Did you even read Titanium’s thread? That was the culmination of all our ideas.
Also making rez stronger? Most of us agree we want a cast time and LOS checks. That’s a nerf.
No I did not lol.
It’s amazing how you guys keep throwing that around with no proof.
I don’t think you know the rabbit hole you’ve just stepped in.
Maybe you should take that as a sign that what you’re doing is useless finger-pointing that doesn’t help anyone.
Just a thought.
Titanium’s post:
Removed as a basic ability and placed as Mercy’s ultimate ability.
15 meter range.
Line of sight requirement. Does not apply to destructibles, payloads, or non-fundamental map obstacles that are too small to actually obscure a player. In other words, none of that BS where a player can move behind a lamp post to evade a nuclear explosion.
1 second cast time. Basic movement is unrestricted while casting, but all attacks and abilities are disabled for Mercy during this time.
If Mercy is stunned or killed while casting, Resurrect does not activate and Mercy loses all ultimate charge.
All living allies within range and LoS of Mercy once the cast time ends receive a burst heal of 150 HP. Mercy also receives this burst heal.
All dead allies within range and LoS of Mercy once the cast time ends are revived at full health and receive 2.25 seconds of invulnerability (same as current Resurrect and Resurrect pre-rework).
Mercy does not receive invulnerability upon Resurrect’s activation.
Resurrect does not require dead allies to be activated.
1625 ultimate charge requirement (the same as Mercy 1.x’s Resurrect).
Most importantly, this takes Resurrect off one of Mercy’s basic abilities and places it into a position that matches its ultimate-like behavior. On top of this, various trade-offs were made to the ability to allow for the healing burst and the introduction of a second basic ability.
The healing burst, post-rez vulnerability, cast time, and LoS requirements all incentivise using Resurrect to revive 0-3 players rather than 4+ players. Attempting to use it on four or more players runs a greater risk a failed resurrect attempt due to the cast time. If Mercy manages to use Resurrect, there is a greater chance that she missed some allies due to the LoS requirement. If those two drawbacks do not drag her team down enough, there is also the fact that Mercy is vulnerable post-rez while her teammates are still reviving.
The healing burst and fire-at-will mechanics on Resurrect make the ability more flexible and open up some unique uses for it. For example, Mercy could use Resurrect to grant her team a burst of healing in the middle of the teamfight to keep their momentum going rather than waiting for an ally to rejoin the fight after being killed and revived.
New Basic Ability - Pacify:
After a .5 second wind-up, Mercy launches a single hitscan attack from her left hand.
The projectile’s hitbox size resembles that of Symmetra’s secondary fire.
The projectile deals no damage upon impact with an enemy. Instead, it applies a debuff that reduces the base damage dealt by the target by 33%. 100 damage is reduced to 67 damage before other damage amplifiers/reductions are factored in.
This debuff lasts for 4 seconds.
The projectile does not persist once it hits an enemy. It is only able to affect one enemy for each use.
The projectile is blocked by barriers, Defense Matrix, and Particle Barriers. It can be deflected by Genji’s Deflect ability.
10 second cooldown. The cooldown begins after the ability is cast.
There is a .25 second wind-down time after Pacify is launched.
During the wind-up and wind-down times, Mercy is not able to use her staff, her pistol, or Resurrect. She may use Guardian Angel, however.
Does not affect non-player entities and constructs (turrets, Rip-Tire, Supercharger, etc).
Caduceus Staff:
Healing beam’s rate of healing remains at 60 health/second.
Angelic Descent:
For the first one second of Angelic Descent’s use while airborne, Mercy does not lose altitude. After one second of this, Angelic Descent decays into the featherfall currently provided by Angelic Descent.
This effect can only be used once while in the air. If it has been expended, Mercy must first make contact with the ground before using it again.
EeveeA has given quite a positive response on it, I think it means a lot, thanks.
This, I have seen countless people explain to them the Titanium post which offers many solutions, as well as answer such a question. I’m not sure why they keep bringing it up.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
We have, numerous times. Including old, troll pick mass rez. I know you have read them, so why do you keep saying this?
Like what?
I genuinely am not aware of any.
All I see proposed is make Rez, easier and more powerful.
Here you go, give it a read
You all know why I’m here by this point. This is my 5th thread on this topic, and as you can see, I’m not limited in thread title variations. Great news, though! I got bored of my previous text on top of the fact that I had lots of time to think while on vacation, so I’m writing this entire thing from scratch!
Resurrect Let’s dive straight into this.
Balance! Or… Lack Thereof:
Resurrect is currently the reason Mercy is imbalanced.
How so, you might ask, citing Mercy’s Resurrect stati…
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
Why don’t you tell me instead of just saying it, bud. Because I’d really like to talk about it.
Then clearly you have not been reading. XP
Read the rest of the post my dude.
its a good read.
Why is it, after reading all the posts here in this thread (twice), one I would normally just read and move on without responding to, are you the only one with discontent as to its existence?
Much like I normally do you could have just read it and clicked on [general discussion] at the bottom, my normal action with a thread like this.
Why is it that in every thread dedicated to Mercy you are obligated to make a comment, normally in an attempt to “stir the pot”?
Proceeds to bring it up
Your attempt at satire has failed you, considering the context.
This. They seem to be extremely against the Mercy mains they have bashed in this forum, but yet, here they are once again, following us around and trying to cause problems…
I’m pretty sure that qualifies as Harassment, and in worst cases, warrants a ban.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
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That’s pathetic. You want us to give you a situation in which rez isn’t stronger overall, but won’t even CONSIDER removing Valkyrie?
Don’t tell us to give you suggestions if you just won’t read them. Useless.
brought up is not in reference to the thread-- it’s in reference to the question.
That’s pathetic. You want us to give you a situation in which rez isn’t stronger overall, but won’t even CONSIDER removing Valkyrie?
Don’t tell us to give you suggestions if you just won’t read them. Useless.
And you guys won’t even consider making Valkyrie worthwhile.
Lots of Mercys on the forums have associated fun = power/stomping all over the enemy team.
So when she gets nerfed, she’s “no longer fun” but her playstyle hasn’t changed a bit.
Dude, you couldn’t be more wrong. We DESPISED how OP and skill-less and boring Mercy became after her rework. We hated Mercy being a must-pick. We want her to be fun and balanced.
No I did not lol.
Is that so?
(the first one is just you being ignorant and rude.)
The second one is saying that our activities are like the ones of a cult. Which, non-directly, is you naming us as cultists.