Can we get a real genji counter?

I know, It’s always reminded me of Doomfist :joy:

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I’ll admit I didn’t notice since they changed their icon from Kerrigan a few days ago, buuuuuuuut I also wasn’t arguing with OP so I guess I have that going for me???

Only if you’re incapable of hitting shots.

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I think the correct word is outplay

Genji presses Q and holds M1; time to die. Yup, incredibly fun gameplay. Shame it happens a gazillion times. But it’s cyber ninja cool boy, so no major changes will come to him, in danger of scaring away the edgy cyber ninja players.

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Do we need to point out that Sombra has the lowest pickrates and lowest winrates across all ranks?

I mean if the only thing holding her back is communication that would mean that in gm and top 500 she would be used widely because of how effective she is but thats not the case.

Whether you like it or not that’s what the game was created on as a foundation.

Most games do typically have rock paper scissors btw as a competitve scene.

Like what games?? That are popular?

Agree it does happen cause you can’t avoid it all the time. But not a core feature they focus on

People on the forums seriously overestimate the levels of cooperativeness in GM, often there’s not many people talking at all.

Cough cough, my new hero cough cough

Did you even read the OP’s post? Like, completely?

He wants a reliable Genji counter. None of those can reliably counter Genji.

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No, in fact thats the foundation they want to avoid.

You can pick a counter, which will make the character’s job harder, but will never force you off, unless its one of those rare matchups where there’s only like 5-6 bad matchups.

They all counter genji


A lot of them do…

The OP wants a free elim on Genji, not a counter.


Any and all MOBAs?

Even fighting games provide easier match ups when pit against specific fighters due to how they operate / frame data. The fighters that are good no matter what the match up typically are played most often due to the imbalance here too. Look at super smash brothers, street fighter, and soul calibur as just a few examples.

RTS too, Starcraft 2 for example for the sake of making another example from Blizzard if it helps any. Specific units counter specific units. Can’t just mass spam 1 unit to win etc.

Either way, I don’t know if OW will ever feel cohesive due to the disparity of which heroes are more playable than others unless they do a big overhaul to allow all heroes to be played more often rather than just a handful but it is due to this that the core gameplay doesn’t work well here and why you’ll never see for example a Junkrat or Symmetra carry a game like a Genji or Widowmaker could.

The have some counter picks in the game just because there are so many heroes it just a side affect of balance issues.

Never once have I heard we made hero A to make sure you can’t play hero B in LOL

RTS doesn’t count either because you have ALL the tools to win. Zerg doesn’t hard counter Protoss

Thanks for responding to the 1st sentence only without read everything else as further examples. I’ll just stop here due to how fast you responded after this reply I guess.

Anyways, in MOBAs you can’t flat out play some heroes due to the presence of others (in high tier play due to skill of course) that is why they have hero bans and such before the game so you can plan accordingly before the match.

The rest is bad as well if you really want me to get into it more.

ZERG doesn’t hard counter PROTOSS. You have all the units and tools you need to win against any other army that is the whole goal of the balance system.

There is no, I pick Terran therefore you lost picking ZERG

Let’s look at what you typed first, as reference.

I originally said “Most games do typically have rock paper scissors btw as a competitve scene.”

You responded with

I provided you multiple answers

You responded with

And then edited with

followed by

Completely missing the point btw with the starcraft reference, you obviously don’t pick one side to counter an entire side it’s units vs units.

Anyways, you did say RTS doesn’t even count for some reason which makes no sense because you originally posted “name POPULAR games LOL” which I did and you must have gotten depressed that I answered you flawlessly so you retorted to “that doesn’t count because… NUH UH OK!”

8 edits btw on your post above me as of the post I’m making now, keep trying to articulate some sort of meaning to your trolling for future viewers I’m outtie.

You just don’t understand the point.

The goal is never to HAVE hard counters to your initial pick so both your example have nothing to do with the point, RTS doesn’t make armies with goal of crushing other armies you don’t win based off your first pick.

LOL doesn’t make heroes with goals of hard counter other heroes.

You pick an ARMY and have all the tools to win with that army and the battle is decided by who uses the tools the best.

Just like the best balance is when you pick a HERO and have enough tools to deal with another hero and the battle is won by how you execute with your tools the best.

Just because sometimes some heroes are good against others doesn’t mean the true balance goal is “Well you picked Hero A so they can’t pick B because hero B doesn’t have any tools to fight hero A.”


Hero A doesn’t have the tools to deal with hero B therefore Hero B wins in bad game design