Competitive Mode Tier Distribution

Gross. I am with 1/4 of the population. Now I really want to hit diamond.

The dialogue here would be better if we did know what these values are conglomerations of.

Well at 8% in bronze you run into the same players over and over again. You learn what they are good at. However after several seasons none of us have climbed. I keep track of leavers on my team and my opponents. I keep track of my SR as well. Things never add up very well. You bust butt and get 21SR for a win. Next match your team has a leaver you lose 25+ SR. You win the next match you gain 21 SR. You will always lose more than you can gain.

Is this for over all platforms?

Everything about Overwatch is a LITERAL Punishment from being stuck with toxic/Afk players in comp or losing endorsement level for quitting QP for the very same reason, or how about being banned just for being kicked from blizzards server. I dont expect PC players to Understand._…_Jeff Kaplan

Dunno why this post keeps coming up but still waiting for the smurfs to unique players ration. Im sure for 3500+ its about 3 to 1

btw for whoever wonders why they don’t show top 500 players in their numbers is because players would calculate how many overall players there are based on the precentage from 500 players

i don’t know why they are so scared to tell us how many active competitive players there are

I don’t know why everyone cares so much. I don’t think this really accurately shows who is good and who isn’t. I usually do just the placements and end up in Gold. I could probably get even higher but it is partly based on whether your team is being helpful and not doing awful stuff like rage quitting and being toxic. Once all that gets eliminated and people start ranking up due to how well they do as individuals, that is when I will actually start caring. If you were the top on your team or doing pretty well, you shouldn’t have as much of a drop in SR. (From what I can tell it doesn’t do it this way)

Jeff, I feel these stats have changed. Would you mind posting an update.


Jeff is on vacation, he doesnt give a fudge cake

ehhh fix the matchmaking system for starter, then fix smurf problem if you can, then fix cheating problem. The game will be better i hope…

Tier list doesn’t equate to accuracy. No doubt top players are top players, but the lower tier gets mauled by smurfs and their inaccurate initial placement system doesn’t help for even diamond tier players. It’s a cluster of mixed rankings. Not much different from quickplay until master or above and even then there’s individuals that paid for an account or power leveling.

What baffles me is, Jeff addressed there was an issue with matchmaking and claimed they made improvements, but it’s still a mess and I don’t see any improvements because they never focused on the core issue.

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That’s a really cool statistic there. It is open for discussion about Pre-made comps vs Pug comps and actually how far they can climb. I was climbing fast in Comp, I think I was roughly 2329 (dont quote me) and then I got a string of bad pugs which crashed me down into 2209. I poured my literal heart out into all of those matches and treated Comp with Pure respect and grandeur. instead It plummeted me down. With people throwing on torb and hanzo. Honestly I would say its time for a discussion on how to prevent deliberate “Dead weight” on a team that effects comp score. So we can dial this toxicity down some. Cheers! :slight_smile:

hey jeff read this :

can u fix all of the ranks plz ?

Glad to know I’m in the bottom 8%.

interesting 1 account I am stuck in the 8%, the other account I am in the 21%. Wonder where I really fall?

I honestly think this is outdated.

Bronze: 8%
Silver: 21%
Gold: 32%
Platinum: 25%
Diamond: 10%
Master: 3%
Grandmaster: 1%

Is there a possibility to see an updated rank distribution anytime soon? I’d like to see what it is for Season 13, not Season 7-8. I feel like it’s changed a little since then, It feels like there are more diamond rank players now than ever but that could just be my experience.


Jeff, I got an idea for you. I linked it here. Any thoughts?

I’ve been in bronze (sub 200 SR) for almost three years. Absolutely no way whatsoever to improve or even get a fair match because I’m always put vs. silver & gold players. Why not fix it so bronze can only be vs. other bronze of 50 SR difference. At least then for once in my life I’d actually have a chance of winning a game.

Bronze players fight other bronzes, you have 763 wins in quick play and have gone 4-1 in placements so far
You also finished 861sr.
Maybe if you focused less on complaining on the forums, and more on playing the game, you’d not be ‘sub 200sr’