Can we get a real genji counter?

You have to be trolling.
Genji is one of the most countered characters in the game

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He is trolling.

This is what he did on the HotS forums. He trolled and created alt accounts to troll the forums.

Until several forum members posting private conversations to him admitting this.


Have I ever told you how great you are?

You’re great. A hero the forums need, but does not deserve.


Just flag him and moves on. He got a month suspension on the HotS forums.

So he’s gotta troll this forum for constant attention.

Funny, I could say the same for you :wink:

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What? Did you mean to reply to me?


Yeees. I’m gonna follow Hailfail around. <3

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Oh, I thought you meant Genji! My bad :joy:

Nah, just be aware of Hailfail tactics. He’ll use alt accounts, post nonsense posts and argue with everyone using failed logic.

Like I said, he got banned on the HotS forums so he has moved here to troll in the mean time.

I came to save all of you.


You must be a hero as well

Cool, let’s show this troll how to play capture the FLAG then :wink:

a huge majority of the roster counters genji lmao

I wish you luck in the wars to come with this guy. Just tell everyone what I told you, every thread, every post, every response.

He’ll get locked out again. It will just take time.

All your base are belong to us


Striker is the troll here. He’s just trying to get attention, ignore him and he gets bored + resorts to posting multiple times in quick succession to try and get a rise out of people (see above)

If you genuinely believe that then I seriously believe that you do not know what “majority” or “counter” means.

Lol, do I need to post screenshots?

http:// prntscr. com/msrepq

http:// prntscr. com/msrexa

Here’s some proof of my claims.

You got banned for being a troll and for having alt accounts. Now everyone will know here too.


wow that clears things up, thanks for providing irrefutable proof of your claim.

You’re welcome.

I mean, unlike you. I dont have a reputation of lying. (:


While thats true i dont think the best way to utilize sombra is to have a backline assasin who hacks then kills targets around the spawn shes much more useful at the frontline hacking priority targets like bastion, rein or lucio.

When it comes to hack arguments people most of the time make the claim that hack turns them useless in such an exragated way that actually makes me wonder if they have ever been hacked in the game.

With knowing that you wont gonna get actual communication till up the 1% of the playerbase most of the time the sombras just hack you as a disruptor but there isnt really a chance for sudden death by charging teammates so when someone dies hacked is because they let the sombra shoot her entire clip into them.