Competitive handicap not worth the struggle

U know, if u both always play openq together and never alone maybe he’s in the same rank in OQ because of u dragging him back…

Or he just don’t really tryhard

Anyway, openq is way easier because there’s less people playing it. It’s a fact that players who play openq and roleq are generally higher in op

I mean, in RQ I’m a low mid diams dps why don’t play a lot of widow (once I was but not anymore)
In OP I am a otp widow and I never play OP unless I’m drunk or damn high, and I’m consistently in mid diams in OP…
I know that’s a personal experience and lots of factor can explain it but OP is way easier that RQ
U can’t really deny that…

If ur a gold OQ player it is totally normal that u are only bronze silver un rôle Q
But that’s not the most important. What really matter is that u can not compare plat OP and plat RQ. The level is absolutely not the same

But still, I know u’ll not just trust me.
I’ve a little experience in coaching, I already coached peoples to mid diams few times.
I know what plat gameplay look like

Send a code, competitive soloQ in RQ
A game u feel u did well (if it’s a stomp it is not releavant, close win/close loose is what we are looking for here. If not possible a normal lose also works pretty good to rewiew)
I’ll show it, tell u if u really deserve a plat lvl
I can also propose u coaching if u want. I u really wanna learn u will kickly get out of silver
Like all the dudes I coached already did

Oh, and sorry but no, u have not a diams lvl If u can’t consistently win in silver bronze, I think u underestimate the gape between ranks a lot

And u have to acknoledge something else, the guys who smurfs in bronze silver are not diams+ players
They are mostly gold to mid plat players

U can’t even imagine the gape that existe between u and a diamond+ player

A master would not only destroy ur team
He would single handedly being able to spawn camp all ur team with a pocket

Saying that for a master player u are a low IQ thoothless puppy is not even exagerated

Diamond are already monkeys for average master player, u have to reevaluate the differences u think it existe between ranks. Higher u go larger is the skill gap between ranks

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Well I actually did play a little with him yesterday I think I should have like two or three open queue games. So I’ll have to check that real quick when I get home see if I can send over a replay. (And no I don’t drag him down we’ve had like a 68% win ratio which just recently dropped to 64 because it’s been getting a little bit harder he actually might be in diamond by now had he not played some games by himself, but instead we had to get him back from 2.7 k to 2.8 k again twice now)

As to the whole open q roll q thing I don’t see how it matters that there’s less people playing it. Because at the end of the day whether you have a pool of a thousand or 100 players in your SR range you only have 12 people per match. Even if you had to play with the same players every match so long as they are still within your rank/skill range It would be just as hard as if you faced a million different random players within your skill range of rank.

Anyway It seems like we just don’t believe each other on this, and if our experiences differ that isn’t enough for me to call you wrong or prove anything neither It’s just different experiences. So I guess I’ll just send you one of those replays then It doesn’t have to be one that I’m particularly doing well in, I don’t think that wouldn’t matter because equally you would see that the team I’m playing against would not doing very good, I just didn’t want to send you the other one because half of that match is in comprehensible. but yeah I should be able to get replay pretty soon.

Exactly…the games have to keep going whether or not you have an ideal team on both sides. The matchmaker is there to get you as close as possible. But there’s a million things you can’t measure with stats and therefore there will always be an imbalance in matchmaking. You can only get so close.

Flex queue was put in to help matchmaking. If you want the best matches, then flex queue. If everybody flexed, the matches would get MUCH better. (Let me qualify this: it would give the matchmaker better data to work with, thus in theory producing better matchups. It would not necessarily improve the quality of every game you play.)

But then you lose the ability to choose your role, which is obviously important.

So there will always have to be a compromise between your personal choices and the matchmaker. If you want better quality games, just flex. If you would rather play a specific role, just know that it might lower the quality of the team you get matched with.

Ok, time to explain how statistic and ranking works

First thing, rank is relative. Overwatch ranking systeme is based on the ELO ranking systeme whiche is us in many other competitive things and that give a rank to people by watching all the other people in the systeme
A exemple of a ranking that is not working like that is the school evaluation
If all ur classe do the exercice wrong they all will have bad marks. If they all do it great they will all have good marks
If school was based on a ELO système there will be always someone with an A and someone with a F, even if the difference between both is just one or two wrong answer

If u place top500 hundred in a système like overwatch ranking were they are all by them self some of them will be bronze, some silver, some gold, ect.

