i shouldn’t need a VPN to play the way i want.


Same, it stinks. Tons of people have been effected by it, hope they actually listen to us.

Especially when the feature was in the game for 5 years lol.

I’m really curious about the actual reason to remove this feature out of the blue after years of no complaints. Am i putting my team at a disadvantage having a higher ping or what?

To help with “queue times”

And guess what OW 2 is having 5v5 … removing a tank because yes… queue times again lol.

I think, but am not 100% sure about it, the reason they did it was due to crossplay.

I have read comments on numerous crossplay topics that console players never had the option to choose a region. It was automatically chosen for them, since the Console itself did not have it (was not an OW problem in itself). So in order to introduce crossplay the ability to choose a region was abolished was everyone.