To all the people crying about Mercy

As I said I don’t have the raw mechanical skill that the Genji has, a person who has good mechanical skill can out preform someone without it, but I bet you that Genji one trick will say the wrong answer when I ask how many main tanks there are.

Knowing how many main tanks there are is not game sense hand has absolutely NOTHING to do with getting to Gm.

Not to be rude but that’s exactly why you’re still a plat and that genji is a GM. Nothing else about it.

Dude. Please. Why is this your litmus test to prove how knowledgeable you are.

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A good player needs to be able to player every role at their SR, a one-trick Genji cannot play tank or support at GM, they would probably be bronze.

I would like a lesson from oh great one!

If we’re talking about the main tanks of typical comps: Winston (dive), Orisa (bunker), Rein (deathball), and sometimes Hammond (4-1-1 or sometimes dive).

So, 4! (Can I have my cookie now?)

i don’t want a buff i want a rework mercy is doing fine stat wise we’re all aware of that but she has problems rez doesn’t work well with the rest of her kit and Valkyrie doesn’t change the state of the fight and it’s drawn out that’s why people find it boring and i have a stock answer for you if you’re gonna say fun is subjective so watch out for that before typing it!

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OMG an actually smart person, I congratulate you good sir

…wait I’m actually so disappointed by this

(and still no cookie)

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It might be mercy’s meta soon, with baptiste.

Hes fun and compliments her.

Why, do you believe Hammond isn’t a main tank, I can’t tell you the amount of people who say Winston isn’t a main tank but Dva is, (just for reference how dumb the community can be)

You scrubs didn’t even mention Mei. :sunglasses:

Guess I’M the real galaxy brained GM around here. :sunglasses:


What a nice, thoughtful post.

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You actually think Mei is main tank, lol, Truely a work of art here folks doesn’t even know the main tanks role is Hahahaha

No, she’s a mein tank you fool. :sunglasses:

Very funny, still doesn’t know the role of a main tank.

:rage: You got me. :rage: Exposed my tiny brain for the forums to see. :rage:

now here’s the problem with your whole argument mercy does require some skill granted some other heroes require more no one’s denying that
but here’s the thing let’s say you pick up genji and play him for 20 games in a row then you’re like ok i think i wanna play something else so you just pick up hanzo some of the skills that you acquired while playing genji can be transferred to hanzo like aiming, properly wall climbing and double jumping
but now let’s say i pick up mercy and play her for 20 games straight then i’m done w/ mercy… but i can’t play anything else because none of the skills that i acquired can’t be transferred to another hero and that’s why most mercy mains remain mercy mains
this mentality of “just pick someone else” doesn’t work with mercy

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But she’s my favorite hero! The only thing I have a problem with is everything about her!

-People who cry about Mercy

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Mercy mains are cultists and are completely unrealistic with their demands!

-People who cry about people who cry about Mercy.

We need to go deeper.


I don’t think you’re capable but I encourage you to try.

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