The ranking does not show ur individual skill, it shows ur individual skill among other players and that’s why in almost every online game u can see that the average individual lvl will be higher and higher, but it does not mean that u as an individual will rank up in the systeme
U could be playing in silver since the realease it does not mean u never get better, it juste means that u get better as quickly as the average silver player and that’s why someone can be stuck in a elo despite playing for years.

So now, with this knowledge that rank is relativ imagine u took out all the platine+ players out of the game and u force all the rest of player to play on brand new account
Suddenly the best of gold player would be the top500 with 4k3+ sr because of the facts that the rank just show u ur place relatively to all the other players

OpenQ is that, less player overall, less skilled players (because the majority of player that really want to improve juste don’t care about openQ, that’s a fact, blizzard show the stats) u finish with a pool of player that, in average, is less good than the pool in RQ. So it is way easier to get in a higher rank because the ranking systeme called ELO is relative

I admit that I may not be very clear. Never mind u juste have to look for the ELO ranking systeme, it is use in many competitive scene (even chess) and u will easly find a better explanation of what I’m trying to say

Utimatly, just go see the ranking in openq and go check profil of players, u’ll see they are higher in openQ than they are in roleQ most of the time


I forgot to use « reply »

To add on here and/or clarify: ladders are relative to other players stratified by skill as the metric. There will always be a top and always a bottom. You cannot all be at any rank otherwise there is no hierarchy.

PS: you might be self-conscious of your English and, yes, there are tiny mistakes I could correct but your message is clearly expressed imo in a depth uncommon to these forums. Bravo!


Yet, here you are making the same exact post for probably the two thousandth time. It’s perplexing to know you’re still here and haven’t been Dumbledore’d yet.


It’s discombobulating seeing the same exact phrase from you every couple of days, and then to realize, you still run on that hamster wheel. I mean the best for you Kapoof, but like, got damn. I think you’re addicted dood.

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I think you are still replying to his posts.
So you are also on the wheel dood.


I think you are addicted to his posts man.

Edit: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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You ‘think?’ Are you absolutely certain Revalex? ARE YOU 100% SURE??

Noooo obviously not. You are not a hamster right? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Ah yes I forgot that OverWatch ranking system work like that, you’re right in that case. Well I figured I’d never really made much of a difference because most people when I check out their profiles there open queue and roll queue is pretty similar but your right on the yellow system so I can’t really deny that one.

Anyway I did find a replay, I was hoping to have more variety but Overwatch deletes these replays or takes them of the menu. Anyway this is the game after my friend had just barely climbed into diamond his name is “ShardInvalidated” and yes he’s a better player than I am lol thus his rank gets me into higher games. My player name will be “H0110H”.

Here is the code: 844YJV

A few things about this game, I played Brig and Baptiste, but Brig is my main and I just started picking up Baptiste since the patch so I wouldn’t expect anything spectacular. Also this game was a loss.

We also do get completely stomped on the enemy’s first push, They had an interesting comp going for a while with four tanks I believe. I thought the what game went well afterwards I felt like we had a fighting chance and if I remember correctly the beginning of the our first round went pretty well… except for our team not noticing the Pharaoh at the beginning everyone m getting booped but me and my friend. After we capped first point it just didn’t progress past their. Honestly when I think about it I think the reason we didn’t push is we just noobed it up, have we started some kind of dialogue and communication and maybe had some sort of strategy in the push we might have had a chance because I know from the previous rounds that we can hold our own against these players It was just a sloppy approach and I’m just caught up on that pharah mostly.

Had this been a silver or bronze replay though, the Brig I would have played would have been a lot more aggressive because so much more is required of me to get a win in silver and bronze then is required of me in this type of game. In this replay I can sit back and chill with Brig most of the time but in the lower ranks I basically am the front line, as much as I’m not supposed to be, It just takes a lot more than it does in higher level games.

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Alright, I’m going to point out the egregious mistakes that a mid-Plat player should not be making:
Jump to the end for cliff notes if you don’t want to read a play-by-play.

