(Official) Mccree's new name is Cole Cassidy

I really think the name was completely unnecessary. Still going to be MrCree for me.

Wait… i actually like this name change… Cole? That’s not bad

Cassidy is ok, but Cole… why???
Anyways, i will always call him jesse McCree

I’ll keep calling Cree in my games :man_shrugging:

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It will always be Mccree for me!

Should had kept the “Mc” or “Mcree” part of the name at least.
McCole Cassidy
Cole Mccree
Mccree Cassidy

all sound better than Cole Cassidy…

Omg…yuck… You know this whole time all I’ve been thinking about this is “Well whatever it is I’m sure itll be decent.” But omg

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Yeah no.

His name is McCree. Always has been, always will. The only way people will call him Cole (what an awful name, bleeeegh) is for the entire current playerbase to leave the game and the new one (that has never heard of his true name) replaces it.

Also, I guess this counts as a hero release. Lol.


Oh, come on. Cole Cassidy isn’t that bad at all. I was afraid it be something like “Carl the Cowboy”.

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So you change his name from a guy who said some inappropriate things in a private chat to basing it on an actual criminal who ran with a crew that killed people. Real smart move… Why not use a better role model from the west as a name?


Or just come up with an entirely original name that’s clearly not based on anyone, real or fictional.

They haven’t. He’s now called Cole Cassidy?

I think Bruce would be a lot better. Bruce Cassidy because of the Boston Bruins coach :joy:

I like Cole… not so much cassidy, was hoping for a last name that would sound like a hero name

Correct. But Cole Cassidy is a fictional character.

Has nothing to do with any feeling or lack thereof (I’m negative on the community therefor I must have a love affair with blizz?)….it’s literally just a name to me and I don’t care that it’s getting changed….has zero effect on my gameplay experience or my RL experience

As for why do it then….they gave their reasons for it….like if people can’t understand that the name means something to some of their employees (in a negative way)…then I’m not really sure what to say…it’s pretty clear cut….my opinion on his old name isn’t important…if you really must know I like the older one better…it got changed…big whoop

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Who is clearly based on a real person.

Butch Cassidy.

funnily enough calling him cassidy is a bit of a :eyes: as a paladins player considering how similar his kit is to cassie’s on paladins :stuck_out_tongue:

No, to be clear: I was inferring that you thought the change was good which may improve your mood on blizzard. I believe this to be blizzard’s intended goal: they’re trying to save face.

Again, I don’t particularly trust corporations when it comes to stuff like this, so I don’t take their words at face value. Its fine that you do as your feelings are different from mine, but you need to understand that not everyone has the same opinions on this.

I just feel like, if Blizzard really cared for the mental health of their workers, they’re make it clear that they were doing more for them instead of changing a name.

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I think a name like Joel McClaine or something would’ve been cool.

But as this person said…

It really does lmao.

I mean hopefully they’re doing more…be that as it may they (also?) chose to change his name….oh well….and it’s not like people can’t call him whatever they want….in terms of the community itself it’s like the least impactful change they could’ve made…feel like people who are truly upset about this are just getting upset cause they want to be upset (perhaps prior sentiment towards blizz even)

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