Competitive handicap not worth the struggle

I think that it’s the opposite of what people think. When your MMR is higher than your SR, the matchmaker puts you with the team mates that also have MMR higher than their SR, which leads to you winning streaks. I think people who fall are simply failing to fulfill some mystery metric stats the matchmaker takes into account during MMR calculation. One thing is probably objective time and capture. Standing on the point and getting the capture probably boosts MMR, and it’s something the vast majority of players won’t do. I don’t think the game would try to penalize you for playing too well, that concept just lacks all logic. The devs have stated in the past they designed the matchmaker to get smurfs out of the lower ranks as quickly as possible. Giving them the occasional stomp and big SR rewards is painful but the only real viable solution.

I really hope this isn’t something they factor in considerably. As a Genji main, this would be pretty unfair as it’s really not my job.

Honestly the system takes way too long. Necros took 24 hours to hit diamond from bronze. The SR rewards for a clear smurf need to be much larger.

Yeah i have noticed same thing as you. And generaly speaking he played in a too passive way not really fully using his kit and abilities.

Yes, he should definitely shield bash there as there was time to do it just fine.

Whole defend round he just existed and thats it.

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Ok, well like we already say, plat openq is not roleQ plat lvl, it’s way worse
Overall sur plat is easier than silver for u because ur really good at existing and doing almost nothing, so if ur team is better u have the feeling the game is easier, but honestly for the team in almost all fight ur a dead weight, I’m sur u know the theory of how to play Brig pretty good, but godamn ur not playing well. U missed so much opportunities to have impacte

If « game in plat » mean for u playing openQ with ur friend it’s pretty easy to understand why u win more, I watched a bit of his gameplay too, he’s carrying u. That’s it. U said that when he play solo he win less. Maybe when ur there he has a confidence boost or something soo, it use to happened to me when I use to play with a friend because I just felt safer with someone I knew
Or probably most of games he doesn’t have 2 heals but when ur there u play heal or tank and so even if ur not really useful the team is less triggered by bad compo and even if u don’t do a lot u do minimal healing so there’s no solo heal.

Maybe u see little mistake in ur vod because u juste exist and don’t even recognize the opportunities u miss on vod. Idk.
Ur friend, the soldier have way better understanding of what he’s supposed to do, tell him to play more with high ground and to stay on it when he’s in position and he could hit high plat low diams in roleQ. He does several mistakes but he’s ballzy, not bad aim and that’s enough.

Anyway, if plat is so easier, prove it, buy another account, he will almost automatically be placed in gold, then it should be easy to push to plat. Or u can just buy boost or plat account, or ask ur friend to share is for 1-2 games in roleQ. (He I know, those are no good advice for the overall community but like we all know blizzard don’t give a s*it about the community wealth and the Smurf/account buy/account share problems soooo) U’ll quickly understand

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I responded
But I didn’t go as depth as u, no needs, u see he’s lvl after the first round

Also, seems like it supposed to prove me that plat is easier than silver

I never saw a game of him in silver
Also that’s openq, he compares openQ plat and roleQ silver. No comparaisons, it would not surprise me if it was exactly the same lvl

Also in openQ it seems like he get almost always carried by a friend dps that have a very « carry » playstile
I’m not sur he realize how much pressure release a player with a carry playstile can provide to is team, pretty sur if we throw him in a roleQ plat he’ll lose a lot and maybe even get rolled by genjis with is Brig, I’m not even kidding

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Isn’t blizz motto play nice, play fair??? So if 1 match has players of unequal skill is that fair? Is that nice?


I agree. The reason for the huge difference in skill is the MMR/handicapping system.

You can check my profile again… is that more acceptable now?

I will say though, that there are WAY more smurfs and questionable low-level accounts in Gold and Plat than there ever have been… especially if you’re playing grouped.

It’s very telling when you breathe a sigh of relief when you DON’T see a single bronze portrait on the enemy team because you’re probably going to get a reasonable and fair match.

If we aren’t getting OW2 anytime soon, it’d be lovely if Blizzard could address some of the issues plaguing OW1. At least talking about the perception of smurfs would be excellent, and FIXING the audio problems.


Bro this this was months ago, I’m not even sure how the topic even lead to this whole fiasco but if I remember correctly, I said that you would barely be qualified to be a judge plat, your barely in Plat (not meant as an insult)

You still are higher than me, the only reason I play plat games is queing up with my high plat/diamond friend and I’m pretty sure I’ve played at least 50 games in that elo, majority of which have been wins and felt like I had a fighting chance and don’t have to carry as much and can rely on teamates to have my back more than silver/gold games. Which is why I said Silver games are harder then Platinum.

The replay I sent was to show an example of the relaxed play I can afford in Plat games and how it’s easier to do good because of good teamates. Unlike silver where your forced to do more,take bigger risks, and die more because you can’t rely on your team as much.

If I recall either one or both of you took that replay ignoring the reason I sent you the replay in the first place started critisizing my performance. Which was my initial problem but that’s more of a potential misunderstanding than bad judgement.

The only one I don’t think has the capacity to judge is the one who critisized for me for staying back and playing passively and my use of repair packs with Brig. This is because they refused to acknowledge that the context of the game, that I purposely stayed behind for strategic reasons and not because of laziness, lack of skill or being carried. Also regardless of rank this person was unqualified to judge brig players in general because they were apparently unaware of the a rather commonly known strategy of sending repair packs prefight to teamates who are about to take damage to act as a buffer if you can afford to, and instead said I was wasting packs and even after I hinted at the fact that I was using a strategy in return ridicules me for having some “play brig gud theory” believing I was just making things up to cover up what they initially don’t understand in the first place. However i don’t remember if this person was or was or wasn’t you.

Yeah but then people can game the system and get into a much higher rank thank they really are. Boosting services would be way too easy if you could quickly rank up. Then after the boosted account is given back to the original player, they ruin a ton of games until they drop back down to the rank they belong in.

True but if you wanted to solve the smurf issue then this is better. Boosting services are much, much less common than smurfs. I mean even in this scenario boosted players will fall back into their low ranks, but the boosters will ruin games during the climb. If they could climb quickly then that’s less games ruined on the climb, and less games ruined during the fall. Imo they shouldn’t have ruined winstreaks, but simply toned them down. Instead of capping at 150SR a game it should’ve been 50SR maybe, or 75.

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