Can we stop asking for devs to get fired?

Yep just found one of 'em

oh I see there is multiple

folks need to go outside if they feel they have to threaten the livelihood of another person or group because they don’t like something about their art

no one is forcing you to play this video game made out of pixels and code and no one should be losing their jobs over it

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Baby are you mad about something I said? You seem to be pressed about something someone said that has 0 effect on your life.

Why shouldn’t someone move to a different position outside of game development on OW if they did a piss poor job? These people let the game die for several years. Why do they deserve more chances?


unless this game is the only way they have to cope in life, someone’s opinion is never worth that much. it’s a video game, grow up.

I hate to break it to you, but they’re making this game so people will enjoy it and give feedback. If they don’t wanna see what I’m saying they don’t have to look :slight_smile:

But let’s talk about how this “Kate” person quoted me saying that I want them fired. Did this person mention that I agree with some of their changes? Nah. I do agree with some of them. But most of them I don’t. As a result, I’m severely disappointed in the balance team. Do you expect me to praise them just because they worked some hours to make changes I think are crap?

How did Kate’s statement say or imply anything about them being pressed? They only stated that you said in your post (nothing more was mentioned) in quotes:

I simply do not understand what you mean. As well you are complaining on your post about literally something,

And added clarification

Also I think that quote from Kate was replying to my question, unsure, but here is the question I had originally that came right before they quoted you:

… also doesn’t everything that can possibly be said about here (besides illegal information or something like that) have 0 effect on anyone’s lives here?

If its a bad product jobs will be lost… Thats how it goes. Telling the devs its a bad product is just friendly at this point.


this is smart
the teams making the balance decisions should really just… take a step back and look and rethink
since really, you remove them and get a new batch, you think they wont do the same thing?


Actually yeah re-assigning would probably be a really good move.

Honestly, this is the only valid person that should be called for termination…

Sadly, this is very unlikely

that could also work
I mean hell, maybe when microsoft takes over they will break down the team system and make it more open

i been fired before in some jobs i had. most of the time it really wasnt my fault :wink:

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The rage goes beyond the balance team. In fact, who could single out the “balance” when the game is a setback in terms of complexity, and the client is an incomplete buggy joke.

I’m not mad at missing content. And I’m not mad at how heroes feel. I’m mad at tech that takes away my progression and sense of worth as a gamer. We’re watching them roll out a sequel with fewer working in-game systems than the product we already paid for. And those in-game systems never improved (much) after years and years.

There is so much wrong with the franchise right now. 4 years content drought with OW1 dropping into irrelevance. No problem they say, keep praising us we are promising you the moon come 2021, 2022, 2023, etc. Ok so where is it?

My thoughts condemn their HR department. Don’t they have performance reviews? I’m sorry but most of us work for a living and work hard for a paycheck. They are making BIG salaries down in Irvine. The best of the best of AAA. There are 200+ names on the credits list. OW2 doesn’t really showcase this value mapping (200 salaries x4 years → this!?).

They broke faith with us and it shows. People are mad at this cash grab and you can’t direct the anger at the game since it’s barely playable. It probably goes back to the higher-ups and internal scandals, as mentioned.

But people are fed up. In large numbers. They are starving and the team keeps saying “let them eat cake”. No thanks, eventually we bring you to the guillotine.


Reddit be like:

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I wonder how hard it would be for one of them to leave the company, break NDA (or w/e stops the leaks) - and go full whistleblower on the internal work conditions. Like how did they get such bad development cycles. Lack of talent? Lack of motivation? Poor management? Corporate culture? Once in a career blunders? All of the above?

If that’s the case, then they absolutely need to clean house. This wouldn’t be a first in the software industry.

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Yeah, nobody’s perfect, but you don’t see any of the developers in his place doing this

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And then you remember about all those bills you have to pay, and you shove you dignity up your rear.

Very hard, because only someone at the end of their career would dare to do it. As it’s pretty much the end - top management of different corps often keep comms with each other, so it’s red ticket for life, no one will hire them. As all corporations have their skeletons in closet they want to keep hidden.

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I don’t have an issue with people being upset with the dev team or Blizzard as a whole. That’s your right as a consumer. If you have a grievance let it be heard. I’m not saying people should be censored here.

My post (and this specific topic) is about this kneejerk reaction some people have to fire devs just because they don’t agree with the Mercy change, for example.

In many ways, balance is subjective. No matter what the devs do balance wise, somebody will love it and somebody will hate it. Sorry, but I don’t agree with firing people just because they have a different vision of balance than myself. Not to mention, if people are upset with Blizz at the executive level, firing a few devs is not going to fix the problem.

This is a beta. The point is to test out ideas. I’m going to reserve judgment for the finished product in October. We don’t even know if these changes will make it to live.

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