At 3:47 game time, you blew your whip-shot cool-down for no reason on a McCree on the enemy side of the choke. You had just given a repair pack to Torb (and missed the first one and RP’d your full health Roadhog so you were down two RPs… accuracy matters!) So you didn’t need to proc Inspire right then. So you are down to only one RP and your primary attack for healing just before the team-fight actually started.

A better tactic here would have been to save Shield Bash and Whipshot for their Rein when he pushes in or charges someone to displace him or allow your Hog to hook him and DPS to get some damage in.

Rein DID Charge and you didn’t use Shield Bash to stun him and he hit you with Charge, consequently you were the first to die on your team. Since you are a support, this is a big problem.

Roadhog died a second later due to blowing his hook cooldown for no gain, and poor positioning which resulted in getting hooked by the enemy Hog and his TaB cancelled by Sleep.

Your main tank was still leaving spawn when the match started, so your entire team SHOULDN’T have been pushed up to the gate. They should have taken up a more defensive position until the Orisa arrived if possible.

This first lost team-fight was due to 5v6 with no main-tank for your team and losing a support immediately.

Your Torb jumped off the map after respawning, but had an immediate fast respawn, but that was still a throw move due to the enemy already being at the second choke.

For the poke phase at the second choke, you missed your second Whipshot of the game trying to hit their Sigma. Accuracy matters on Brig. You are trying to position with natural cover and LOS the enemy while remaining in melee range, so this is good positioning here.

You take some shots at the Hog on high ground with Whipshot, but it’d be better to save it for when he Hooks someone, in order to ruin his kill-combo.

When your tanks push up you take a 1v1 with their Mei at the choke, and moved far enough forward that Mei could have walled you off from your retreat. Mei was not a threat at this moment due to having all of your cool-downs and shield ready. She should have been ignored, but you blew Bash and Whip-shot while moving forward, this would have allowed her to kill you if she had walled you off as she should have. You are not managing your cool-downs at a Platinum level so far. Instead you should have kept moving forward with the tanks to keep them up and peel for them. If Mei attempted to flank you, she would have been killed in a 3v1 or sandwiched between your entire team and died that way. Your Sigma is in trouble due to being wildly out of position.

You use Whipshot on a Hog to peel for your Sigma in an attempt at an environmental kill. Good use of your ability here. Poke is over and the team-fight is about to begin. Your Rein gets pulled into their team after whiffing Earthshatter, but your RPs are all spent. You move up and proc Inspire with Whipshot, which is fine.

Soldier takes high ground and you Whipshot him off, good use of the ability here.

Your team wins the team-fight and the enemy retreats. So far, you’ve seen multiple enemies take high ground on the left side and get free shots at your team. You should have taken the opportunity here to get on high ground. You can easily defend it with Shield Bash and Whipshot to prevent enemies from using the lift up while having good visibility for RPing your team both inside and outside of the choke as well as being in Whipshot range of the enemy. This is not Platinum level positioning from you.

You are still on low-ground as the second poke phase starts, and you blow your Whipshot on the Rein shield after putting two Repair Packs onto your full health Reinhardt. You are now down to a single RP and Bash and have gained nothing for blowing three cool-downs in rapid succession. This is not Platinum cool-down management.

Some more poke happens, and you blow whipshot on their Rein again when you don’t need Inspire to be proc’d yet. Poor cool-down management, you are basically using abilities off of cool-down here and are in a bad state when the push happens.

The third push starts and you move in front of your tanks, and wind up engaging the entire enemy team under the effects of both Immortality Field and Beat. Consequently, you are the first to die at the start of the third team-fight. This is the second time (out of three total team-fights) you died immediately as a support as soon as the team-fight began.

You are dying too much and too early as a support, as I suspected earlier in the thread.

So far your Ana is carrying you. You have not been overly useful so far.

Your tanks move out to engage and delay the enemy. You are coming back from spawn and attempt to peel for Sigma but he was out of position and died because the entire enemy team could attack him and he was nowhere near cover he could retreat to. This player was your Hog from earlier that died out-of-position. He is a potato tank in this match and you should focus your efforts on your other teammates.

