Competitive Mode Tier Distribution

Last season I got bronze maining Winston. I felt I belonged in silver, and played a tough game, but in bronze I had leavers and throwers keeping me from getting there. This season (9 I think) I had amazing placements, with 5 wins, 2 draws, and 3 losses, keep in mind I’m level 61 and beat players who prestiged several times. Where was I placed? Where I was last season. High bronze. I went thru these games with a friend, who got high silver. This doesn’t make sense, as they were maining mercy, and I mained junkrat. 2 games I carried, and they carried 1 (YES mercy can carry it’s amazing). I’m frustrated, because I have reviewed my old footage and I have vastly improved with game sense, positioning, and aim. Now I’m struggling to not get mad, not throw like all my bronze teammates are. This game feels less fun, and insults me when I do my best. Quickplay balancing is a joke, but atleast there I can play the game I love without it reminding me it doesn’t love me back. Thank you for reading, and upvote or whatever you do to show blizzard this.

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Just FYI. Placements have meant literally nothing for the last few seasons. It places you +/- 50sr of your final rank last season regardless of your record. I’ve gone 10-0 and 1-9 and literally the same.

Still not sure why they have placements in the game for people with established accounts.


please fix the game. WE DONT WANT STATS


I am also interested in the average number of hours players have in comp per season.

Most people I know who still play just wait till the end of the season these days.

I agree. They should have 3 to 5 placement games.

yo ur uncleswag from twitch

still waiting about smurf to single account players distribution chart


I would also like to know the distribution chart for players with just a single account.

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How many hours grinding potato matches until one can have fun with this product?
Asking for a friend.

It’s okay. I struggle like hell to stay in gold because I am old and don’t have the reflexes of a young person.

Depends on on much you want to obsess over a meaningless digital number and just play the game.

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You don’t get it.
Problem is this number dictates what quality matches I get.


I’m so annoyed with the competitive system I just finished all my placements and with 8 wins 2-3 gold medals each and then boom 1129 Ive never placed very high due to throwers but now I finally get a good competitive placements season and then nope because of how low you placed the last few seasons you can’t place higher than bronze

It’s very possible you had good competitive placements because it placed you against easier opponents. If you are really stomping the opposition at your SR, then you should climb some. It’s not as bad as it seems.

Medals are irrelevant. Those just judge you against your immediate teammates. For your rank, your performance is judged against everyone else in that rank on that hero. So, while you might have gotten gold medals, if the stats aren’t above average for your rank in general, you’re not going to see much improvement from placements.


Now how many of those @JeffreyKaplan are smurfs? I don’t know if you’ve played a gold/plat match lately but the amount of smurfs and cheaters is so rampart, it makes your current president look like a saint.


so I’m better than 60% of player base
I feel so warm inside

doesn’t matter i am at diamond on Xbox and high bronze on PC

We love u jeff!

20 char

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