Buff_Mercy.wav (oof)

To stun an ultimate out of your range.
This idea came out because everyone cried over the fact that shield bash is not a skill shot and a stun should be one. If Whip shot stuns, it would be a skill shot.

You can also it someone close to you with Whip shot

Well I just finished playing a game with Mercy on the normal servers and I noticed that in the PTR since her Valkyrie is faster it’s a lot better. She doesn’t have the BEST vertical movement but her super jump (even though it wasn’t intended to be in the game originally) makes her a lot better.

Let me guess… Are you part of the Aria Rose cult?

OmG sToP cOmPlAiNiNg ShE’S bAlAnCeD

O, stop victimising yourself.

  1. Ana has been trash tier. I haven’t saw the Ana mains complain as much as some Mercy players do.
  2. Saying the large part of the playerbase hate Mercy is just plain wrong.
    They hated OP Mercy.
  3. Remember when Lucio got nerfed big time on PTR? There was quite some backlash resulting in some justified adjustments.
    Mercy on the other hand had players who started movements, raids, insults to the devs and whatnot.
  4. And the last one is a big one so you might want to take a seat, but THE CURRENT MERCY IS A VIABLE BALANCED HERO!.
    Whether you like it or not, mercy is statistically fine.

Ew aria rose hell no (no offence to her but raiding the forums wouldn’t have done anything)

in my humble opinion, Mercy is i a good spot right now, you just gotto treat her play style more like an off healer. I’d love to see her have a bit more power, heck if it was just for my enjoyment id have her fly constantly no penalty, but she’s in a good spot and i have fun with her.


Ty that’s basically what I mean. She’s almost an off healer even though her healing is her main thing. She’s in an ok spot imo, like if it wasn’t for super jump I think she’d be a little oof but yeah