Choose your buffs

Make reins hammer have infinite range, swing through walls, and 1shot everything, but only when I play him.

They haven’t seen anything yet. I will make them need not only heals… but a Rez to. And I will do everything all by myself if I have to.
Because HEROES NEVER DIE atleast the ones on the right side of my shotgun.

I wonder why you want this :thinking:

Ahahahaha nuke go BRRRRRRRRRRRR

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Primary Fire:

  • Hitbox size partially revert from .2 to .25 meters(originally .3).

  • Damage adjusted from 60/120/180 to 80/130/180.

Secondary Fire:

  • Damage reduced from 120 to 110.

  • Projectile Speed increased from 25 to 30 meters per second.

  • Charge Time reduced from 1 to .85 seconds.

so you dont see any problems with that?

Symmetra primary fire from 60/120/180 to 80/120/180

if mercy could heal multiple people then she would be very broken, 55 healing/per second?!? To MULTIPLE people!!! Do you not see the problem with that?!? She would instantly be meta, I don’t care if she doesn’t have rez because she wont need it, no-one would die. She would be the best healer in the game. Compared to Lucio, the other healer who can heal everyone, he only heals people at an amazing 16 healing/per second! Lucio would be even more useless than he already is and his mains would have a fit. Is rez broken? pfft… No not at all. She is extremely vulnerable when reviving someone so just kill her.

deep breath

I wouldn’t.

I’d rework her stealth lmao


Since players have been asking to make Junkrat rely on aim more.

Concussive Mines: Can now also stick to an enemy.
Bonus: Mines tossed in a player’s face now also reduces their vision until mine is detonated.

(Not my idea, but something I heard the other day while watching Chro)

Throwing and hitting someone with a trap traps them.


  • Health increased to 200 health 50 armor
  • Shield increased to 350
  • Repair Pack range reduced to 15m
  • Repair Pack only gives 50 armor and no healing.
  • Repair Pack charges reduced to 2
  • Inspire remains the same
  • Rally remains the same

Reasoning - These changes bring Brig more in line with her initial design. An off healer that provides peel and close range support. Not a jack of all trades master of all.

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Zen movement buff, revert all projectile travel nerfs.

Also, Sombra hack no longer disables abilities, but shuffles button config.

(Genji power rebalance just so I don’t have to deal with nano-blade anymore)

But if I had to choose my main?

New E, New Ult.

Sick of spectator ult, and I’m sick of rez being so powerful that any other buff to mercy makes her wicked OP.

Rez is Impossible to balance unless it’s an Ult, because bad mercy players get it as often as good mercy players on a cooldown.



  • duration decreased from infinite to 5 sec
  • can contest again
  • collusion sound now same as before
  • speed buff increased from +50% to +75%
  • If she get less than 10 dmg while using stealth she will shine for 0.7 sec but doesn’t go out from stealth ( So there won’t be situations when it got canceled by 1 Dva bullet across the map )
  • VA radius when Sombra comes into stealth decreased from 15 m to 10 m


  • duration decreased from infinite to 15 sec ( or to 20 )
  • Timer starts after 0.25 it hits the ground ( but it still can be used in air )
  • CD decreased from 6 to 4
  • CD starts when Sombra uses TL
  • became unbreakable
  • Sombra can’t longer break it manually
  • Va when Sombra throws translocator decreased from (?) to 10 m


  • cast time increased from 0.65 sec to 0.8 sec
  • recovery CD from canceling hack removed
  • duration increased from 5 sec to 6 sec ( for EMP too )
  • sugar skull when Sombra hacks someone is much brighter and hacked target’s phrases ( which he says when gets hacked ) is much louder now


  • spread increased by 10% ( from 2.4 deegres to 2.7 )


Firing rate from 0.85 to 0.7
Ammunition from 5 to 6
Oh wait !!! he has been like that before but was nerfed for no reason :man_shrugging:t2:
Revert arising upper cut from 0.35 to 0.30 he will be perfect


  • Configuration cast time to recon reduced from 0.5 seconds down to 0.25 seconds
  • Configuration cast time to turret reduced from 1 second down to 0.5 seconds
  • Configuration cast time to Configuration: Tank reduced from 1.5 seconds down to 0.75 seconds
  • During transformation cast time Bastion keeps its passive
  • Configuration: Tank damage increase from 205 damage per shot up to 255 damage per shot
  • Configuration: Tank splash damage increased from 42 - 140 up to 50-170
  • Configuration: Tank fire rate decreased from 1 shot per second to 1 shot per 1.2 seconds

This should fix the hero by making it a bit more mobile while also fitting its ultimate to the new 225 hp heroes. If 255 is too much we can always just try 230 damage while changing fire rate again…


Hook CD down to 8s from 12s
HP nerf reverted to 200, just stupid how fast you die now without any chance to get away.
Snipersot consumed Amo down to 4, increase max Amo to 40.


Remove all hook breaks when opponent uses a movement ability (mcree roll, mercy dash, etc)

It’s just a dumb nerf for absolutely no reason.


  • Beam Level 1 Damage increased from 60 to 80.
  • Orb Velocity increased from 25 to 35 meters per second.
Orb Charge Mechanic Reversed

Starts at Max Charge. Pressing secondary will fire orb, setting Orb charge to 0% and will climb to 100% over 1 second. Pressing secondary at anytime will fire an Orb with size/damage relevant to charge level. So spamming will fire weak Orbs while waiting will get you stronger shots.

This change is designed to give Symmetra an on-demand Burst damage option.

  • Turrets no longer cost a charge stock simply for relocation. Only when they are destroyed. Rule of 3 active Turrets on field still applies. Can have 3 on standby.

  • Teleporter now allows allies to see what’s on the other side. Symmetra (and only Symmetra) is now able to fire Beam and Orbs through Teleporter. Allies can only send through what they currently are able to.

  • Enemies that touch Photon Barrier Ultimate will take 15 DPS.