Cole Cassidy is also the name of an irl person

you are forgetting that overwatch isnt the only game in the acti blizzard stock. Its not even the most important or even close to that.

They are total idiots at Blizzard, its just round after round of gross mismanagement.

Its actually worse to use a name of a someone in the media apart from your employeesā€¦

I can accept such as truth w/o even looking into such but it still remains the same scenario w/ every major Dev in Gaming.

Look at EA Sports and what they have become.

If the consumer actually stopped buying their yearly Sports editions EA would be held accountable

Itā€™s the consumer that allows them to exist not the shareholders nor anyone else.

it is what its, we dont need to go on all night about this. personally i dont even care about his name

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It doesnā€™t. Thatā€™s why itā€™s not about that.

The employees wanted because it made them feel better about their work environment.

The suits liked it because itā€™s a relatively speaking cheap change to make that helps them in their union busting efforts. (They are making changes, so we donā€™t need a union!)

The customers opinion is secondary to that.

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This is 100% true.

Ah yes functioning adults who cannot parse their feelings about name of a video game character apart from a real personā€¦ sigh. Feelingsā€¦ nothing more thanā€¦ feelingsā€¦ as the song goes. We need to encourage more of this kind of thinking.

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Yeah. Feeling better is always best at someone elseā€™s expense.

You trip. You fall. I laugh. Understood.


They arenā€™t doing it to annoy you. And that it does upset you shows you know the name change is not meaningless. Both canā€™t win here.


Itā€™s not meaningless to the player base since we been SOLD these CHARACTERS and relate w/ one another via simply discussing them.

Itā€™s meaningless to the victims themselves to change an OW characters name.

Ah, so your feeling are valid but theirs are not. Okay.

Youā€™re absolutely correct cuz they donā€™t GAF about the player base OPINION whatsoever

So like, it may be because of the cultures I grew up inā€¦ but I donā€™t see how someoneā€™s name, especially a fictional characterā€™s name, defines them.

I see this argument a lot, but I really donā€™t get it. Theyā€™re changing the name, sure, but heā€™s still the same character. He just has a different name.

Have you ever been in a work environment where a toxic individual left the company, whether they were fired or left on their own accord?

Because removing references to said toxic individual absolutely does help. It doesnā€™t fix anything they did, but it helps you move on and removes one reminder of them and what they did from your place of work.

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Response they made to a thread that lets people know even though it was a personal choice, they donā€™t want to diminish or invalidate the feelings of people that didnā€™t want the change.

Checking to make sure the name is good for all regions.

Telling people not to abuse the report system by reporting people that still want to use the name McCree, or else risk losing their account.

Looks like they care to me. Caring about someone elseā€™s opinion doesnā€™t mean only doing what youā€™re told to do. It means showing consideration, which they tried to do while doing what was best for them.

I am sorry that youā€™re upset. I donā€™t like this had to happen either. I like the old name and will always like it. I will probably never fully view him as Cassidy.

But in the end, the devs did what was best for them and their work life. And I canā€™t fault them for that.

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We alrdy went over this. No I have not & neither has the OW Dev Team.

Blizzard is a huge Company and OW Devs were not holding hands w/ WoW Devs. Such is not Reality. No matter how hard yā€™all want such to be the case.

Nobody working on OW was a Victim necessitating a McCree change while those whom were Victims are not exactly ā€œfeeling betterā€ about the workplace knowing some other Dev in the Company removed McCree from OW.

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Imaginary Fixes are always Best

Cole Cassidy is just such a bad name in this caseā€¦ Joel McCloud, not great would still have been 20x better.

You will find that once someone has bought into the symbolic feeling action mindset there is no changing them. They get fixated on that one outcome, ignore all contexts and other impacts it has now and in a broader sense. People simply are not as smart as they once were, a side of effect of empathy without tempering with reason.

Is encouraging people to do things like look for a name change really healthy in the long run for them or ultimately society as a whole? I donā€™t think so.

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Youā€™re talking about the entertainment industry, where everything is about both.

I donā€™t work for Blizzard, but I am a career game developer. Everything we make is about presentation. The best feeling we get is putting our creations out into the world, seeing people enjoy them, and being proud of what we contributed.

Having a character in my game named after some jerk we already fired, whether he was a jerk to me personally or not, certainly wouldnā€™t feel good, especially knowing that the public already knows all about him and why we fired him. The presence of that name would hurt the presentation and feel like an embarrassment we had to shy away from within our own product.

Changing it would be a tough call to make. Obviously itā€™s a name thatā€™s been embedded in the game for years, and players wonā€™t simply forget it when itā€™s removed. Imagining myself in Blizzardā€™s position, I wouldnā€™t be changing that just to serve the players; Iā€™d mostly be changing it so my team can be happier in their image of the product they created.


Company parties and communication/interactions between teams exist.

a) You donā€™t know this.

b) McCree is still in the game, just with a different name.

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None of us were sold the IP rights, the creators can still do whatever they want with their fictional characters.

If you donā€™t like what they do, you can choose not to consume the media anymore. What you canā€™t do, is dictate what people make.

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