"You're a Cult!" & The Toxicity | Let's Stop The Maliciousness

Because they’re acting like a cult. Their behavior is extremely similar to a cult activity.

Between mindless spam/chanting identical things over and over from community members, to silencing or ganging up on players that think she is fine, they’re acting like a cult.

I can’t tell you how many times OP (and others) have ruined threads that 1% related to Mercy. I can’t tell you how many times OP (and others) have taken things out of context (like, “you’re a cult” for example, the postee meant “acting like a cult” but it’s not clear out of context). I can’t tell you how many times they have ignored toxic players that agree with their stance but call out toxic players that disagree across multiple topics.

I can’t tell you how many threads I’ve seen invaded by this mercy wave.

They’re spreading like an infection. And there’s nothing we can do at this point.