Can we stop asking for devs to get fired?

Anyone trying to turn this “arguement” the other way around…

Just stop. No matter how much you dislike changes in a flipping video game, doesn’t excuse or give you the right to say or ask for someone, dev or not. To lose their career, their source of income.

You have no right.

Your a consumer, and at the end of the day it’s just a flipping video game. Devs are humans too.

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What??? You have a job, but are doing it badly?? And your consumers are asking for change or replacement due to repeated incompetence?? OH THE CRUEL INHUMANITY OF IT ALL. Perhaps keep to your namesake lol


Yea… its not “devs” to be mad at, just corpo itself. i mean lately some guy stated that game devs who dont do microtransactions are idiots if i reemmber right? I think he was from EA or former guy from there idk, still this is how higher ups work, they see profit not a product.

You have something against people old enough to remember that? Big yikes. I’m embarrassed to have you on these forums.


Someone already did. The head of the company kept coming down and changing what they were working on, constantly.

They didn’t get any time work on ow2 since they were always being pulled off into weird little side projects

No doubt he also screwed with balance himself, etc.

bobby kotick? wonder if he plays overwatch and if he does who does he main…

my guess would be soldier 76

actually would be crazy if he mains mercy :rofl:

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Overall they did a great job on OW2 feels faster and more fun.

Perhaps learn some morals?
Learn that at the end of the day, it’s a video game? And your calling for someone, a human, an individual to lose their career and source of income.

Because you dislike / disliked a change in a video game. :neutral_face:

a small, minor insignificant few, who apparently give no :poop:'s about the human on the otherside of the game.

Not to mention, there are to my knowledge very few instances of consumers getting a dev booted. That typically falls to higher ups, so if you want someone to blame. Blame the cooperate :poop: heads on mismanaging the devs, or leading them astray and wasting their time. That apparently Kotick did more than once with the OW team.

Cause otherwise once again…

On topics like these, I tend to become unmuted for a reason. :slightly_smiling_face:

Let’s be honest folks. Whether the Devs have any talent at all - its hard to tell. Its the top that is the issue. They have gotten rid of all the people that focused on making games fun because it sounds bad (I guess).

The devs are not the issue. It’s upper management. Hopefully MS will step in, but I am not counting on it.

That’s part of the issue for many players. They didn’t need to make OW2 a faster game but they did, and it’s not fun for many players.

Oh, my bleeding heart! I’m not sure what cotton-socked world you live in lol.
Be it video game, product, government or service. If you’re being payed to provide a service and failing or take actions that cause criticism, dissent and dissatisfaction. Heads end up rolling from higher ups. see:Allen Brack

You can’t argue ‘oh I HAVE A LIVING TO MAKE I’M HUMAN SPARE ME’. Lol What a deranged argument. This isn’t a small indie company


Your right, expect government folks never get fired irl lol

I do not want anyone fired, but I do believe the game would be slightly better if they replaced you know who as head of balance.

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Usually when someone sucks at their job it’s reasonable to expect that person to get fired, that’s what happens irl at least
Not saying the devs suck but looking at monstrosities they created like current doom, junkrat as a whole, launch brig, moth mercy etc you’d expect blizzard to do something by now (if they want OW2 to succeed that is)


Oh boy would I have a lot to say on this topic but I usually avoid walls of text so I’ll point out just few things:

  • If game is preforming bad and there is lack of content - by simple logical deduction who is to blame in 1st line ? Devs
  • If criticism is not to be directed at the devs then whose fault it is ?
  • Game dev (software dev - since game dev doesnt exist ) is not an unrewarding job to do, in fact you could argue that senior devs position is currently the best job in the world as well as best paid. They signed to work for bad company like blizzard with own free will nobody made them do so, because they thought it would look nice on their CV in future.
  • Seeing what is presented to us with OW2 they deserve every single bit of criticism they get, because their own willingful actions led them to this point in time and this situation.

I think we are aiming a bit low. Developer Management is ultimately responsible UNLESS they were told who to hire and use. If they had a team forced on them then I would go to the Overwatch Management (which is were I think most of the blame belongs). If the management is accepting what is coming out OR directing the developers to do what is happening, don’t blame the little guy.

I will blame the developers for the poor performance, but for the over all direction I have to go with management. Been in both spots, and the only ones that can change the issues (be it firing or new direction) is the management team.

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I’m a software developer. The number of times decision makers (non-developers) force me to implement lousy ideas, or want to voice their opinion on technical solutions when they know nothing about them, is absolutely depressing.

So yes, if you want to blame someone, blame directors, not developers


I mean if someone isn’t doing their job well then they usually get fired… that goes for any industry.

Peronsally I’d never suggest it, but I don’t have any sympathy for the devs either. And those who have the power to fire devs are no better than the devs.


Would you like to have an employee whose actions constantly make your customers go away?


So… you agree with me then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: