Stop being Mean to Mercy players who want her fun. Stop calling people that want changes to her cultists. Just stop. You do nothing but split the community apart even more. What is the point of this. If you help the Mercy players to get their hero fun again they will stop crying. I’m sure of it.
I mean it’s up to you if you will call them/us cultists. Only you get silenced and only your threads get locked
I just wish the community come up with a consensus where both sides would be somewhat satisfied and do that…
As much as I agree with you, the main problem is this. Others versions of fun, by no means all but still a great portion, involve an Unviable Mercy is a Mercy with no Rez. People do not like to see their kills reversed, their hard work undone by the (not so) Simple press of a button. As long as Mercy is able to undo kills, she will not be ”Fun” to anyone but those who play her.
Also, the whole “Cult” thing, it is much much easier to illegitimise someone’s views by demonising them, making them seem bad. To get the people to rally behind you against the great ”Evil” that has befallen the land.
I don’t think its so much that as like…you could go into a forum about Hanzo and someone will insult a Mercy player, or make a comparison to Mercy mains and how “horrible” they are, when the thread isn’t even about them. Asking for nerfs on any hero, you’re bound to find someone throwing Mercy and her players under the bus for no reason other than to be mean.
Then that mentality only worsens in threads with concern for Mercy, and nothing constructive gets done because it’s filled with jerks. That behavior has to stop. Its nonsensical.
Well I’m trying to tell people to help Mercy players get the changes they want so that she feels fun and balanced (reference to Titanium’s post) but people continue saying she is both fun and viable when they have under 2 hrs on her. And most of them ar3e in quick play. As it currently stands she is both terrible (under 50% win rate) and unfun for the Mercy player (and for the tank players on her team)
I stand by my original ideology on increasing Mercy fun.
Keep her as is…but give her a barrel roll during guardian angel. Either for just increased evasion or maybe its drops some healing fairy dust over allies.
I think they could with another rework, the one in Titanium’s thread. I mean pacify won’t be fun for DPS players, but it increases Mercy’s skill floor and ceiling. EeveeA said the rework is fine so I mean, if we boost it up a little so blizzard sees it maybe mercy will finally be in a good place
This wasnt as much as a problem back when rez was tied to ult. At least back than youd only use it to counter ults not normal gameplay (seeing as a lot ultimates made killing far easier it should make sense to undo that for a zero sum kind of thing) sure mass rez had problems but all it lacked was actual counterplay. But my point isnt to bring back mass rez, it s simply to tie rez to the ult. The problem with cd rez is it interferes with normal gameplay (by this i mean sans ult) because you get a free charge every 30 seconds.
I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t hate anyone. I am a dps player, I play mercy when needed. Right now though Zen, Ana and Moira just bring more utility to the team. I’m good enough at Ana and Moira to not have to Mercy in any scenario, except the one where my dps is awful and I need to boost them.
I disagree with this notion. When has Blizzard ever implemented a community suggestion? They’re not going to implement a version of Mercy that is fun and is grossly OP. We take into consideration, too seriously, the suggestions of others on this forum. As if a person making the suggestion has a direct line of communication to blizzard and the idea would be implemented immediately on the PTR. It doesn’t matter what’s suggested, wether or not it’s reasonable because Blizzard most likely isn’t going to implement it. I learned that after writing several novel sized posts about Dva… and now, despite my efforts, the hero doesn’t really resemble anything that I enjoy playing anymore. But no one cares about how I feel or my feedback. At least Dva is still viable and can be fun to play.
Mercy as she is, is supremely boring. Her whole kit is balanced around a 30 second cooldown ability which brings her - a highly mobile character to a grinding halt so that she can be easily shot in the head. Other than ressurecting, Mercy’s only role is to follow people around with her stick. I refuse to play such an uninteresting character, and I don’t believe she bears any resemblance to a hero.
I think that Mercy can be balanced and fun to play. I think res could be baked into valk to make valk not totally uninspired and boring. How will Blizzard do it? I don’t know, I’m not paid to do their job for them. Let them figure it out.
she wanted to kill herself, why didn’t she do it istg. We could’ve gotten Lor’themar or another Night elf burn teldrassil instead, I dunno I want some diversity. Sylvanas is just being a biitch 24/7, its just boring already