Choose your buffs

I think someone’s done this but imma do it anyway

If u were able to buff your main and or a certain hero in any way shape or form how would you do it


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More like a powershift if anything like here:

Keeping it fair.


Hell,any tweak that makes genji playable is welcome in my eyes


Tracking on micro missiles


Give mercy a shotgun. Now, they will really need healing.


bastion should have torb turret aimbot


I copy and pasted this from a topic I made similar to this so… here you go.

Widowmaker (Click to Expand)



  • Health increased to 200 from 175

Widow's Kiss


  • Maximum Ammo decreased to 30.


  • Ammo cost for scoped shots reduced from 5 to 3
  • Removed damage fall-off.

Automatic Fire

  • Maximum spread tightened to 2.5 from 3.0
  • Damage per bullet increased from 13 to 15



  • Cooldown reduced from 15s to 13s
  • Damage per second increased from 15 to 16. (15s / 75t) to (16s / 80t)

Grappling Hook

  • Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12

These pipe dream changes are just what I've always wanted for Widowmaker. I think Venom-Mine is the worst ability in the game, if not one of the worst. It's reveal feature is useful and it's purpose is useful, but alone, it's awful. This change should help it boost up a little bit to stand by itself better. The Widow's Kiss changes is just boosting close-range combat slightly. Grappling hook changes are something I always wanted. MOVING ON. This is just me rambling so I'll stop now.

Click this text to find the topic I first posted this change list.
(There are some minor changes I made, like the health and grapple buff.)

of course your one to say that. jokes aside that’s pretty funny. YOU NEED HEALS YOUR FULL OF BULLET HOLES


I’m glad you defend doomfist religiously on these forums, someone has to do it.


I always wanted to learn doom,since genji is unplayable rn might as well learn

They are both playable but they’re not the best picks sadly

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Nerf mercy and zen dmg boost to the ground. That’d be the biggest tank buff ever lool



  • Defense Matrix Range Partially Reverted To 12m.
  • Boop is now reverted back before the knockback changes.
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these aren’t even buffs rly they’re just things i think would be nice but -

winston: can now taze in a 3 inch radius instead of a 2 inch radius, when he gets red and smacks you around it actually hurts and shave a second off of his bubble cooldown since it’s destroyed before you can blink anyway

lucio: healing actually heals you, doesn’t have to do parkour and spawn camp a sniper to be effective

mei: primary and secondary are switched. idk how that would work logistically but i really like her little ice bullets and i think they should be rewarded more than her freeze spray

mercy: remove rez and replace it with something that focuses it on her blaster or chain beams. i’m tired of the cornerstone of her kit being stupid as hell.

Maybe a McCree nerf would be good as well.

Considering his high pickrate and winrate, even beating mercy!!

Oh yes we can’t have a 49% wr stinky diipiiäs get too close to our broken goddess now can we :heart_eyes:

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Are you ever gonna reply to my other replies?

Still waiting for your response on Brig, Ana and Bap all having higher winrates then Mercy :slight_smile:

Press “F” as sombra to get to T500 and win the match instantly


  • Can crouch in mech
  • Multiple emote options in gremlin mode
  • Pez dispenser projectile speed 60 m/s