Due to Sigmas death, the enemy pushes in for the fourth team-fight of the match. Despite using several ults, they fail to earn any ticks. This is the second time they’ve blown multiple ults and failed to earn any progress from it. Your team is winning the team-fights despite Hog/Sigma feeding and your substandard (for Platinum) support play.

It’s late, so this is as far as I’ve watched, but it’s enough.

  • You are absolutely dying too much as a support for Platinum play. You were the very first death in the match and you died at the start of 2 out of 4 team-fights that’ve I’ve seen.
  • Your positioning and awareness needs work for Platinum play. You didn’t realize you were down a main tank at the start, or you did but you positioned aggressively anyway. Later, you engaged solo into a push while your enemies had most of their abilities and ults available and moved out in front of your own tanks. You didn’t position in a spot that would deny high-ground to your enemy while having access to both heal your team and disrupt the enemy.
  • Your cool-down management needs work for Platinum play. You frequently use abilities off of cool-down because you can. This nets you NO value as they are unavailable when you actually need them. You used Repair Packs on full health team-mates multiple times… and more than one RP on a full health Rein to boot. This wasn’t done to enable a dive, flank, or play when it could have theoretically been justified to do so. You did RP your Sigma’s ult, which was good play and justified on a full health Tank.
  • Your accuracy needs work for Platinum play. You missed a good number of your Whipshots even on large targets and you RP’d the wrong target at least once. Accuracy matters for every hero.
  • Target Priority needs work for Platinum. You are spending resources on the team potato… Hog/Sigma should have been best effort after taking care of everyone else. You spend cool-downs on targets that don’t need them or won’t realize value even if they hit. Ana is playing well and doesn’t need your attention so far, but you should be looking at your second support more often.

Those aren’t nits I’m picking, they are pretty major errors in game-play for 2500+. I’d wager that if you watch your Ana’s viewpoint you can see what you should be doing to play at a higher level. I’ve viewed the majority of the first round, and you did not bring much value to the team. As Brig, you have the potential to shut down enemy plays which you didn’t do a single time here. Largely, this round would have went about the same way with Ana solo-healing.

I’m interested in what Zodiak will say, even if it is hard to read :laughing:

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I think you explained it pretty well :slight_smile:

Console ladder is good representation of what you said. Smaller player base, when you actualy look at game of plat player there, you would guess that player belongs to silver on pc.

I actually got to play with a group of Masters console refugees. Their teamwork was good but the aim wasn’t great. We weren’t getting anywhere until I took over as DPS and went Widow. I’d say they were about mid-Plat capable coming straight from console to PC.

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I am also curious, because you seem at best just barely qualified to be judge, and there are some things you say that make me suspect that either you don’t play Brigitte much or you aren’t getting the bigger picture of what I am doing. The biggest example is that you don’t seem to be aware of why I’m using my packs the way I do, but part of what I’m doing is a very well known brig tactic the other is as a result of playing brig so much. and lastly you say that I should look at it from the perspective of Anna. Of course I know what Anna’s doing, what other players are doing also affect my gameplay It’s not just my gameplay that forces them into their positions. If Anna is capable of healing them then I will take position more closer to the base or the back line or to wherever I feel needs more security, This is the biggest fault I see with sharing replays don’t ever know your context of what exactly is happening and why and of course for every mistake there exists better options I’m pretty sure I’m well aware of most of mistakes myself It’s easy to look at it when not under pressure of the game, Even when reviewing some of my best games or I felt I did great, upon looking at the replay the gameplay suddenly looks worse mistakes. Lastly you did make a few points regarding my mistakes what does this mean exactly? Because the matches are minutes long and you have seconds worth of criticism Neither are people who usually preview replace actively looking for praises but of course every mistake is not going to be something that looks to be at that skill level rarely do you see a mistake and go wow that was a flat level mistake mistakes are usually just bronze.

But of course if you judge me not to be plat yet I’ve still won plenty of plat games, more than I’ve lost actually, what does it all mean in the end? Initially my question wasn’t really that whether I’m a plat or not, what I had said was that plat games are easier to play than silver I eventually gave my replay away because he cannot believe my first statement that plat games are easier than silver and for some reason saying that higher rank games are easier than lower ranked games puts me under suspicion of being lower ranked which which makes no sense to me but I was hoping to possibly find out what relevance that had if and when he did the review.

