Can we buff Sombra a little?

I really think a little better combat potential would make her a better teammate.

Let’s just reduce her spread a bit so she can do more in the teamfight after she’s used hack or EMP. That would make her better and more consistent but shouldn’t have any chance of making her OP really.

Giving her a little bit bigger clip wouldn’t hurt either.


I would want to start by buffing how her character can communicate with the team in an automated way.

Such as sound queues, visual prompts.

Maybe even give her a Widow/Hanzo style wallhack on enemies while she is cloaked and looking straight at an enemy.


She’s so weak though. I don’t think simple communication buffs would be enough.

She’s mainly “weak” because it’s really hard for solo queue people to know when and how to coordinate with her.


I don’t think so. She has almost no pickrate even in GM. Grandmasters can communicate.

Her damage is just so bad. She doesn’t do her role as a DPS at all. Better damage would really help.


Coordination has nothing to do with it. Almost every hero is better than her even when their cooldown abilities are stripped.


If you could get free, silent wallhacks on an enemy, without a cooldown. That would be kinda crazy powerful for pro tier.

I just want them to definitely improve on the visual effect of a target being hacked.

Out of all the de-buffs, Sombra is probably the worst.

After that, I want some form of audio cue/ voice-line from Sombra depending on who she hack.

These two alone will help Sombra’s team to capitalize on the victim without a heavy based communication on the player who is playing Sombra.

I also believe that whenever the target gets hacked by Sombra, they that enemy is revealed to Sombra Known as Wall Hacks.

If needed, then the devs can implant a way to temporally increase Sombra’s damage via through her utility.

  • Hacked enemies take a small % more damage from ONLY Sombra.
  • OR…

  • Whenever Sombra exit out of Stealth, her damage increase by a small amount for 2-3 seconds.
  • There are many ways you can buff Sombra, but without making her overpowered.

    Check out my Mega-threads here: Somvra's suggestions for Sombra. 💟

    and here is another one. Improvements to Sombra2.0

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    I mean, those would be cool, but I would honestly rather have the damage.

    Sombra’s hack is already nasty enough and people feel pretty oppressed by it. I’d rather make her stronger in a different way.

    Give her a bigger clip.
    Give your teammates (or at least Sombra) wallhacks on all EMP’d or hacked enemies. This would give a lot more communication to Sombra without necessarily changing a single thing about her.

    Yeah that’s where I’d start too. It’d have virtually no effect on the pro scene, but would be really helpful for ladder. Hacked targets should be very obvious to the rest of the team, perhaps even showing hacked targets through walls.

    I agree that she needs buffs, but good luck convincing everyone else when they think shes fine because shes only usable in the top bracket :confused:

    No she definitely needs buffs to her combat potential since she has a destroyable tp and a very buggy hack. You know shes bad when SYM out of all heroes is played more than her.

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    I would be totally fine with these tbh. I just find that the communication that is required for Sombra’s team to capitalize on her utility is…so difficult to get from your teammates.

    Making it really visually and audibly clear is much better.

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    She can’t fullfill her role as a dps as she is a dps hybrid, she’s control dps, but even with hack as lame as it is to fight against, pure damage is just better. If they want to buff her combat even more, hack needs to be toned down.

    I don’t think so. She’s extremely weak right now - it looks like she was never played for any reason other than stopping Doomfist. I think she could have a straight buff, no compensation nerf.

    I really just need the bigger clip, I’m ok with the spread. Make it 25 rounds per second and 75 rounds.

    How about just have the hack do a small amount of damage, McCree’s flashbang does 25 and stuns you so you can’t even respond for almost a second. Hack could do 25 damage, that would be all I need to increase my solo elims considerably even with the current gun.

    This could work as well.

    I’d rather have her gun just be a little bit more effective. I often think the best way to engage targets with effective weapons but low health is to just attack straightaway, without hacking.