*closed* pointless

Understand right now we have a perfect storm of things that can cause people to tank their rating.

!A:) Flex que throwing
B:) A holiday event so lots of casuals are in arcade farming loot boxes and playing mei modes
C:) End of season shenanigans
d:) people away for the holidays.

I cant remember the last time I didnt lose some SR during holiday events. The new season you should see a lot more participation . If it’s any consolation you should probably should have some easy wins from all the rusty mei grinders that go back in. MAN are they in for a rude awakeneing.

are you comparing gm brig stats to silvers? i used to think you can do that when i was a diamond brig can but your really cant because your going against silvers compared to gms going against gms so there stats are worse get like 13k in silver because im a gm brig i get 10 per 10 in diamond and 11 per 10 in plat because they dont punish you compared to grandmasters they do so i dont think comparing your stats to gms is really fair


Matchmaking doesnt work like that. I didnt say anything about being placed in others who carried either. If you carry games, your MMR will go up and next game will be usualy slightly higher in MMR. If what you say would be true, smurfs would never climb. But they climb pretty fast.

This is by far one of the best troll posts I’ve ever read on the forums. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Lord knows I needed a laugh today but bruh… Wow…

So your stats in bronze/silver against other Bronze/silver players is equal to that of Masters/GM players against other masters/GM players? Cool sounds like you’re right where you belong.

I coach silver/gold/platinum players and I lay into each and everyone of them until they stop making the same mistakes over and over again.

NOmegalul… Now there’s a coach who likes to humiliate people. All for the subs/likes/follows. Hard pass…

Indeed… FOR SILVER PLAYERS you probably play like a low/mid/high silver player. And that’s fine. But those stats compared against other players playing in their Elo isn’t how you’d compare them. You’d compare your stats to someone NOT in that Elo and how you measure up.

As in, if a plat tank/dps/support was playing in silver, how do you compare to them? Will you perform on the same level? (The correct answer isn’t a trick).

You don’t play brig 1/132 as well as a GM support does.

You and me both…

Okay on the real about MMR, NOBODY here can truly tell you how it works because it’s proprietary Blizzard software.

You have your SR (the number you see) and your MMR (a number made up of other data) that the software used to attempt to generate a balanced match for you and the other 11 players in the lobby.

(Assumedly) MMR is a compilation of your stats/10 mins + (Something proprietary) which allows the software to determine a balanced match.

For example… Your SR is 1750 (so of all the players available between 1250 and 2250) who has performance stats that will likely help this player experience a moderately balanced competitive game.

Sometimes you get games where the odds are slightly against your or slightly in your favor. In that case, if you’re favored to win the match and lose, you’ll lose more SR, conversely, if you’re favored to lose and you win, you’ll gain more SR.


Are you trying to court the person reviewing your games? “How many kids do you want?”

You’re putting FAR too much importance on PBSR. Its effects are only 5sr out of your total 20. Your MMR is most heavily weighted by your ability to win games, not that you killed 50 people.


You are putting your self in an illusion - you are effectively assuming that your silver games are of the same difficulty of those in GM. You are saying that getting 10k damage per 10 mins in sliver is just as easy as doing it in GM.

If you put a GM player in a silver match they would have 0 - 2 deaths, which is way below the average for that rank. I’m sure if we reversed the experiment and put you in a GM lobby you would have 15+ deaths.

My point is that comparing your stats from silver games to GM stats in GM games is pointless and you are just trying to shift the blame onto your teammates. I think the idea of this website you talk about is to compare your own stats to players of a similar rank to you, to see if you are above or below average, not to boost your ego when you see you block the same amount of damage as a grand master.


Wait, getting 15+ deaths isn’t normal?
I knew I was doing something wrong! Maybe this is why I can’t climb any higher and my healers hate me…
Nah, it’s their fault for not healing me enough! :stuck_out_tongue:


So you just assumed I’m stupid and/or unaware of how stats work and there relation to player skill, then just wrote the majority of your post based on that assumption. That’s nice.

Anyway aside what you wrote about the version of me inside your lala land let’s start off here.

Alright then, well in that case you don’t coach 3/288ths as good as Stylosa who at least finds humor at actual gameplay he reviews isnt get his kicks off his own baseless assumptions.

I’ve seen violet play Brig at high levels, nothing ground breaking. Obviously the fact that he is on a team of GM and not Silvers is why he is able to play like that. Sad truth but brig is very team reliant. However if you throw on a good review or replay of a GM Soldier, Now those I learned a lot from and actually feel like there’s a big difference in my gameplay.