Anyway I still have to drive home from work so I haven’t done a complete comparison of your review to my own replay. The repair packs critique and Ana thing are pretty apparent to me, the rest of your criticisms I have yet to look. They could very well be valid and I appreciate that You did take time to review it, I’m always open for improving.

Solo queue to plat and stay there for a few seasons.

It wasn’t solo queue, but it’s something.

Kk. I’ll look a this today

ok, I finnally watch it, it’s not soloq, it’s not even roleq but anyway.

U had ur ult for 4’53" and when u finnaly use it u use it so late in the fight i would have done nothing… i mean if u had survived more than 0.5 second after poping it.
I could honestly stop right there and it would be enought to prove that have not a plat lvl.
But it would be a bit mean. Not gonna lie, I just watch the first round. I see u letting ur mate dying like 3 times, u had armor pack, u did nothing. I see u getting charged and kill by a rein, u had two seconds to react and ur shield bash up but u just stood in front of him and died.

U have two problemes that are certainly link to each other

1 situational awerness, u seems lost everysecond of this round
2 reaction time, overwatch it’s a fast fps (even if it is a weird fps i admit it) and ur reaction time is soooooo bad compared to the average overwatch player…

the both together does that u miss almoste every single opportunities u had to be usefull with ur brig. right now, with what u did in this round, u would be more usefull by playing mercy and just be a heal bot.
mercy is not a heal bot, but u play brig as a heal bot and have zero impact with ut abilities so u would add more to ur team if u played mercy because her healing outcome is higher and easier to use. Just ask u this question fairly, “if i really would have more impact by healboting with mercy than i have by my brig that I think deserved plat, do i really deserve plat ?”
brig is not a main heal, she’s a main support, she’s supposed to have uttilitary value and a “not so good but ok” heal value because she lack burst heal, u barely have heal value and u had almost no uttilitary value…

time to give u advice.
Look for birg guides and high lvl vod on youtub to see what’s ur supposed to do. When u have this basis idea of how brig is supposed to be play and what purpose she have in a game vod review urself and ask urself if u had any impact in fights and if u could have one. compare ur gameplay to high lvl vod brig gameplay, can u at least see that your is a less good gameplay of brig or is it like u don’t even played the same hero ?
by doing this on a regular basis u will slowly (or very quickly depending on ur ability to evaluate urself without lying to ursefl and admitting what make u a bad brig so u can work efficiently on thst) progress and become a better player.
Right now u absolutly do not deserve plat. Like right know it would be a shame to the match maker if u reached even high gold. Does not mean u will never do it, but if u really want to be better at first u’ll have to acknoledge u are a underaverage player. I mean, for everysingle plat player u play like a bot…
Now be mad at me, sure u can think that i’m just there to be an *sshole, that i’m just there to trash u and that i have no idea what i’m speaking about. Or u can aknoledge that i start in bronze, i grind to (very) low master on heals (oppen profil) and that U can do it too, if u agree to see ur own lack of skill. When u’ll acknoledge u are bad u will finnaly be able to progress and go ealsy out of what u describ as an elo hell to finally deserve plat.

Remember, look at high lvl vod, look at guides on brig, vod review urself.
when vod reviewing urself, for each of ur own death aske urself how u could have avoid it. For each ally death aske urself if u would have been able to help him without dying urself, even if u finnally not save him could u have done something ?

I’m not trying to be mean for the lol, it just piss me off that once again someone that deserved imo high bronze low silver at best is whining how much higher he’s supposed to be and how unfaire is the game.
The game have a lot of problems sure, but unfairness is not one if u play more than 3 games a week.

Yes ur actual rank is a mess, but honestly, i go throught all ranks despite GM and they all are a mess. The purpose u should be chasing if u wanna rank up is to be better at messing around than anyone else in a 12 peoples loby, right know in plat, I can promess u, from a external POV, u would be the worst

if u read it till now BRAVO !
u reached the end of a none friendly, agressiv, not well wright post.
I SINCERLY hope it will help u to look at ur gameplay more honestly and that u will finnally be able to go passt ur illusion of skill to actually rank up and become a better player that i will ever be