Blizzard what are you doing, still can't play comp lucioball with friends

There is literally no reason we shouldn’t be able to queue, all within queue range last year of lucioball, all within queue range for actual comp, please fix this bug…


Having the same issue :frowning:

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There’s other threads reporting this as well:

Hoping that one of them gets Blizzard to notice this issue.

Here’s my information:
The same is happening to my friends and I as well.

Copa Season 1 end scores:
Me: 4003
Friend 1: 4005
Friend 2: 3925
Friend 3: 3624

If Me, Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it allows.
If Me and Friend 1 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 2 group up it denies.

We can’t figure out what could be causing this. All of us also have not played Normal Competitive mode in a couple seasons, so it’s not like last year’s bug where it’s related to the present season rank. Additionally, we are able to play normal Overwatch Competitive mode as a group, but not Copa Lucioball. All friends are last diamond rank in Competitive OW (3000SR due to degredation), and my last SR in it was Gold (2156). None of us have done placements for Competitive or Copa.

I hope they resolve this soon as I feel having restrictions placed on a game mode by a completely different game mode is a valid bug that should be resolved and also does not provide enough information to resolve the issue from the user standpoint

Jo, wir hatten das Problem auch, jetzt kommt noch erschwerend dazu, dass wir ca alle auf 4k sind… einer von uns ist jetzt schon GM… ich hab 3978 und kann nicht mehr mit Ihm zusammen spielen… ich hasse es langsam… bekommt Ihr irgendwas mal richtig gepatcht? Dieses Problem bestand schon letztes Jahr…

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