Yeah in terms of MMR I’m going to be experimenting with the stats myself then seeing if it makes a difference. Seem to give me a big MMR boost with Zenyatta when I was racking up the kills but give me close to nothing or negative when I’m essentially the on CCing and holding/dancing around payload even if it prevents the enemy from getting any points at all. I might end up just walking to Zen for now just in general if I can’t get Brig to give me more MMR in silver rank (because I die a lot more In silver rank, occupational hazard of having to “tank” with Brig). I was just hoping somebody knew a little bit more already can I be able to save some time, It seems like a the old-fashioned way is the way to go. Time to bust out the scientific method.

Well I just started measuring my SR and the SR I mentioned where I lost a lot wasn’t a game where I thought I did good I’ve got stomped that round I just didn’t expect to lose so much because the whole team got stopped not just me and I figured the system would take that into accounts because losing will always look bad. I think I did average or slightly above that on the game where I won 18 SR, I’m not sure what the averages are is I think it was like 25 or something so I assume 18 is kind of low for playing what I believe to be average at least.

Anyway I’m about to start playing some more games but after my placements first to measure that SR after that I’ll try to see if I can get a replay up .

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He doesn’t want to improve. This was already attempted at the below discussion linked, and he simply dismissed both people trying to help him… one of them a masters support player giving him tips on his support play.

He’s a high-bronze, low-silver player getting placed into high-gold, low-plat games by duo-ing with a Diamond smurf and he doesn’t understand what’s happening in the match or what he should be doing.

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Oh look it’s the man who speaks for me he knows what I want what I am and what happened.

I simply dismiss them right and that’s the end of story?

Maybe its because he only watched 3 minutes of the replay and then just judged the whole thing to be crap even though I have specifically said that the first round was crap and he simply chose to avoid all the valuable gameplay for crap gameplay where the whole team was a mess. To judge the first three minutes off like a 15-minute match That’s like reading the first three chapters of Harry Potter and claiming knowledge of the whole book. Or because a master’s level player doesn’t even know a basic brig technique of sending reapair packs before a battle as a buffer. Why would I trust someone like that, that’s why I dismissed him, he might be mastered but he’s not qualified. Pointing out mistakes anybody could do it even a bronze. What’s the point of him saying I hold on to my Ult to long without any follow up? Even I am well aware that I hold on to my Ult too long at times, It doesn’t take a master player to know that but would could have taken a master player or where I could have benefited from his experience would have been his input of where I could have used the ult what time he saw as a better time to use it what should I be looking for in order to use it what should I avoid and not use it in, anything really very little value and very little respect given to the replay only watching the worst 3 minutes.

You may be better at Overwatch than me I don’t know but even if you were that doesn’t mean you can dictate reality give you a valid authority to speak for me and say what I’ve done and summarize it all in a cute little story as if that were it. I believe this is what they would call, overextending.

I watched the entire round, and so did Zodiak (the Masters support) who reviewed your replay as well. I stayed up very late to do so in order to help. I didn’t need to see the rest because you had massive problems in gameplay to correct regardless of how poorly or well that particular round went.

You are not interested in improvement. You want your ego stroked, and you wasted two peoples time who volunteered their free time to try to help you improve.

Don’t bother posting another replay code until you are serious about taking criticisms to improve, you’ll just be wasting everyones time again.


He literally wrote in his review that after the first 3 minutes he stopped watching. Cuz I remember there were two people who reviewed it You might have been the other one but there was one who explicitly wrote that. As for your review You’re ignoring the whole reason I posted that replay in the first place It wasn’t for a measure of my performance but to show that it’s easier to play in Plat Of course I was passive the whole game wasn’t trying to impress anybody with that. In your replay you point out mistakes and yeah that’s good and all but what is that supposed to do for me mistakes are going to happen within the game just because you point out mistakes doesn’t mean I won’t continue to make mistakes and some of the mistakes are make are generally just mistakes not things that I intended to do or intended to be that way. Unless he provides some value to the mistake on what should have done or why this is bad strategy not just simply that I died doing this because of that. from the reviews I’ve seen online on YouTube They actually give decent advice or advice that I find actually helps. such as one review on soldier where he was shooting his missiles directly out the player and he said hey why don’t you just shoot it at the ground instead that way the splash damage still gets them that’s a legitimate tip or advice or he was telling him to use high ground more.

