Can we get a real genji counter?

This thread still exists, and hasn’t been 404’d yet for trolling? Seriously…? :thinking:

And what’s more, people actually indulging in the request of someone asking for a hard-counter to exist with little to no effort to be applied in said counter’s use? When heroes like: Brig, Winston, Sombra, Mei, etc. exist? Why is the bait being taken?

Very admirable behavior, making a Smurf specifically to stomp low ranked players.

So glad this is something overwatch league players get away with, thanks blizzard!

It was nothing to do with stomping low rated players, the point of him doing it, just as most players who make an alt account is to play to the rank they belong at on that hero.

It’s only smurfing if:

A: You play a role to intentionally place lower than you would playing your main role then use said main role to stomp lower ranks.


B: Intentionally throw games for the same result.

Making an alt account and trying your hardest to place it on any hero means it isn’t a smurf.

If you want to blame anything, blame the matchmaker for not accurately placing players and instead forcing them to play games at lower SR in order to get to the rank they deserve.

I can make a new account playing Mei or Genji and It’ll probably place 800-900 SR below where my main is currently (If I place it on OCE servers) and it’ll take me 30-40 games to get to where it should be at best.

Most recently: I made a new account, got it to level 25 in a duo, played placements in a duo, we both went 10-0 in placements and placed somewhere in low Masters (3567 or something for me and 3580 or 90ish for him), we went 30-1 in games through Masters before we hit the ranks we should have been in.

That’s not me or him making a smurf, we played our main roles and got placed lower than we belong. Just as Dafran making his Torbjorn account and playing low rated games in placements and being placed below where he belongs afterwards wasn’t the fault of him, but rather the MM.

If a winston saves his jump -after- he starts attacking a genji, it’s quite easy to chase him down and secure the elim…

…shoot, so many genji’s still try to deflect the winston’s tesla cannon that I’m surprised more people aren’t using him to counter genji

Your threat constitutes far more harassment than any opposing opinion could.


Bad players who can’t aim if their life depended on it don’t know what it’s like to play Genji into a good Widow. You basically have to use deflect or ss moving from cover to cover as you close in on the Widow or you get body shot for 120 hp.

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Not to mention whenever you dive the Widow with your Swift Strike she will grapple away and try to snipe you mid-air and from afar, and you can’t close in on her reliably until your Swift Strike is off cooldown.

A good Widow puts up quite the fight against a good Genji.

He’s already played the victim a bunch of times and pretended he’s been harassed when no such thing has occurred for god knows what reason, as going as far to say that calling him a liar after he lied (in relation to one of these comments or a similar one and refusal to provide evidence for anything he said) was harassment.

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I remember when Jeff told him Genji is balanced and the response was something along the lines of:




I go for a whole day expecting this thread to die and I come back to see it about to hit 700 posts.

Never change OW forums.

No one talks about stuff everyone agrees on


It’s ok, not everyone will like Pineapple pizza.

Unless your name is CaptPlanet, where you refuse to respond to anyone who disagrees with you regardless of evidence provided for the opposite side of the argument :joy:

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Looks like I’m missing a lot of forum drama again, I should increase my time visits for entertainment.

while you’re at it give us a real Tracer counter.

Not to mention if you call him out for talking bad about you…



Why do people even bother wasting their own time posting stuff like this? Did you forget about Brigitte?

So you are telling me that here we have a tool that less than 1% of the total playerbase can utilize in a manner what can be considered useful.

Sombra currently is nothing more than an annoyance and in my opinion she needs buffs to be considered a good hero choice. The few people who argue that hack kills them are either players who cant aim at all or lucio players.

Guys - here’s a tip.

This guy got banned on HotS forum for a month for trolling. Just flag and move on.

Also hi Hailfail. <3

The people who argue Sombra can’t kill anything are the players who can’t aim at all.

A hacked enemy is virtually removed from the fight unless they’re playing a hero like McCree who uses their abilities as just a bonus to their weapon, heroes like Genji and Doomfist who rely on their abilities to make their weapon useful or just rely on their abilities to do their job like Reinhardt get completely crippled by hack.