Cole Cassidy is also the name of an irl person

Weekend Wrestling Cole Cassidy. I found this out on Twitter this evening. While I like the name, I think they should look into it before committing to the name. Perhaps name him C.C or CeeCee? :cowboy_hat_face:


Does this person work for Blizzard? No, they do not. And I’m pretty sure this applies to not naming characters after real people within the company. You’re going to find numerous Cole Cassidys around the world.


My take on the name is on neutral but Cole Cassidy doesnt really ring like a western cowboy name

For a character who dress LARPing a cowboy, cole cassidy sounds like a female tiktoker.

Colt might have been a really cool western take on the name in my humble opinion.


There’s multiple Jesse McCrees in the world.


the person is an actor. we dont need ppl making fun of the guy irl nor in game

And there is one who worked within Blizzard. There’s the difference.

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“When I catch Cole Cassidy(which I guarantee) y’all gonna learn how much he regrets crossing me HAHHAAAAA”

“Brave of you to show your face around here Cole”

“What you do with it Cole?”

“Aw, You know that’s not the way it works around here, Cole”

“Cole Cassidy, been a while you promised you’d riot”

“Oh, what the, Cassidy untie me Cassidy I’m talking to you, I’m gonna rebuild Bob and have him rip off your other arm!”


I’m sure in the past and present and future of the human race, there won’t be a single person with a unique combination of common names.

The difference is that Cole Cassidy isn’t directly named after a particular person like McCree was.


There’s a difference between being directly named after someone(and you flat out asked them if you could use their name) and coincidentally being named the same as someone.


Hmm when u say that Colt would definitely sound good

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Dave, Joel, Bobby, Dusty too would be great name

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But he is has no relation with Bliz so… :clown_face:


And there’s a difference between something coincidentally having the same name as someone, and something deliberately named after someone.

You massive genius.


Seeing how Blizzard is naming him after Butch Cassidy, I think its safe to say theyre being quite hypocritical, and this was a pathetic attempt to sweep their legal nonsense under the rug just to virtue signal with the IRL McCree


Who is butch cassidy?

A US Wyoming outlaw, leader of Cassidy’s Wild Bunch

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Hopalong Cassidy.

And where does it say he was named after “Butch” specifically? Because I just read AndyB’s posts.…-i-love-it/638393/34

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Please do not drag the immortal witch C.C. into anything to do with blizzard.

(not referring to the dev team, i refer to the corpo entity, the dev team gets much love from me)
Blizzard wants to convince you they care, while doing everything but showing it and C.C. just wants to be loved genuinely while doing everything to prove it.

Really? Says the dude that came out with this absolute gem?:

Enjoy your silence btw.


1- they didnt name him after butch cassidy, its a reference. Theres a difference.
2- butch cassidy is long dead
3- butch cassidy didnt work for blizzard or have any associations with blizzard

Im sorry but if you genuinely think that referencing a famous dead cowboy is the same as directly naming a character after someone who works at blizzard, you are purposefully being obtuse for the sake of not liking the name change.