Buff_Mercy.wav (oof)

I mean, Mercy is fine, but less people I have to hear whining about a balanced hero

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yeah, but is she dynamic and well designed from strictly a gameplay standpoint? the short answer is no. i can give you the long answer if you’d care to read.

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I think people forget that Tracer is the most balanced hero, but people don’t complain about her. There must be a problem there .-.

Mercy is great right now. Sure, she’s not meta, but she is balanced and that’s a fact, whether you find her enjoyable to play or not is entirely up to you and not Blizzards fault. Fun is subjective

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Hi, diamond Mercy one trick here with almost 400 hours on this account alone, Mercy is fine and fun to play :slight_smile:


you must not come on the forums often

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oisdgfkpsdokfok I dont actually know what to say anymore lul

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because she’s right and your wrong?


No lol sorry I’m new to the forums and the reddit

people complain about tracer all the time here

I was seriously considering quitting the game.

Then I came to the conclusion that stop caring is the best option.

I still play, but i just don’t care anymore, I don’t expect that things will get better for mercy at all.

Why are you talking about Tracer? I don’t understand.
Also, there’s at least 1 or 2 “nerf Tracer” threads on the forum every day

This! :heart:

Mercy main, almost Diamond (2k9, almooooost!)
Mercy’s the funniest hero and still enables a looot of heroes.

I think Moira and Brig are the heroes who needs buffs/changes, they’re not good.


don’t worry i’ve got this

brig won’t get buffs until we are out of goats meta

Ty I don’t want to say stuff and then make myself look stupid ^^^

True, I was hoping for a rework.
Here is my idea for Brig:

  • Whip shot stuns, 70dmg
  • Shield bash boops, 25dmg
  • Reduce LMB hitbox to a rectangle, 6m range, 40dmg
  • No change on repair pack
  • Rework inspire? (no idea for that)

Meant to reply to Minty with the one that says “Ty I don’t want to say stuff and then make myself look stupid ^^^.”

“Quitting until Mercy is fixed”

Sooo you’re staying?


yes and that’s totally ok no need to shame anyone!

Well I’m probably not going to quit just not going to play Mercy as much. As I said earlier I over-reacted lul

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