Competitive Mode Tier Distribution

Well, at his elo, he’s going to have a hard time finding a good, evenly matched game with all the smurfs, trolls and throwers.

That’s not to say he won’t get smurfs on his team, or that he’ll have any worse odds. I’m just saying the majority of his games probably suck.

I believe if you devote enough time to competitive, you will eventually be placed where you belong. That’s the problem, though. It’s a slog and it’s unfun. There needs to be more mobility through the rankings, for better or worse.

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Don’t feel bad. I’ve been gaming since 1985, and placed bronze. The ranking is arbitrary. I got bored of the game a long time ago. I have limited game time now, so I play much better games. Might reinstall this just for the hell of it, it would be something to do while I’m drinking on occasion.

The 4-1 placement matches have all been because of a master-level carry. I had nothing to do with it, no-one on our team did besides them.

can we get a new one?


I will post one tonight.

How about by region?

I mean you kinda called everyone higher than you no life, unemployed, fat, live at homes, etc on a public forum.

Not sure you’d do too well in the spotlight either. But that’s normal - most people hold others to moral standards they have never met.

I would have to agree 100%. But since blizzard is the only ones who can see the actual numbers we will never really know the truth.

Is this chart still up yo date or can you post a new one for season 14

Gold is the average it seems. I hope to be above average when I place. Also since Gold is the average stop saying plat chat lmao

tfw plat chat has been demoted to gold chat lmfao.

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Hello HomboneZone,

The chart is about a year old but the variance appears to be very slight given a month-to-year analysis based on information from these two sites:

Hope it helps.

It’s more like bell curve than a chart, you not going to see huge shifts unless the devs deliberately flatten/retune the curve for some reason.
Like here is the OG post about it from back in 2017 and S4.

So numbers from S4
Bronze - 6%
Silver - 22%
Gold - 34%
Platinum - 23%
Diamond - 10%
Master - 3%
Grandmaster - <1%

Then here are the numbers from this post… They barely moved, at all. Why would they given the nature of this system?
Bronze - 8%
Silver - 21%
Gold - 32%
Platinum - 25%
Diamond - 10%
Master - 3%
Grandmaster - <1%

The only really interesting thing about the system now is how much better the over all player base is at the game now than say back in S4. If you watch VODs from 3k+ or masters games it looks terrible vs current tactics etc.

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Thank you. This helped.

Yea, I had a friend sell me their account when they gave up on playing the game and I played in silver games as a result. Winstons were leaping and turning away during their leap to hide their head hitbox… IN SILVER. That blew my mind.

The skill trickle is real. You need to get better faster than the player base or you’re staying the same or getting worse.

This is why you need to stop pandering to pros when it comes to game balance and forking over the real player base

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You designed it to look like this, nothing out of the ordinary here. 78% of the playerbase in a 1500sr spread. You’d think if these brackets meant anything, a player wouldn’t be able to gain or drop several hundred SR in a single day unless they’re exceptionally bad or good. If they’re exceptionally bad, how did they get to where they were?

  1. Blame the system.
  2. Never look at yourself.
  3. ???

wow jeff. neat thread. sure did deserve #8

It’s because silver is filled with washed up plats and various smurfs.

There are very few “real bronze or silver players” left