If I wanted to point out all my mistakes I could do that myself rather easily, there needs to be actual advice on there for me to actually acknowledge it.

Criticism such as playing too passively are invalid in my eyes. Considering that you don’t know the reason I’m playing passively or if there is a reason at all there could be no reason it could be a genuine mistake but there could be a reason to it and usually there are reasons to why I’m doing things I’m not just walking around brain dead

The mistakes were pointed out and what you should have done instead was also stated in the review. If you do want to improve, take the advice already given to you by two players.

And take all of this less personally.


It became personal with the word usage maybe not you maybe you were the other guy but his word usage, such as laughing at my supposed “play brig gud theory” which ultimately was the technique that he was unaware of and was mocking because he thought I was making things up, and only watching 3 minutes of it showed a clear disrespect and ignoring Not only everything I said regarding the replay but the entire point of the replay which was not a performance review, The whole thing started with me saying that plat is easier to play than silver and clearly it is if I could play so passively.

Pointing out mistakes and what I should have done yes perhaps you but it’s not of much value if these are fork in the road decisions as in I made the wrong move I should have healed him and I would have not have died. Situational mess-ups I find hard to extract any value from. It’s clear to see that the road that I took in this fork was wrong after the game has been played obviously the other one can be pointed out as the right move and glorified. This isn’t necessarily your fault but it’s something that bothers me about reviews in general Is it they can’t know why I’m doing the things I’m doing. For example I had one review where the guy says I should have healed Winston he was clearly low health. Watching my review It’s different from playing the game and you view it in a technical aspect. The Winston that he was referring to that I should heal I could not have seen because as I was turning rights quickly the Winston super jumped to the left, while playing this Winston if anything was a blur but viewed from a review It’s less apparent however with this knowledge you could go into first-person mode and then you can see how that would have been a factor. No one really considers when reviewing that the player actually has a play in mind or what that play might be and that’s not their fault It’s hard to do that, but I get I get these mistakes back and for the most part about 75% of them I have reasons in my mind of why I didn’t do that, Not only does this make it useless to me but it also makes it a waste of the time for the reviewer.

I read the linked post, i totaly forgot I watched defence round too. My feedback was similar to what zodiac said. You were really given a lot of tips in that topic by several players. Its suprising to me that you are unable to take criticism, when people are trying to help you. You you take it more as personal attack. Which they were not.


They literally started clowning about some “play brig gud theory”, admitted to watching only 3 minutes (the worse three which I even Explained) and completely ignored what the replay was for in the first place.

I get that the Higher ranks look down on lower ranks as if we’re stupid or lie to ourselves and can’t admit were bad. So much so that they clearly get tunnel vision. I get it’s a lot to read the entirety of the conversations and at a glance it all looks fine and dandy but the scope of that topic and what was important for that topic is not his review.

Actually this is the second topic that derails off the point into the same thing that high ranks love doing, critisizing. Also reminding you that you are inferior in a civilized ways, but basically, power trippin.

Anyway everyone knows MMR an attempt to gauge performance, obviously increasing performance increases MMR, but a replay is irrelevant because it addresses the obvious part of the solution. The topic was created in hopes of funded information on the more elusive/hidden factors of the MMR system so as not to be hampered by this MMR, never said I was unhappy with my in game performance, in unhappy with the MMR adjustments. Which may lead to modifying performance but not for performance sake.

The matchmaking thinks that you should be in a lower SR/MMR. Just keep winning and eventually the big SR loss won’t be that much


Nope, i could stop after three minute, I didn’t, a watch the full round (not the full match I agree) but still, u say the first round was a mess, still, I did nothing, even in a bad day a plat player wouldn’t have done that. I mean ur reaction time and awerness is almost like u were totally high during this round.
Don’t really need to watch more to see that u have already troubles.
Like u said, the point is not to help to improve but to see if it’s easier to play in plat than it is in silver, well u have not the plat lvl, it’s only fair u are struggling in silver

  • u sent openQ game so it’s not really relevant to take time to analyze it because openq is worster than qp in term of rewieving for improvement

OP is really ignorant in this thread. Stop comparing yourself to GM. You’re not in the slightest as good as a GM player. You had a couple bad experiences with a coach so now all coaches are bad apparently. Instead of blaming your lack of game sense, you blame your big loss of MMR that you can’t climb when there has been multiple people that tell you your mistakes. Your so delusional that you think its solely the system that you can’t climb.



If you stop worrying about your sr. Just have fun.