Mercy requires you to look at the sky to go up now?

Now there’s yet another piece of nonsense in the middle of my screen and I have to look up to get upwards mobility.

It feels terrible, unintuitive, and makes me dizzy.

Please fire the people working on mercy.


You can also look down and hold S, I hear you go even higher if you do it this way

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yep. you either have to look at the sky or all the way at the ground. it’s extremely annoying as i’d like to be able to look at my teammates instead but team 4 doesn’t understand how to balance




It feels more natural to do it that way somehow? I have to make a smaller change to my camera. I still hate it vs just getting lunched without changing my camera.

I’m also getting slightly more height.

Why are they changing this at all?

Why dont I have anything new for Overwatch 2?

Ugh this is terrible!

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Probably because you’ll already be looking down at your allies and enemies instead of looking all the way up than moving your camera back down

I’m used to holding 2 key while flying too.

Yes, it’s totally rubbish, today I tried it again in a game and it was horrible, horrible!!!

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I’m pretty sure you can change individual characters aiming sensitivity. Maybe set your mercy verticals sensitivity higher. Shouldn’t be too bad for aiming since you’re playing Mercy. I wouldn’t do that for other characters.

It shouldn’t be that bad, especially for Mercy since she doesn’t need to aim… Ashe has the same mechanic just reversed directions. Pharah does too with her E and rocket jumps. And Junkrat… Maybe someone else I’m forgetting has it as well

After playing around it feels like the omni directional super jump is worth it from my experience. The meter just kinda sucks and needs to fill up faster imo

Lucio has been like that for years, it makes sense once you get used to it.


Oh yeah ill just use 2 different aim sensitivities.

Who cares about using my gun or having fun anyway.


I do it. My melee heroes have a higher sensitivity, I do it with Mercy and Winston also.

No problems here.

Enjoy I guess?

Maybe lots of healers like it?

I dont.

Dont see any posts saying they like it.


Next time I’ll be sure not to make any helpful suggestions in your topics.

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Yeah, I noticed that when I was trying to use the ability… On console its especially horrendous trying to look directly up at the end of GA just to get height.

I dunno what these devs are doing but everything just reeks of rushed and unintuitive ideas :unamused:


I like the omni-directional Mercy dash but I recognize that on console, it probably feels way harder to do instantly

Also, in my experience, I enjoyed the “kite-like” feeling on Mercy where I could just GA and superjump while tethered and facing wherever so I can understand people being frustrated with losing it. (The big issue to me seems to be how Mercy’s “float” ability interacts with the charge mechanic. I suggested just putting Superjump on Shift so it is like a ‘double jump’ but it seems some would rather keep it on spacebar despite the lack of float?)

My few points:

  • The max charge meter should be cut down. I think a lot of players would be happier if they could do shorter super jumps instead of needing to reach max charge. It feels a bit clunky at the moment.
  • A toggle feature could help here. I don’t think they are trying to delete GA so if we could have some variations of it that players can choose from, that could help a lot.

My biggest ask: Let GA work without allies.

  • Mercy GA’s no one = Directional dash.
  • Mercy GA’s an ally = Slingshots Mercy based on her input (holding S sends her back like in OW2 beta- hold left/right to send her to the side; everything is based on ally positioning)

In this scenario, Mercy could GA to an ally and then superjump to the side or face away and do a sharp super jump in the direction she wants. Cut the the charge time so she feels fluid. I see Mercy as a ‘flying support’ so just throw in the whole sink and let her be our best flying hero.

Yes its the worst SJ to date, dont pay attention to the streamers and naysayers who are literally beating around the bush, its actually complete garbage besides maybe the backwards GA stuff.

SJ never should have been touched, its not what Mercys problem was, its ALWAYS been pocketing, and forcing the Mercy player to be a side-kick rather than a hero, forcing them to rely on the team more than any other hero, etc.

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Going towards the direction that you are looking at is more intuitive than getting yanked towards somewhere you dont even bother to look. Or is Mercy a new no aim no look hero?

And any hero who is hunting Mercy has to look up on top of aiming, it feels dizzy as well, just saying.

It’s not like you need to aim.