Buff_Mercy.wav (oof)

it’s absolutely okay your opinion about the game matters as much as everyone else

Hopefully Baptiste will help Mercy. Immortality field allows Mercy to not become an instant target like McCree while using deadeye when she rezzes. Also thank you for respecting my opinion, I know it’s just an opinion but I feel a lot of other people will have the same one as me you get me?

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“nerfed to the ground” shes played slot still and with a good winrate.

You may just want to find a new game if you are that invested in one hero.

You really think Blizz is going to change the balance of the entire game back to mercy dominating every match for one person?

You might as well hit uninstall

I’m not just a Mercy main but I do main healers and I do have the most playtime as Mercy. She can be impactful but only sometimes. Doomfist was nerfed to the ground and still gets played a lot. Also apparently the Mercy pick rate is very low in higher ranks but I’ll have to check that!

That’s a joke, right? He is literally the second least picked hero in the entire game since they sledged him. Symmetra and Torb at least have a niche, so their winrate is high. But not Doomfist. He’s at the bottom of the chain with a negative winrate, just like Bastion and Sombra.

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based on my first impressions baptiste works really well alongside mercy mainly because of his E

yes… there are other mercy mains on the forums that want a change
but statistically mercy is doing fine… i’m fully aware of her problems

also be careful with your word choice because people are here to argue and they won’t go easy on you

Well, she is fine so you can keep playing

Yeah I guess I’m just not used to the forums yet. This is the internet afterall so everyone will have different opinions. Also Ikkio I just meant that people still play him a bit even though he’s the worst dps right now.

But what’s your point? People still play Mercy, too. I’m just confused as to what your motive was with that comparison.

I think they will only change her if a DPS meta rises and she’s not played,she’s a DPS enabler after all so she should be top healer

As in people will still play a hero even if they’re not as good. Also Lune, I think that might be the case. Her damage boost is very good especially during Valkyrie.

So you’re saying even though she’s played, she’s still bad?

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to be honest i want ult resurrect but it is never happening so i’m sad :frowning:

Sorry oof I’m new here

What good is a stun outside of her melee range tho? By the time she gets close enough to hit you, you’re out of stun.

Sluggish … Right
The best vertical and horizontal mobility of any support , best utility , slim hitbox . Sluggish

I know, that’s why I was letting you know :stuck_out_tongue: Welcome, though. It’s not too bad here, but it can get pretty heated. Watch out :joy:

To stun an ultimate out of your range.
This idea came out because everyone cried over the fact that shield bash is not a skill shot and a stun should be one. If Whip shot stuns, it would be a skill shot.

You can also it someone close to you with Whip shot

Well I just finished playing a game with Mercy on the normal servers and I noticed that in the PTR since her Valkyrie is faster it’s a lot better. She doesn’t have the BEST vertical movement but her super jump (even though it wasn’t intended to be in the game originally) makes her a lot better.

Let me guess… Are you part of the Aria Rose cult?