Copa Lucio Ball incorrectly follows Competitive Rank

Copa Lucio Ball doesn’t base its group rank requirements off of your own COPA SR. It unfortunately bases it off your Competitive Rank score. An entirely different game mode. As such, you’ll find that when doing placement matches you can’t match with anyone that is restricted from playing Competitive Rank together, even if your COPA SR from last season would allow you to play COPA rank together.

For example,
My teammate was COPA 2018 SR of 3834, and has a Competitive Rank SR of 3054. My COPA 2018 SR score was 4138, and last had a Competitive Rank SR of 2556. The requirements for Competitive Rank are that Diamonds can’t group with anyone below Diamond during placement matches (Such as me, a platinum). So I cannot group with this friend for Competitive Rank mode.

However, our COPA SR is within 300 SR of each other, in Masters and Grand Masters. So we should be able to group up to do placement matches, but we cannot because it says on the Copa option “The Skill level of your group members are too far apart.” which is not true.

This bug has been happening since the first COPA event, and it would be great to have this finally fixed.

Please promote if you can to get a Blizzard dev to comment if possible.

Thank you in advance.


Copa lucioball 2nd season.

I can remember i couldn’t even group with my friends in standard comp because of the gap… I was mid silver. I’ve climbed to plat now anyways but could group with my friend. Is this a random issue then?

Yeah, it happens in all of the competitive arcade modes sadly.

I remember this was an issue last season that wasn’t letting people pair up properly but I don’t think they ever fixed it. I don’t think the forums go back that far, and don’t want to read through a years worth of posts.

Nah, they have never fixed it.

Me and a friend are 50 copa lucio ball SR points away from each other unable to queue with each other because “skill level is to far apart”. In normal competitive we are very far apart but shouldn’t be stopping us form playing copa together. We queued at the same time for 5 games got each other in the same game 4/5 times so!

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Another report which I’ll link here for the sake of solidarity in hoping one of these competitive seasons will feature this bug being fixed finally.

few friends and I specifically played normal comp a week ago to place within 500sr of each other this season - i ended at 3400 something and they were around 3100, still can’t queue together.

im the lowest ranked of the three in copa lucioball, ending 2018 at 3600, yet i CAN queue with the highest (4200) but not the “middle” (3800) somethings weird


My post about the bug in last year’s event: Lucio Ball Comp Bug - #2 by Ponton-11551

Yeah, it’s a bug. And no, Blizzard haven’t commented or fixed it yet.

There’s other threads reporting this as well:

Hoping that one of them gets Blizzard to notice this issue.

Here’s my information:
The same is happening to my friends and I as well.

Copa Season 1 end scores:
Me: 4003
Friend 1: 4005
Friend 2: 3925
Friend 3: 3624

If Me, Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it allows.
If Me and Friend 1 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 2 group up it denies.

We can’t figure out what could be causing this. All of us also have not played Normal Competitive mode in a couple seasons, so it’s not like last year’s bug where it’s related to the present season rank. Additionally, we are able to play normal Overwatch Competitive mode as a group, but not Copa Lucioball. All friends are last diamond rank in Competitive OW (3000SR due to degredation), and my last SR in it was Gold (2156).

I hope they resolve this soon as I feel having restrictions placed on a game mode by a completely different game mode is a valid bug that should be resolved and also does not provide enough information to resolve the issue from the user standpoint

It has been 3 years this exact bug exists, can this please be looked into so we can queue with our friends.


At this point I’d take a Blizzard dev saying it’s by design to have this broken feature over having continued silence.

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can we fix this please? we have a friend who has NEVER played Lucio Ball before, so we wanted to have fun placing for something different to do. No chance, his regular season rank from 3 seasons ago is too low… (he hasn’t played seasonal for 3 seasons at least)

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please fix this i can’t play with my friends even tho we played only together each years but one of my friend got deranked and now we can even try play as a team like we do each year :frowning:

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Hey I got enough SR to be top 500 in my region but for some reason I am not in the leaderboard, any of you guys know why or if it’s a bug? I’m pretty butthurt lol

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I just reached GM with 4023sr and can not queue with my friend anymore who has 3594sr. -.-” can we finally get this bug fixed?
I’m playing on PS4 btw.

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