Buff_Mercy.wav (oof)

i m a s d c e edj d,

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:thinking::thinking: You’ll be gone for a while in that case.


don’t leave! stay here and fight for her instead!


Well then. I guess you’ll never play the game again =).


first of all, Mercy’s fine.

Second, If you’re planning on keeping your word and actually leaving until they fix the hypothetical problem you see with mercy’s kit, Goodluck with that. Most likely, IF you manage to keep your word, You’ll end up quitting the game and never coming back.

So goodbye and goodluck with your next game.


mercy is balanced what more do you want lol


lol mercy mains


So… Sadly that means you’re likely not gonna be returning…

This is part of the problem :confused:
No one wants Mercy to be buffed I guess. She just needs to be less sluggish

less sluggish? mercy is just niche

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sweetie be careful with what you say…

The buff in the PTR where she can move around while rezzing during ult makes her feel a lot better.


that’s most likely a bug

Idk I want to keep playing and I can use Ana and Lucio pretty well but it’s just like ugoisjdf.

It’s not

For you*
For me, she’s at her best state. I hated her while mass rez (too boring) and I liked her during the moth meta but didn’t like the fact to be force to play her.
Now she’s the funniest hero to me and I love her kit :slight_smile:

Oh and, she’s fine.



it is a bug but they might keep it just like super jump who knows
https ://pngimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/reaper-shrug-png-1.png

bye have a good time!

A good number of the ‘Mercy is fine’ comments I’ve found in the past often come from players who don’t main or even play Mercy, quite funny. I doubt much has changed. Some of the comments also come from those who are fearful Mercy would become overpowered again, so don’t want any changes to be made. Mercy’s skill ceiling is pretty low, unlike other healers there’s no real potential for pulling some weight to give your team an easier victory.

OP I don’t blame you, however you should stick around on the forum and continue fighting for trying to get Mercy changed. The OW team broke her when they reworked her and to date still have her in an unfinished state. They also keep nerfing her, whether directly or indirectly, despite the number of times they insist she’s now fine (balanced yes, but barely any room to shine). Baptiste looks like it could be a good alternative but it shouldn’t have to be.

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